Minutes | Regular Meeting
February 24, 2022
Guillermo Sillas City of Brawley
Lili Falomir City of Calexico
Jeorge Galvan City of Calipatria
Andres Miramontes City of El Centro
Adriana Anguis City of Holtville
Veronica Atondo County of Imperial
Jesus Villegas City of Imperial
Ramiro Barajas City of Westmorland
David Aguirre ICTC
Virginia Mendoza ICTC
Marlene Flores ICTC
Angela Delgadillo ICTC
Angel Hernandez City of El Centro
Felix De Leon City of El Centro
Christian Rodriguez City of El Centro
Livier Lau City of Calexico
Andrea Montano City of Brawley
Juan Manuel Cabrera City of Brawley
Phillip Ramirez City of Brawley
Ana Gutierrez City of Brawley
Marco Coronel City of Imperial
Ben Guerrero Caltrans
Alexander Araiza Caltrans
Daniel Hernandez Caltrans
Ryan Fallica Caltrans
Ying Zhou Caltrans
Shawn Rizzutto Caltrans
Kevin Kane SCAG
David Salgado SCAG
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.
2. Adopted resolution authorizing remote teleconference meeting in accordance with Assembly Bill 361. ICTC requested a motion to adopt. (Falomir/Galvan). Motion Carried.
3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for February 3, 2022 (Galvan/Falomir) Motion Carried.
4. Regional Data Platform & Local Data Exchange Presentation
(Presented by SCAG: Tom Vo & Kevin Kane, PhD)
- Kevin Kane demonstrates a development update. 2022 will be used for data collection and policy development.
- Local Data Exchange (LDX) is available in Data/ Map Books and RDP.
- The objective on SCAG’s side is to forecast the development pattern for the Imperial County by 2050.
- February 23, 2022 the Local Data Exchange- Soft Launch. Data/Map book Local Data Exchange Soft Launch. Complete Launch estimated on May 4, 2022.
- Most meetings with local jurisdictions will be virtual.
- Tom Vo explains and demonstrates the Regional Data Platform. It is hub to host all the data applications and tools/resources for local planning activities. It also local jurisdictions to access into their local data exchange system.
- It is very similar to SCAG website but what is different is that this one does not only have the data that is being modified but also a live data and map from other sources.
- There are two different sites of the Local Data Exchange (LDX) page one is the public and the other is the private version where you must log in to use the tools that were designed for everyone.
- There are two different types of LDX Participates, Contributors and Reviewers. The LDX Contributors would be the person that reviewed the data and provided edits to the data. The LDX Reviewers would be senior level planning manager or planning director.
- After creating an account and getting accepted, there is a link to go to the private account where you can see the site with more details.
- There is an option to Request Technical Assistance if there is any help or more information needed.
- LDX Editor is the site where you can select a Jurisdiction and Dataset. You can provide feedback by either drawing on the map and writing a note or you can directly edit on the database.
- Jeorge Galvan from the Holt Group asked if each jurisdiction is limited to how many users can have access. Tom Vo answered that there is a one name user per jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction should get one set of licenses.
- Galvan also raised a question on how once revisions are made on the LDX editor are they posted on the SCAG website. Vo stated that there is an option to transfer it to your own account.
- Guillermo Silas, City of Brawley, questions how he can get the user information to use the system. Vo answered by demonstrating the website and by clicking on LDX request an account. That is where you can request to get user information.
- Andrea Montano states that the colors that are presented in the land use plans do not match their current plans. She questions if she supposes to give SCAG her edit. Tom Vo explains there are two different versions of the land use. First, there is the unique land use code and the second one would be the SCAG’s epoxidized land use code.
- Angel Hernandez, City of El Centro, comments on how SCAG should provide some trainings whether it is in person or virtual.
- Virginia Mendoza questions if ICTC would also be able to create a log in even if they are not a city of the county. Tom Vo answered that yes ICTC would be able to access the RDP LDX system.
- You can access the Regional Data Platform 1.0 at https://hub.scag.ca.gov/.
- If you would like to request a personalized one-on-one technical assistance with us, please send in your request at LIST@scag.ca.gov or submit your request at https://hub.scag.ca.gov/pages/request-technical-assistance!
- Send a request to their Local Information Services Team (LIST) if you'd like to have a more personalized 1-on-1 demo/walkthrough/technical assistance!
- A copy of SCAG’s RDP/LDX presentation was provided by ICTC.
5. Housing Issues Senate Bill 9 Housing Development: Approvals and Senate Bill 10 Planning and Zoning: housing development: density
(Presented by: Jeorge Galvan, The Holt Group)
- Jeorge Galvan explains the Senate Bill 9 and 10 and how both Bills provide opportunities for affordable housing. The Senate Bill 9 has been called the duplex law, which allows duplexes in single family zones. This changes things such as requiring a one parking space per unit. It also allows for subdivision existing single family residential lot.
- This means in terms for transportation and public works issues is that there will be higher density developments in residential zones.
- Mr. Galvan also explains the Senate Bill 10 which is an up zoning and transit rich areas. This leads to potential higher densities.
- Angel Hernandez, City of El Centro, comments how he has not received any requests or applications regarding SB9. He has drafted a checklist regarding the SB9 to be ahead and prepared.
- Phillip Ramirez from the City of Brawley commented on how he saw a problem in the City of Brawley that a home was divided into two lots and the front side of the house was on the street and the other was on an alley. The alley side there was the sewer service and the front side there was the water service. There will be easements needed that will make issues.
- Mr. Galvan discusses how he would like to know if there are any other potential issues there can be regarding the passage of this new law and what could be done to address those items.
- Andrea Montano stated that someone has asked recently about this and wanted to follow the same route as far as the process from each city.
- David Salgado, SCAG, stated that he will circle back with Tom Vo and Kevin Kane regarding the issues that people are facing.
6. Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSAA) Project Submittal Information
(Presented by: Virginia Mendoza and Marlene Flores)
- Option #2-Flat Distribution for Jurisdictions with less than 10,000 population Plan, with the caveat if any City or the County do not have projects to submit, their amount would be equally distributed to the other member agencies. This is an information item, and no action is required during the TAC meeting. However, project submittals must be submitted by TAC members to ICTC staff. Please submit a CRRSAA funds letter and application to Marlene Flores and Virginia Mendoza at marleneflores@imperialctc.org and virginiamendoza@imperialctc.org by 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 11, 2022.
- Sample Letters were provided on how ICTC would like to receive on the use of CRRSAA funds.
- For the region to receive the total CRRSAA apportionment, the next steps are as follow:
- ICTC will provide an excel list to District 11 after March 11th deadline. District 11 will forward list to Mr. Nestor Cuellar, DLA HQ.
- Mr. Cuellar will review/approve/deny projects on the list and will get back with the district and the agency.
- Once the list is approved by HQ, ICTC would like to submit for the next CTC meeting in May, 2022.
- Guillermo Sillas, City of Brawley, asked if the letter stating the CRRSAA funds is due March 11th and if the project that is chosen subject to federal guidelines. Virginia stated that yes, the deadline is only the letter identifying the plan on how the CRRSAA funds will be used. She also states how they will be subject to state funds, and they are not federal funds.
7. Caltrans Updates / Announcements (Presented by: Ben Guerrero):
- As of February 7, 2022 the INACTIVE and Future Inactive list was updated. Action is required by the County of Imperial, as well as these cities: Brawley and Calexico
- Notify Caltrans with any anticipated submittal date for a forthcoming inactive project invoice. FHWA now requires status updated quarterly.
- Obligation Authority (OA) funds for redistribution are dwindling faster than in prior years.
- Transmit all RFA details on LAPM Exhibit 3-A and use the newest version from January 2022- https://forms.dot.ca.gov/v2Forms/servlet/FormRenderer?frmid=LAPM3A
- As of February 1, 2022, the list of active project end dates was updated. To avoid expiration, action is required by the County of Imperial, as well as these cities: Calexico, Holtville, and Imperial.
- The Active Transportation Program Branch workshops focus on Program education, region-specific and questions relating to the upcoming 2023 ATP Cycle. These workshops are specific to a county/region; therefore, are not mandatory for all stakeholders to participate. It is held on Monday, February 28, 2022 from 12:30pm-2:30pm.
- To participate via GoToMeeting, use the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/717772317
- March 15, 2022 – Assembly Bill (AB) 1012 Cycle 22 Obligation Plan Due! In Imperial County almost $2 million from both the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program and Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) are subject to reprogramming on November 1, 2022.
- June 1, 2022 – Annual Deadline for Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibits 9-B & 9-C!
- Failure to submit the completed forms delays processing of Requests for Fund Authorization (E-76).
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 (April or May 2022) will require a mandatory Local Roadway Safety Plan (or the equivalent) from any agency applying for HSIP project funds.
- 2022 Local Assistance Publication Updates: Caltrans has released updates to the 2022 Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and the Local Assistance Program Guideline (LAPG). All changes appear in Local Programs Procedures (LPP).
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- http://www.localassistanceblog.com/2021/10/06/annual-disadvantaged-business-enterprise-goal
- Quality Assurance Program (QAP) approval expires in January 2022 for the City of Imperial.
- Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies are available to apply. Both the Federal Aid Series and Resident Engineers Academy courses fill-up quickly.
- Title VI Nondiscrimination Program:
- Local Assistance Training Day: March 22, 2022. Time: 12:30p.m-4:30p.m.
- To register: CTAP - Local Assistance Training Day (csus.edu)
8. SCAG Updates / Announcements:
- No SCAG Updates were presented.
9. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.
10. ICTC Updates / Announcements (Presented by David Aguirre, Virginia Mendoza, and Marlene Flores)
a. Transit Planning Updates
- ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements those which include Free fares for Transit riders including Med Trans. However, the Free Fare Program for all IVT Services will end March 31, 2022. These services will begin charging regular fares beginning April 1, 2022.
b. Transportation Planning Updates
1. Primary and Alternate TAC Contact List
A contact list was provided and shared to all TAC members.
2. FFY 21/22 CMAQ and STBG Obligation Status
2022 CMAQ and STBG Projects were updated.
3. Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
A stakeholders Contact list was provided and shared with all TAC members.
4. Active Transportation Plan (ATP)
The Active Transportation Plan was accepted by the Commission on February 23, 2022.
5. LTA 2018 Bond
The remaining funds for the LTA 2022 Bond were presented.
11. General Discussion / New Business
2022 CMAQ and STBQ Call for Projects: CMAQ and STBG project applications are due by 5:00p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2022. Applications should be delivered or mailed to: Imperial County Transportation Commission, 1503 N. Imperial Ave, Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243. Submit one original, six copies of each application and one PDF copy on a thumb drive or via e-mail.
If a resolution has not been adopted by the February 25th application deadline, a draft resolution should be included in the application with a note indicating the expected adoption date.
Note: May 27, 2022 Executed Resolution due to ICTC.
Next TAC meeting will be March 24, 2022, via Zoom
12. Meeting adjourned at 11:58 a.m.