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February 12th, 2025 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




10:30 a.m.


City of Brawley

Jimmy Duran

City of Calexico

Juan Contreras

City of Calipatria

Laura Gutierrez

City of El Centro


City of Holtville

Nick Wells

City of Imperial

Dennis Morita

County of Imperial

Miguel Figueroa

County of Imperial

Rebecca Terrazas-Baxter

Imperial Irrigation District

Manuel Ortiz

City of Westmorland

Laura Fischer


Cristi Lerma for David Aguirre

STAFF PRESENT: Marlene Flores, Esperanza Avila

OTHERS PRESENT: John Garcia, Nick Ventrilla, Rebecca Villarino, Michaela Howard: Caltrans

The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, February 12, 2025, together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.

I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

Chair Miguel Figueroa called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m., roll call was taken, and a quorum was present.

II.                  EMERGENCY ITEMS

There were none.

III.                 PUBLIC COMMENTS

There were none.

IV.                CONSENT ITEMS

A.                  Approval of Management Committee Draft Minutes:       January 8, 2025

B.                  Received and Filed:

1.                   ICTC Commission Minutes:                      December 11, 2024

2.                   ICTC TAC Minutes                                      December 19, 2024

3.                   ICTC SSTAC Minutes                                  December 4, 2024

A motion was made by Wells seconded by Ortiz to approve the consent calendar as presented; Motion carried unanimously.

V.                  INFORMATION CALENDAR


A.                  2025 Imperial Valley Procurement and Resource Fair

Ms. Villarino stated that Caltrans will be having an Imperial Valley Procurement & Resource Fair on April 2, 2025, at the Imperial Valley Fairgrounds. To register as an exhibitor, use the link below: Flyers for the event were also shared.  For more information, folks were encouraged to reach out to Caltrans District 11 Small Business Team, (619) 688-3151,

VI.                REPORTS

A.                  ICTC Executive Director

Ms. Lerma and Ms. Flores had the following updates:

o   ICTC will be having a groundbreaking ceremony for the Calexico Intermodal Transit Center on February 28, 2025, at 11 a.m. on the project site. City Managers were invited to attend. It is anticipated that construction will likely begin in March.

o   A new border express route began this week with success. The new route begins at the Calexico East port with stops at 3rd & Paulin, with some service to IVC. 

o   ICTC in accordance with SCAG guidelines will be implementing a call for projects for the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG). SCAG is anticipated to approve its CMAQ and STBG at its February 2025 Regional Council Meeting. The funding years associated with this call for projects is FFY 2026-27 and FFY 2027-28. ICTC will be updating its program guidelines to incorporate SCAG guideline provisions and is anticipating beginning its call for projects in March 2025. SCAG’s anticipated project submittal deadline is May 16, 2025. More information will be shared with all committees and formal guidelines will be adopted by the Commission.

o   Final projects have been identified and awarded by the commission for Reap 2.0. ICTC is working on next steps with the proposed agencies and SCAG. 

o   All ICTC Executive Directors’ updates can be found on page 24.

B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)  

Ms. Lerma had the following updates:

o   Registration for the 2025 SCAG Regional Conference & General Assembly has opened. To register click here. The SCAG RC & GA will be held on May 1-2, 2025, at JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, Ca. Agencies were reminded that if they have not selected their delegates please do so as soon as possible.

o   The SCAG Scholarship Program is accepting applications. For additional information visit the SCAG website at

o   If you have any questions, please contact SCAG Regional Affairs Officer David Salgado.

o   SCAG updates can be found on page 32 of the agenda.

C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

Mr. Garcia and Mr. Ventrilla provided the following updates:

o   SR-111 Roadside improvements have been completed.

o   A list of completed projects in 2024 are listed on page 38 of the agenda.

o    Upcoming projects include intersection widening and installation of traffic signals at SR-86 and Dogwood Road, and several major highway maintenance projects throughout Imperial County.

o   Caltrans staff and Calexico City staff met on 1/17/25 to go over the short-term alternatives and to conduct a filed visit at key intersections along SR111 and SR-98. 

o   Maintenance and traffic operations were also highlighted and are on page 41 of the agenda. 

o   Caltrans Division of Local Assistance and FHWA will be having a Discretionary Grants Program webinar on March 6, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This event is open to all California local public agencies, Tribes, RTPAs, MPOs, Discretionary Grant awardees, and FHWA/Caltrans employees involved in Discretionary Grant projects. The link is attached to register online:

o   Caltrans updates can be found on page 37 of the agenda. 

D.            Committee Member Reports

o   Mr. Figueroa provided an update regarding the recent suspension of BHE Renewables Geothermal projects. BHER’s proposed three projects represent sustainability, workforce development, economic prosperity, and transformational hope for Imperial County and its residents. Although this news is disheartening, the County understands the challenges BHER has encountered that led them to suspend the projects. Mr. Figueroa said that despite the setbacks, the County is committed to the continued development of sustainable development of both geothermal and Lithium Valley.

o   There were no other reports. 


A.                   Active Transportation Program Award

Ms. Flores provided an update of the ATP Award. The staff report is on page 52 of the agenda.

The Technical Advisory Committee met on January 23, 2025, and forwarded this item to the ICTC Management Committee for their review and approval after public comments, if any: 

1.                   Approved the Project Nomination List for the year 2025 Active Transportation Program (ATP).

2.                   Approved the recommendation of funding for the project listed in Table 2 in the amount of $338,000.

3.                   Directed staff to submit a Formal Nomination List to SCAG and proceed with the State/Federal programming and documentation.




Project Name

Total ATP Funds Requested

Total ATP Funds Awarded

Imperial County Office of Education

Safe Pathways to Schools



TOTAL Regional ATP funds



A motion was made by Fischer seconded by Wells for approval as presented; Motion carried unanimously.

VIII.             The next meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. at the ICTC offices. 

IX.                 ADJOURNMENT

                The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 a.m.