December 5th, 2018 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




                        MINUTES December 5, 2018


Present              Voting Attendees:

Ted Ceasar – Chair                   Consumer

Michael Hack – Vice Chair       Consumer

Lorena Arambula                     San Diego Regional Center SDRC

Raul Cordova                           Work Training Center WTC

Rosalina Blankenship               Area Agency on Aging/Public Administrator

Sonia Silva                               Access to Independence

Victor Torres                            Imperial Valley College IVC

Kathleen Lang                          California Health & Wellness

Erika Martinez                          ARC-Imperial Valley

David Aguirre                          CTSA– ICTC

Kathi Williams                         CTSA– ICTC

Gustavo Gomez                        CTSA– ICTC



                        Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Maricela Galarza                      CTSA– ICTC

                        Karla Aguilar                           IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                          Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans



1.       Mr. Ceasar called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were


-          Mr. Aguirre introduced Mr. Sanchez as the new General Manager for First Transit.


2.       Minutes adopted for November 7, 2018 (Lang,Hack), Motion Carried.


3.       CTSA Reports:            


Ms. Williams had the following updates:

-          Short Range Transit Plan Draft is completed, which focuses on the next 5 years. Funding is available up to the 3rd year, revenue constraints are tight.

-          The SRTP Draft was posted in the ICTC website, November 16, 2018. A workshop to allow the public to review the SRTP Draft was held on November 28, 2018, at ICTC offices, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243.

-          Executive Management Committee will review SRTP on December 12, 2018.

-          ICTC Commission meeting will be held on December 12, 2018, an adoption for the SRTP is planned to move forward. There will be a comment period during the commission meeting, at 6:00pm, located at the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 940 W. Main Street, Second Floor, El Centro, CA 92243,

-          SRTP is expected to happen every 5 years.

-          Prop 6 stayed in place, transit funding will continue to generate from it.


Mr. Gomez had the following updates:

-          ADA interviews are going well, with no issues at the moment.

-          There is an average of 8 interviews per week for IVT Access service.

-          There are about an average of 7 sign ups per week for IVT Ride service.

-          Attended the Caregiver Appreciation Day event at CalWorks building, 2995 S. 4th St., El Centro, CA 92243. Ms. Aguilar was present to answer questions from the public.

-          ICTC provided a presentation of services for the IV Blind Center along with a mobility training for IVT Access bus.

o   Mr. Aguirre added that mobility training is available for anyone who needs help using the service. ICTC works with either the individual or agency to arrange a time and service, valuable information is given through out the training.

-          IVT MedTrans ride along is pending for the near future.

-          IVT Access and IVT Ride, ride along has been conducted.


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          ICTC is finalizing bus stop inventory, the documentation is complete, only the procurement items at pertaining bus stop are pending to close.

-          There was an addition to our fleet, IVT Ride van. Its purpose is to be able to get into narrow spaces where the normal buses cannot. It is wheelchair accessible, and has a capacity of 6 passengers. Vehicle was located outside for anyone who was interested in viewing it.

-          Ms. Galarza and I attended 2018 CalAct Fall Conference, which focused on Mobility & Technology. New information relating to a similar county population is normally used for future implementations.

-          Stuff a Bus event was completed, last year IVT collected a little under 1400 pounds of food, whereas this year IVT collected close to 1800 pounds of food. The goal for next year is to be about 2000 pounds.

-          Veteran’s free ride event was completed, and it was concluded that veterans did use the service during the event.

-          ICTC has the upcoming tentative Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) meeting tentatively scheduled for February 21st, or 28th. The second meeting will follow 30 days after the first meeting.


4.       Agency Presentation/Discussion:


Rosalina Blankenship, Imperial County Public Administrator/Guardian/Conservator and Area Agency on Aging Director gave an oral presentation on the services offered.

-          Serving a vulnerable population such as; disabilities, mentally ill, and elderly.

-          Services include; help with financial and medical decisions.

-          Help with providing clients with their basic needs; food, clothing and other personal needs.

-          Guardianships and Conservatorships are appointed by court.

-          Grant opportunities surround services such as; nutrition, respite care, screening and transportation.

-          There is a total of 15 staff members, Case managers have an average of 1500 cases that focus on targeted case management.

-          There is the indigent burial program, it is offered to individuals that are low income and do not have the funds to proceed with a burial/cremation. The procedure of scattering at sea changed to burial at Terrace park.

Lorena Arambula, Social Worker-Service Coordinator, San Diego Regional Center gave an oral presentation on the services offered.

-          Serve a population of developmental disabilities (onset before 18).

-          Arrange transportation to school or work.

-          There are 3 offices per unit with a caseload that ranges between 80-90 cases.


5.       FY 2019-20 Master Needs list:


Ms. Williams stated that any changes are open for discussion:

-          Ms. Williams stated that IVT Ride for Seniors to Congregate meal sites in Calexico, is no longer pending funding or in the SRTP. IVT Ride currently takes care of the transportation needs for seniors to the congregate meal sites.

Remove the item from the list (Hack,Blankenship), Motion Carried

-          Ms. Williams stated that the list will be updated on the item for curb to curb intercity transportation to Seniors, it is pending funding and is in the SRTP for year 10. This is the concept where there will be a Northern zone (Calexico, Heber, El Centro, Imperial) and Southern Zone (Brawley, Westmorland, Calipatria, Niland. Westshores).

-          Item six on the list surpassed year 10, list will be updated with new information. Ms. Williams added that in year 9, micro transit public transportation is planned. Micro transit will function similar to Uber. It will be in Calexico area, will be open to the public. ICTC is exploring the idea further in regards to using public transit operator drivers.

-          Item nine and ten are planned for year 1 in the SRTP, list will be updated with new information. In regards item ten, Heber senior residents will be able to use IVT Ride for 3 days out the week, anytime from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

o   Ms. Blankenship recommended to request 4 days out of the week, such as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

-          Ms. Blankenship asked if the city of Seeley will be included in the IVT Ride plan.

o   Ms. Williams stated that ICTC is looking forward to tentatively adding Heber and Holtville at a later date. Seeley currently has transportation with IVT, passenger needs to call to request.

-          Ms. Blankenship asked if there is any outreach planned for the city of Seeley.

o   Ms. Williams stated that nothing specific at this time.

-          Ms. Williams encouraged SSTAC members to review the list over the month for potential additions or deletions.


6.       UTN Letter to the Hearing Panel (Sample):

-          Mr. Aguirre stated that a sample was provided to have an idea of what to expect for February 2019.

-          No comments were provided from SSTAC members.






7.       Transit Operator Reports:


-          Imperial Valley Transit: Mr. Sanchez gave the following updates.

o   About 1600 passengers took advantage for the Stuff a Bus event.

o   14 veterans took advantage for the Veterans event.


-          IVT Access: Ms. Pacheco gave the following updates.

o   Service is running smoothly. Service has been used this year more than last year.

o   No veterans used the service during the Veterans event, versus last year there were 2 veterans.

o   Saturday’s schedule with limited service was a very busy day.


-          IVT Ride: Ms. Aguilar gave the following updates.

o   There has been a large amount of sign ups, it’s been a busy couple of months.

o   On November 5th, a new change for Calexico was placed. Service hours for one bus were cut, new hours of service are 7:00am to 3:00pm.

Ø  Ms. Blankenship mentioned that Mr. Hernandez brought to their attention on October, complaints of the cleanliness of the buses after visiting congregate sights at the Community Center. He went into the buses. Ms. Blankenship stated that she recommended Mr. Hernandez for future reference to obtain details such as the bus number.

Ø  Mr. Aguirre stated that he spoke with Mr. Sample, ICTC is looking into the situation internally and taking corrective measures.


-          IVT MedTrans: There were no updates to report.

o   Service numbers are up.

o   Doctor’s are cancelling appointments because of holidays.

o   Passengers are reserving ahead of time for the upcoming month.

o   Keeping constant alert on weather conditions.

o   Fare increases will start in the beginning of next year, passengers are informed. Flyers have been posted and dispatch has been giving out the information to passengers.

Ø  Ms. Williams announced that if agencies have purchased a bulk of vouchers for service. ICTC will accommodate to honor them up until June 30, 2019. The last day to buy vouchers will be on December 28, 2018.

8.       General Discussion

-          Ms. Blankenship announced that Mr. Rebollar is no longer the Information & Assistance Coordinator for Area Agency on Aging, he is now at the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District. Recruitment for the Information & Assistance Coordinator is currently ongoing.

-          Mr. Hack mentioned that he will be attending a CCA meeting in San Diego the following week, where he will see Ms. Garcia. He will invite Ms. Garcia to the next meeting.

-          Ms. Blankenship recommended consistency on posting bus schedules on stops, it would be helpful for passengers.

o   Mr. Aguirre stated that the inventory project adds the technology that informs passengers when the bus will arrive by inputting the bus stop number.

o   Ms. Willliams added that postings will be susceptible to weather damage and vandalism costs go up. Passengers currently can download the IVT app or can visit the website to get schedule and bus stop information.

-          Ms. Blankenship announced that IVDEC has an ongoing broadband project, this will bring tablets to seniors.  Internet is brought out the low-income areas. Seniors will be learning new skills on how to use the technology.

-          Ms. Williams announced that ICTC is currently working on a Vendor Policy, where interested agencies will be selling tickets to clientele. The Policy needs to go through ICTC Board of Commission to get direction. ICTC is looking for 2 agencies to start a pilot program by January, 2019. One interested department is the Area Agency on Aging. Ms. Williams encouraged other agencies to inform ICTC if they are interested in becoming a vendor.

-          Ms. Williams announced that one day in December, the exact day is unknown. There will be a Happy Holiday, where the farebox will be wrapped up and passengers will ride on us.

-          Ms. Blankenship announced that the 14th Annual Seniors Appreciation Day will be on January 31, 2019. Agencies are welcome to participate. The application can be found online or at the Area Agency on Aging office. Once completed it can be submitted at the Area Agency on Aging office. Last year there was about 700 seniors and 50 vendors.


9.       Adjournment

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m. (Lang,Torres), Motion Carried.

-          Next meeting will be held on January 2, 2019, at the Imperial County Transportation Commission Office, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243.