June 1st, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



                                    MINUTES                   June 1, 2016


Present              Voting Attendees:

Michael L. Hack                       Consumer

Sofia Gonzalez                         Area Agency on Aging

Letty Zuno                               Access to Independence

Ted Ceasar                               IVC-DSPS

Michelle Soto                           California Children’s Services

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

Guillermo Gonzalez                  CTSA –  ICTC


Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

Raul Martinez                          Imperial County Public Health

                        Charles                                     IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Narcisa Silva                            IVT Ride

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT Access

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT MedTrans



1.       Chair Zuno called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were made.


2.       Minutes adopted for April 6, 2016. (Ceasar/Hack) Motion Carried.


3.       CTSA Reports:


-          Both the IVT Ride – El Centro and IVT MedTrans contracts were approved and scheduled to begin service on July 1, 2016 for both services. Reservations can be made for IVT Ride El Centro beginning on June 17, 2016. Reservations can be made for IVT MedTrans beginning on June 1, 2016.  Their phone number is 760-337-1760. IVT MedTrans will be have 2 buses in service with one leaving at 7 a.m. and a second at 11 a.m. This will allow clients to schedule appointments later in the day.

-          Tentative dates for IVT Ride outreach in El Centro are July 6th and July 8th. Information will be forthcoming.

-          Wi-Fi services have been installed in the 40 ft. IVT buses. There will be a notice on all the buses. Upon accessing the internet, the service will take you directly to the IVT website.

-          ICTC staff presented to Imperial County Behavioral Health during their quarterly meeting.

-          Mr. Gonzalez attended the Ribbon Cutting for IVC’s new Veteran Center on April 20, 2016.

-          Mobility training is available to anyone that is interested. If more information is needed you can reach out to Guillermo Gonzalez.

-          A meeting with SunLine Transit is scheduled in June to see if any improvements on transportation services to Riverside County are needed in the Salton Sea area.


4.       Transit Operator Reports:


-          El Centro Dial-a-Ride:  Nothing to report.


-          Med-Express:  Nothing to report.


-          Imperial Valley Transit:  Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez for the month of May

o   Gold Line: 55 average passengers per day

o   Sunday services: 402 passengers per Sunday

o   Saturday services: 1,164 per Saturday

o   IVC Express: An average of 32 passengers per trip in the morning and an average of 37 passengers in the evening.

o   New Routes:

§  Holtville: 4 passengers for the month

§  El Centro to Brawley: 6 passengers for the month

§  Slab City: 5 per Thursday


-          IVT Access:  Updates were given by Ms. Pacheco for the month of May

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.55

o   No Shows: 117

o   Wheelchairs: 854

o   Passenger Count: 3,074

o   Saturdays: 18 per Saturday

o   Sundays: 15 per Sunday


-          IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Montemayor for the month of May


i.         City of Brawley

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.84

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Wheelchairs: 183

o   Passenger Count: 914 weekday 41, Saturday 9

o   30 No-Shows


ii.   City of Calexico

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 3.9

o   Wheelchairs: 445

o   Passenger Count: 2,061; 88 weekday; 21 Saturday; 25 Sunday

o   58 No-Shows


            iii.  City of Imperial 

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 99%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.1

o   Passenger Count: 441; 19 weekday; 7 Saturday

o   5 No-Shows



iv.  West Shores

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 100%

o   Tuesdays/Thursdays service

o   Passenger per revenue hour: .69

o   Wheelchairs: 0

o   Passenger Count: 35, average 3 per day

o   2 No-Shows


5.       General Discussion


-          Ted Ceasar stated that this would be his last meeting representing IVC. He has been on the SSTAC for 30 years and has been the most productive Council he has been a part of. He has been a part of implementing reliable transportation for the community, especially the disabled student of IVC.  The high quality transportation services provided have been an intricate part in allowing students to obtain a college education. He stated that he would like to remain on the SSTAC as a Senior and potential transit user.

o   Ms. Zuno thanked Mr. Ceasar for his many years of service and being a champion for students especially students with disabilities.

-          Mr. Hack stated that he will be attending the Bocce Ball Special Olympics in Long Beach, CA.

-          Area Agency on Aging (AAA) has a new location: 778 W. State St. in El Centro. Phone number is 442-265-7000.


6.       Adjournment


-          The next meeting of the SSTAC will be on September 7, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

-          Meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m.