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Minutes | Regular Meeting
City of Brawley George Nava
City of Calipatria Maria Nava-Froelich
City of Calexico Raul Ureña
City of El Centro Martha Singh
City of Imperial Robert Amparano
City of Holtville Mike Goodsell
City of Westmorland Ana Beltran
County of Imperial John Hawk
County of Imperial Luis Plancarte
Imperial Irrigation District Javier Gonzalez
STAFF PRESENT: David Aguirre, Cristi Lerma, Virginia Mendoza, Michelle Bastidas, Gustavo Gomez, Esperanza Avila, Angela Delgadillo
OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Havens: Counsel; Ann Fox, Mario Orso, Rafael Reyes; Caltrans, Esperanza Colio-Warren; City of Calexico David Salgado; SCAG
PUBLIC: David Cortez, Exon Luna, John Hernandez, Stacy Mendoza, Daniela Flores, Alan Foster, Isabel Ureña, Raul Ureña, Gloria G. Romo, Jesus Serrano, Isabel Solis, Tim Jones, Gil Rebollar
The following action minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, January 25, 2023, together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.
Chair Nava-Froelich called the Commission meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present.
A. Adopted resolution authorizing remote teleconference meetings in accordance with Assembly Bill 361
1. Approved the resolution of the Imperial County Transportation Commission authorizing remote meetings in accordance with the provisions of the State Assembly Bill (AB) 361.
2. Authorized the Chairperson to sign the resolution.
A motion was made by Nava and seconded by Gonzalez, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
A. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
A motion was made by Singh and seconded by Plancarte to approve the closed session, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
Initiation of litigation (1 matter) (Government Code § 54956.9 (d)(4))
C. Announcement of Closed Session Action(s)
Mr. Havens stated the following:
· The Commission met in closed session regarding CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation (1 matter) (Government Code § 54956.9 (d)(4)), direction was given.
There were none.
Isabel Solis, representative for Amigos De la Comunidad, provided information regarding some issues she and members of her community are having with public transportation. Specifically, with the wait times for IVT Ride and IVT Access, amount of time it takes for the Calipatria bus to arrive at IVC, and issues with buses stopping at assigned bus stops. Concern is with protocol. Chair Nava-Froelich assured Ms. Solis that issues have been noted and encouraged her to note her concerns on the UTN survey.
A. ICTC Commission Minutes: December 14, 2022
B. Receive and File:
1. ICTC Management Committee Minutes: December 14, 2022
January 11, 2023
2. ICTC TAC Minutes: December 22, 2022
3. ICTC SSTAC Minutes: December 07, 2022
A motion was made by Plancarte and seconded by Goodsell to approve the consent calendar as presented, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
A. Rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair Positions
It was requested that the Commission take appropriate action in the consideration of the rotation and assignment of the two positions.
A motion was made by Ureña seconded by Gonzalez to nominate Mr. Mike Goodsell from the City of Holtville as the Chairperson. A second motion was made by Goodsell and seconded by Gonzalez to nominate Mr. Luis Plancarte from the County of Imperial as the Vice-Chairperson of the ICTC Commission for 2023. Roll call was taken:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
B. Active Transportation Program (ATP) Project Nomination List
The Management met on January 11, 2023, and forwarded this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:
1. Approved the Project Nomination List for year 2023 Active Transportation program (ATP)
2. Approved the recommendation of funding for projects listed in Table 2 in the amount of $3,270,000.
3. Directed staff to submit a Formal Nomination List to SCAG and proceed with the State/Federal programming and documentation.
A motion was made by Nava-Froelich and seconded by Gonzalez, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
C. TDA Triennial Performance Audit for FY’s 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 – Award Recommendation
The Management met on January 11, 2023, and forwarded this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:
1. Approved the Project Nomination List for year 2023 Active Transportation Program (ATP)
2. Approved the recommendation of funding for projects listed in Table 2 in the amount of $3,270,000.
3. Directed staff to submit a Formal Nomination List to SCAG and proceed with the State/Federal programming and documentation.
A motion was made by Ureña and seconded by Gonzalez, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
D. Zero-Emission Bus Analysis and Rollout Plan
The Management met on January 11, 2023, and forwarded this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:
1. Approved the award of contract for the completion of the Zero-Emission Bus Analysis and Rollout Plan to Stantec in the amount of $122,572.
2. Authorized the Chairperson to sign the agreement.
A motion was made by Nava-Froelich and seconded by Ureña, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Yes |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
A. ICTC Executive Director
⁻ Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing Process Surveys are posted online and have been posted on all vehicles as well.
⁻ Calexico Microtransit Service - Calexico on Demand went online January 9th. It has been a big success so far. There are about 180 passengers per day. This is a ride-share program that operates within the city of Calexico. There are three vehicles that operate it in a daily basis. Monday-Friday 6am-6pm. It is currently free until February 9th. The regular price is $2 per ride. Seniors (55+) and riders with disabilities ride for $1.
⁻ State Route 86 Border Patrol Checkpoint is moving forward and there have been some additional design features that have been incorporated. The design is expected to be completed in April 2023. There are continuous meetings that are held with CBP.
⁻ Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project is about 75% done. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony. More details will be shared closer to the completion date. Target completion date: May 2023.
⁻ Imperial Mexicali Binational Alliance (IMBA) is scheduled on February 9th at the ICTC Offices.
⁻ All other updates are on the Executive Director report on page 82 of the agenda.
B. Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
⁻ The SCAG 2023 Regional Conference & General Assembly will be held May 4th-5th. It is free at charge for an elective official.
⁻ SCAG released a draft digital action plan for 30-day public review and comment. The goal is to have this approved before the general assembly.
⁻ SCAG Regional Council (RC) District #1 – Election Results: Brawley City Council member Gil Rebollar was successful in securing the Regional Council seat by a vote of his peers.
⁻ SCAG is eligible to receive approximately $246 million in formula grant funding through REAP 2.0.
- All other updates are on the SCAG report on page 89 of the agenda.
C. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)- District 11
- I-8/Imperial Avenue Interchange: The project is quickly coming to a close and the agreement on landscaping maintenance has been agreed upon with the City of El Centro. The project will be accepted by the contractor in February 2023.
- The SR-98 widening project has its Stage 1 has been completed. After discussions between the construction team and the local stake holders, it was decided to go to Stage 3, which is the Westbound direction from SR-111 to Rockwood. This decision was made due to it not having any businesses around it. This will minimize the impact on businesses during the holiday season. Following Stage 3, Caltrans will start with Stage 2.
- I-8 Colorado River Bridge Rehab project will impact travel to Yuma. There will be detours and construction will start mid-February. There will most likely won’t be any traffic affected until mid-March.
- I-8, SR-78 Bridge Rehab at Various Locations: Looking to start construction mid-March and will continue the next couple of months.
- Middle Mile Broadband Initiative: CDT has approved segments on SR78, SR86, SR111 and SR115 totaling in 178 miles of middle mile broadband deployment.
- There are many maintenance and traffic operations that are ongoing throughout the Imperial Valley.
- Ms. Ann Fox provided updates on different projects from each jurisdiction.
- All other updates are on the Caltrans report on page 95 of the agenda.
D. Commission Member Reports
- Updates were provided by various commissioners.
A. The next meeting will be on March 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the ICTC Offices, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243 and tentatively via Zoom Meeting.
A. Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 p.m.