Mobility Hub Strategy

Last Updated 03/02/2022


Regional Mobility Hub Implementation Strategy for Imperial and San Diego Counties

The Imperial County Transportation Commission and the San Diego Association of Governments have collaborated to develop a Regional Mobility Hub Implementation Strategy to demonstrate how transportation services, amenities, and supporting technologies can work together to make it easier for communities to access transit and other shared mobility choices.

The Mobility Hub Features Catalog is a resource for regional agencies, local jurisdictions, transit operators, and private service providers as they collaborate to implement mobility hubs around the region. Three mobility hub prototype sites were identified in the Imperial Valley – El Centro, Brawley, and Imperial Valley College. An Implementation Considerations memo recommends strategies to facilitate mobility hubs including planning and policies, allocating space for hub features, data sharing, and public-private partnerships. An Equity Considerations memo summarizes some benefits, challenges, and best practices associated with the equitable implementation of mobility hubs so that everyone benefits.


Three mobility hub prototype sites were identified in Imperial County.


Imperial County and San Diego County
Lead Agency
San Diego Association of Governments
Project Funding
Caltrans Emerging Priorities Program