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Minutes | Regular Meeting
MINUTES FOR August 23, 2023
6:00 p.m.
City of Brawley George Nava
City of Calipatria Michael Luellen
City of Calexico Raul Ureña
City of El Centro Martha Cardenas-Singh
City of Imperial Stacy Mendoza
City of Holtville Mike Goodsell
City of Westmorland Ana Beltran
County of Imperial Luis Plancarte
County of Imperial John Hawk -zoom
Imperial Irrigation District Karin Eugenio
STAFF PRESENT: David Aguirre, Virginia Mendoza, Cristi Lerma, Mikim Gomezllanos, Maricela Galarza, Angela Delgadillo
OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Havens: Counsel; Ann Fox: Caltrans
The following action minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, August 23, 2023, together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.
Chair Goodsell called the Commission meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present.
A request to add an item to the Consent Calendar as Item D was requested by ICTC: Update authorized signers for the ICTC Bank Accounts at Community Valley Bank.
A motion was made by Luellen and seconded by Plancarte to add the Emergency Item as presented, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Absent |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Zoom |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
There were none.
A. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
A motion was made by Nava and seconded by Luellen to approve the closed session, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Absent |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Zoom |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
Property: 237 Heffernan Avenue, Calexico, CA, Assessor’s Parcel Number #058-482-002
Agency negotiator: David Aguirre, ICTC
Negotiating parties: Systems II LLC, Property Owner
Instructions to negotiator will concern price, terms of payment.
C. Announcement of Closed Session Action(s)
Mr. Havens stated the following: The Commission met in a closed session regarding CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, Government Code (§ 54956.8), direction was given, no action was taken.
A. ICTC Commission Minutes: June 28, 2023
B. Received and filed:
1. ICTC Management Committee Minutes: June 14, 2023
2. ICTC TAC Minutes: June 22, 2023
C. State of Good Repair Grant Program, FY 2023-24
1. Approved the attached resolution authorizing the Executive Director or his designee to take any actions necessary on behalf of the ICTC for the purposes of obtaining FY 2023-24 financial assistance, provided by the State of California
Department of Transportation under the State of Good Repair Grant Program.
D. Update authorized signers for the ICTC Bank Accounts at Community Valley Bank
1. Remove the following signer from the ICTC bank accounts with Community Valley Bank (CVB):
a) Virginia Mendoza, Program Manager
2. Add the following signers to the ICTC bank accounts with CVB:
a) Cristina Lerma, Supervisory Executive Assistant / Secretary to the Commission
A motion was made by Luellen and seconded by Cardenas-Singh to approve the consent calendar as presented, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Zoom |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
A. Imperial County Long Range Transportation Plan – Contract Change Order No. 2
The ICTC Management Committee met on August 9, 2023, and forwarded this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:
1. Approved Change Order No. 2 to Michael Baker International, Inc. for the Long Range Transportation Plan in the amount of $21,750 modifying the total contract value to $345,974.43.
2. Authorized the Executive Director to sign Change Order No. 2.
A motion was made by Ureña and seconded by Beltran to approve Action A as presented, roll call:
Agency | Roll Call |
City of Brawley | Yes |
City of Calipatria | Yes |
City of Calexico | Yes |
City of El Centro | Yes |
City of Holtville | Yes |
City of Imperial | Yes |
County of Imperial Plancarte | Yes |
County of Imperial Hawk | Zoom |
City of Westmorland | Yes |
Imperial Irrigation District | Yes |
Motion Carried.
A. ICTC Executive Director
- IVT Ride Potential Service Modifications: Due to the continuing decline in ridership on all IVT Ride services, staff are exploring the possibility of modifying the service to provide trips to the public but still provide priority to the senior population. The possible modification would enable the service to capture additional passengers and implement a micro transit-like service in various communities. The possible modification would also require financial investment in technology and the development of a passenger web and mobile application.
- Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC): Right of Way Acquisition is underway. ICTC was recently awarded multiple grants to complete the required construction efforts for the project. ICTC received grant awards from the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2.0, Active Transportation Program (ATP), and Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Programs.
- Bus Stop Improvement Project: RFP is in development.
- Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project: The design portion of the project is complete. The project construction is underway, and construction is anticipated to be completed at the end of 2023 due to delays with the issuance of the presidential permit. The Presidential Permit was received on July 7, 2023. ICTC is working with the contractor to restart the project as quickly as possible. A ribbon-cutting event will be held sometime in September or October, or as soon as construction for the bridge portion is completed. It is anticipated that the overall project will be completed before the end of the 2023 calendar year.
- All other updates are on the Executive Director report on page 27 of the agenda.
B. Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
- No updates were given during the meeting.
- All updates are on the SCAG report on page 35 of the agenda.
C. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)- District 11
- Caltrans has provided the Emergency Relief Program that helps to repair or reconstruct federal-aid routes that have suffered serious damage as a direct result of a declared event.
- The eastbound I-8 Mountain Springs area had an emergency closure.
- During the storm, state routes 78 and 98 were closed during the storm, but the debris was cleared.
- SR-98 Widening Project: Stage 3 began in late June. This is progressing nicely. The estimated stage 3 completion date is September. There are still 3 more stages pending after stage 3 is completed. The estimated target completion date for the entire project is late 2023.
- I-8 Colorado River Bridge Rehab: The scope includes the replacement of bearing pads, portions of the concrete pavement on the bridge deck, and approach slabs. The major fieldwork has been completed. This project is ahead of schedule. Completion date: late September.
- I-8, SR-78 Bridge Rehab at Various Locations: Work has begun at the I-8 location over the All-American Canal, bridge deck work is underway. The target start for the 4th Ave bridge is early September.
- All other updates are on the Caltrans report on page 37 of the agenda.
D. Commission Member Reports
- Updates were provided by various commissioners.
VIII. The next meeting will be on September 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the ICTC Offices, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243, and via Zoom Meeting for the public.
A. Meeting Adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Reviewed on September 1, 2023:
Cristi Lerma, Secretary to the Commission