January 6th, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



                                    MINUTES                   January 6, 2016


Present              Voting Attendees:

Leticia Zuno     (Chair)             Access to Independence

Maria Cordova                         ARC – Imperial Valley

Cheryl Viegas-Walker               Area Agency on Aging

Michael L. Hack                       Consumer

Rosyo Ramirez                         Imperial County Public Authority/IHSS

Kathleen Lang                          California Health and Wellness

Adrian Celis                             Imperial County Behavioral Health

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

David Salgado                          CTSA – ICTC


Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Raul Martinez                          Imperial County Public Health

Angela Ramirez                        Imperial County Public Health

                        Jorge Torres                             Imperial County Public Health

Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

Charles Brockwell                    IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride

                        Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride

                        Narcisa Montemayor                IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride


1.       Chair Zuno called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were made.


2.       Minutes adopted for December 2, 2015. (Ramirez/Zuno) Motion Carried.


3.       CTSA Reports:

Ms. Williams and Mr. Salgado had the following announcements:

-          Senior Appreciation Day is January 27, 2016. IVT will be providing transportation from the senior centers in both Calexico and Brawley to the event. 300-400 seniors are expected to attend.

-          The Unmet Transit Needs Hearing will be held on February 11, 2016 at the City of Brawley Council Chambers at 3:30 p.m. Transportation will be provided with a reservation from the El Centro Transit Terminal on 7th and State Streets. Reservations can be made by calling 760-482-2900 by February 10th at 5p.m. The bus will depart at approximately 2:30 p.m.  

-          The IVT Ride El Centro and Med-Express procurements are under way. The bid documents are currently with Caltrans and are expected to be released to the public in 2 to 3 weeks.

-          ICTC is partnering with Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA), Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVQMD), and the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) to submit a grant under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Pilot Commercial Deployment program. The project proposed will include 6 zero emission battery electric buses for ICTC and will include charging stations for each bus. The vehicles will operate in the cities of Brawley and El Centro on the established circulator routes. This will be a demo project and after the demo period has ended, it is possible that ICTC will be able to acquire additional buses for circulator routes in each city.

-          The Commission approved the ADA Reasonable Accommodations Policy and it is posted on the website.

-          The Federal Transportation Bill was approved for 5 years, however, the bill does not have a dollar amount yet.


4.       FY 2016-17 Master Needs List


The Master Needs list was presented to everyone at this meeting. At the meeting in December, all were encouraged to review the current list and make suggestions as to what can be removed and/or anything that should be added. There were changes made then. Further review was made at this meeting. There was a question regarding the review of capacity constraints on the Med-Express and how it became an “Unmet Need.”  Ms. Williams stated that it was identified in the Coordinated Plan.  A Motion was made to remove item 8 “Review of Express Routes from El Centro to IVC” from the Master Needs list, (Walker/Ramirez) Motion Carried.


5.       FY 2016-17 UTN Letter to the Hearing Panel


Ms. Williams stated that this letter is read and submitted to the hearing panel and should contain general comments and specific issues. The following changes were made to the UTN Letter for FY 2016-17 via a motion by Walker/Ramirez:


-          FY year changed to 2016-17

-          Restart the numbering at 1 on the second section of the letter and the priority be changed to:

o   Improve cleanliness and upkeep at all El Centro City area stops, and other stops in the region as identified.

o   Enhance communication of available services as a way to disseminate information to the passengers, as documented as in the intent of Finding #8 in FY 2010-11 UTN Findings: (Staff will research options to provide schedules and information for passengers for Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) bus stops. Staff is to return with options and cost estimates by December 2010, for consideration on implementation from the ICTC).

o   Review of capacity restraints on Med-Express.

o   Review of a proposed Transit Mobility Summit.

-          Ms. Zuno will read the letter to the hearing panel on February 11, 2016. Motion Carried.


6.       Transit Operator Reports:


-          El Centro Dial-a-Ride:  Updates were given by Cordova for the month of November

o   Passengers per hour were 4.5, weekdays were 122, Saturday were 22

o   Wheelchairs: 651 (22%)

o   On Time Performance was 99%

o   No-shows: 35 and Late Cancellations: 14


-          Med-Express:  Updates were given by Cordova for the month of November.

o   Passengers per hour were 4

o   Passengers for the month were 407

o   Wheelchairs: 16 (4%)

o   On Time Performance was 99%

o   No-shows: 0 and Late Cancellations: 11


-          Imperial Valley Transit:  Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez for the month of December

o   Sunday services: 440 passengers, 45 average per Sunday

o   Saturday services: There were an average of 1100 per Saturday

o   Gold Line: There were an average of 15-16 passengers per day

o   IVC Express: There was only 2 weeks of service this month. An average of 34 passengers per trip in the morning and an average of 41 passengers in the evening.

o   New Routes:

§  Holtville: 35 passengers for the month

§  El Centro to Brawley: 6 passengers for the month


-          IVT Access:  Updates were given by Ms. Pacheco for the month of December

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.24

o   No Shows: 121

o   Late Cancellations: 35

o   Wheelchairs: 780

o   Passenger Count: 2,080

o   Saturdays: 53 per Saturday

o   Sundays: 47 per Sunday

o   There were 35 passengers on the “Free Day”


-          IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Montemayor for the month of December

i.         City of Brawley

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.77

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Wheelchairs: 200

o   Passenger Count: 843, 36 weekday; 8 Saturday

o   42 No-Shows and 6 Late Cancellations

o   There were 17 passengers on the “Free Day”


ii.   City of Calexico

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 3.88

o   Wheelchairs: 502

o   Passenger Count: 2,131; 88 per weekday; 22 per Saturday; 23 per Sunday

o   64 No-Shows and 17 Late Cancellations

o   There were 66 passengers on the “Free Day”


      iii.  City of Imperial 

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.84

o   Wheelchairs: 12

o   Passenger Count: 396; 17 per weekday; 3 per Saturday

o   5 No-Shows and 2 Late Cancellations

o   There were 15 passengers on the “Free Day”


                        vi.   West Shores

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 98%

o   Tuesdays/Thursdays service

o   Passenger per revenue hour: .99

o   Wheelchairs: 0

o   Passenger Count: 56; 5-6 average passengers per Tuesday/Thursday

o   3 No-Shows and 0 Late Cancellations

o   There were 2 passengers on the “Free Day”


7.       General Discussion


-          AAA Senior Appreciation Day will be held on January 27, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Casa De Manana in Imperial.

-          Dr. Lang stated that California Health and Wellness does provide transportation services to their clients to medical appointments/pharmacy only through a contract with Logistic Care.


8.       Adjournment

-          The next meeting of the SSTAC will be on February 3, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.