May 1st, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



                        MINUTES                   May 1, 2019


Present              Voting Attendees:

Ted Ceasar – Chair                   Consumer

Michael Hack – Vice Chair       Consumer

Debbie Garcia                          Imperial County Public Authority/IHSS

Michelle Soto                           California Children Services/ CCS

Monica De Leon                       Area Agency on Aging/Public Administrator

Erika Martinez                         ARC-Imperial Valley

Mitzi Perez                               ARC-Imperial Valley

Victor Torres                            Imperial Valley College/ IVC

Kathi Williams                         CTSA– ICTC

Maricela Galarza                      CTSA–ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA– ICTC

Gustavo Gomez                        CTSA– ICTC


                        Non-Voting Attendees:            

                        Mark McCumsey                      Caltrans

Karla Aguilar                           IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                          Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Jose Guillen                             IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans



1.       Mr. Ceasar called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were



2.       Minutes adopted for April 3, 2019 (Torres, Hack), Motion Carried.


3.       CTSA Reports:            


Mr. Gomez had the following updates:

-          IVT Access services had 22 certifications for the month.

-     There was an average of 8 sign ups per week for the IVT Ride service.

-          There new service coverage for Westshore area, going to Coachella area, Mrs. Aguilar will cover more on that part.

-          Ms. Galarza and myself attended Spring CalAct where different subjects were covered such as; reasonable modification, service animals, Grant 5310 Application, etc.

-          Ms. Galarza and myself will be attending a Management and Operations Training on the week of May 10th.

-          On the week of June 3rd, I will be attending the Transit Academy.

-          On the week of June 10th, Ms. Galarza and myself will be attending the Comprehensive ADA Paratransit Eligibility Training.


Ms. Galarza had the following updates:

-          Mr. Gomez and myself attended Spring CalAct and had the opportunity to attend 3 classes including; ADA certification, Grant 5310 Application and Service animals. The classes were beneficial to learn and expand comprehension of subject matters. It’s a chance to bring new updates or approaches that may fit our need in the community.

-          Mr. Gomez and myself will attend the Paratransit Management and Operations Training on the week of May 10th, and are expected to learn more on management functions, the role of technology and creating policies and procedures.

-          Ms. Galarza announced that the grant application for 5310, Mobility Management Program is coming up soon. ICTC will be inquiring letters of support from agencies and SSTAC committee.

-          UTN process has ended and was approved. Final documentation was gathered and sent to Caltrans for review. It usually takes about 45 or more to receive a response from Caltrans. Caltrans approval to move forward is required to use funds for any items in the SRTP.


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          IVT Access marketing proposals were scored, IVT MedTrans and IVT Ride proposals are coming up.

-          IVT services operation RFPs are out and proposals are due May 10, 2019. Will keep SSTAC throughout the process.

-          Bus stop inventory is complete, now every stop throughout the county will have signage with an identifying code. A consultant has been awarded for the AVL contract; it is expected to be implemented in a couple of months. ICTC will be participating in the kick off meeting. Users will be able to use a mobile app or link on IV transit website to locate fixed route buses.


Ms. Williams had the following announcements:

-          There were a good number of competitive bids, wanted to thank the people participating in the process.


4.       Transit Operator Reports:


-          Imperial Valley Transit: Mr. H. Sanchez presented 3rd quarter report.

o   Passenger count is high during the month of March for all services except IVT Green Line.

Ø  Mr. Ceasar asked what are the routes for IVT Blue and Green Line.

·         Ms. Williams responded that the IVT Blue Line covers the South side of El Centro, whereas IVT Green Line covers the North side of El Centro.

Ø  Ms. Williams asked Mr. H. Sanchez how La Brucherie construction is affecting the IVT service.

·         Mr. H. Sanchez responded that it is not affecting a lot, the Waterman stop has been taken out and it has been temporarily moved at the nutrition center.


-          IVT Access: Ms. Pacheco presented 3rd quarter report.

o   The service is doing well.

o   There is a higher passenger count during the month of March, it can be due to more calendar days.

Ø  Mr. Ceasar asked if passenger per hour, 2, is normal.        

·         Ms. Williams stated that for the Imperial County it is.

-          IVT Ride: Ms. Aguilar presented 3rd quarter report:

o   February was a slow month for all cities.

o   IVT Ride Westshores started to make trips toward Coachella and Rancho Mirage, completed a ride along to understand the route and to find any anticipated issues with route. There were 3 passengers, known to be the same passenger who use the service to travel to Brawley. It started to alternate Tuesdays with Brawley on April 16, 2019. The fare is the same price as if they were traveling to Brawley ($2.50). It is allowed to stop around the Highway 111 corridor, but the aim for this service is specifically for certain reasons such as medical, social services etc.

Ø  Mr. Hack asked about the service hours.

·         Ms. Aguilar responded that it is in the Westshore are from 7am to 3pm.

Ø  Ms. De Leon commented that she is glad to hear that type of service will be provided.

·         Mr. Aguirre stated that the service to Coachella has the ability to connect with the Sunline Transit service.

-          IVT MedTrans: Mr. Guillen presented 3rd quarter report:

o   The service has been steady.

o   There are new calls and more calls being received by dispatch.

o   There is a plan to pass out brochures in Calexico are next. Will coordinate with Mr. Gomez on an available date.

o   Passenger count was higher in the Month of January.


5.       General Discussion


-          ARC staff inquired on support letters for the 5310-grant application coming up, for expansion on vans and operations.

Ø  Ms. Williams requested ARC staff to send a body paragraph to ICTC so it can be inserted into a SSTAC letter.  ICTC will be doing the same. Action to approve will be added on next month’s agenda.

-          Mr. Torres announced that IVC is working on a housing project, where 220 homeless will placed in a tiny home community. The concept is to find locations to build this community in Brawley, El Centro and Imperial. It is not finalized at the moment, its still in discussion. He stated that transportation will be an issue depending on where the community will be built.

Ø  Ms. Williams stated to try to ensure to find locations that are close to the corridor.

Ø  Mr. Aguirre added that further conversation will be helpful as the coordination of the locations occurs.

Ø  Mr. Ceasar asked about the selection process.

·         Mr. Torres stated that the project is not at that stage yet. A PowerPoint can be given on next month’s SSTAC meeting.

Ø  Ms. Williams asked how many units will be in one community.

·         Mr. Torres responded that there are expected to be 12, but may go up to 24, the area will be studied. Each unit will be expected to be 300ft square, with 4 students per unit. Fundraising for the project is ongoing. Selected students will be paying partial rent.



6.       Adjournment

-          Meeting adjourned at 10:37 a.m. (Ceasar, Hack), Motion Carried.

Next meeting will be held on June 5, 2019, at the Imperial County Transportation Commission Office, 1503 N. Imperial A