About ICTC
The Imperial County Transportation Commission was established under Senate Bill 607 (SB 607 - Ducheny) which was approved by the California Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009. As a county transportation commission, ICTC member agencies are enabled to exercise basic initiative and leadership in the transportation planning and programming process. The ICTC will act in accordance with all applicable laws and statutes for county transportation commissions. ICTC body will guide the development of the Regional Transportation Plan for the Imperial region and its Regional, State and Federal transportation improvement programs (TIPs) and their updates, including, but not limited to: the distribution and oversight of Local Transportation Fund monies; the preparation and submittal of applications for transportation related funds; approve the allocation of and claims for Transportation Development Act funds; the planning, programming and administration of regional transit services; and, encourage active citizen participation in the development and implementation of various transportation-related plans and programs.
As established under SB 607, the ICTC Board is currently composed of ten voting members and one non-voting member consisting of two members of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors; one member from each incorporated city (seven) within Imperial County who shall be the mayor of the city or a member of its city council; one member of the Board of Directors of the Imperial Irrigation District; and, one non-voting member appointed by the Governor representing the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). In the future the governing Board of the commission may also include the following ex-officio or non-voting members: one member representing the State of Baja California, Mexico, who may be appointed by the governor of the state; one member representing the municipality of Mexicali, Mexico, who may be the mayor or his or her designee; one member representing the Consul of Mexico in Calexico, California, who may be the consul or his or her designee; and, one member representing any federally recognized Native American tribe in Imperial County.
In addition to the responsibilities described above, the Commission provides direct management, administration and oversight for the following local and regional transportation programs:
Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) System and its Inner City Circulator Service (Blue, Green and Gold Lines)
MedTrans (Non-Emergency Medical Demand Response Service to San Diego)
IVT ACCESS (Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA Paratransit Service)
IVT RIDE (curb to curb transit service for seniors; persons age 55 years and over, and persons with disabilities in the Cities of Brawley, Calexico, El Centro, Imperial and West Shores)
Calexico On Demand, a new zero-emission public transportation service available in the City of Calexico. Calexico On Demand allows anyone in the service zone to book an on-demand shared ride through an app or by calling a phone number.
Local Transportation Authority (Measure D Sales Tax Program)
Assembly Bill (AB) 335 became effective on January 1, 2020, which allowed ICTC’s authority to include non-transportation programs. On March 2, 2020, ICTC took over the administration of the Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA). On July 1, 2020, ICTC took over the administration of the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE).
Other regional responsibilities include the administration of the Transportation Development Act (TDA) program, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Certification and Eligibility process. Additionally, ICTC has established an agreement with the Quechan Tribe and Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) to provide transit services to eastern Imperial County.