General Assembly & Economic Summit
2019 Economic Summit and General Assembly
ICTC in coordination with Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation hosted the 5th Annual Economic Summit and General Assembly at the Old Eucalyptus Schoolhouse located at 796 W. Evan Hewes Hwy, El Centro, CA 92243. Thank you to our sponsors!

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2018 Economic Summit and General Assembly
On May 31, 2018, ICTC partnered with SCAG and IVEDC to provide the 4th Annual Economic Summit and General Assembly at the Old Eucalyptus School located at 796 W. Evan Hewes Hwy, El Centro, CA 92243. Thank you to our sponsors!
Event Pictures
Event Program
2017 Economic Summit and General Assembly
On May 17-18, 2017, ICTC partnered with SCAG and IVEDC to provide the 3rd Annual Economic Summit and General Assembly at the Imperial Palms Hotel and Resort in Holtville, CA 92250. Thank you to our sponsors!
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2016 Economic Summit and General Assembly
On May 18-19, 2016, ICTC partnered with SCAG and IVEDC to provide the 2nd Annual Economic Summit and General Assembly at the Imperial Center – Twin Dragon Restaurant in Heber, CA. Thank you to our sponsors!
Event Program
Event Pictures
2015 Economic Summit and General Assembly
The General Assembly was held on April 30th and the Economic Summit on May 1st. It was our first since ICTC’s inception in January 2010. We partnered with IVEDC and SCAG to carry out this event. The following presenters made the event dynamic and interesting: Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia, 56th District; Jim Madaffer, Commissioner, California Transportation Commission; Cheryl Viegas-Walker, Incoming SCAG President/El Centro City Council Member; Michael Bracken, Managing Partner and Chief Economist at Development Management Group, Inc.; Dan Massiello, Senior VP of Public Finance at Kosmont Companies; Christina Casgar, Goods Movement Policy Manager for San Diego Association of Governments; Bill Plourd, President and CEO of El Toro Export, LLC; Eusebio Arballo, Chairman of IVEDC and Public Affairs Specialist of San Diego Gas and Electric; Miguel Figueroa, Director of Imperial County Workforce Development; and, Bobby Brock, President and CEO of Imperial Valley Community Foundation. The event hosted 123 attendees.