December 4th, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



                        MINUTES                 December 4, 2019


Present              Voting Attendees:

Michael Hack – Vice-Chair       Consumer

Ted Ceasar                               Consumer

Sarah M. Enz                            Area Agency on Aging/Public Administrator

Monica De Leon                       Area Agency on Aging

Raul Cordova                           Work Training Center

Sonia Silva                               Access to Independence

David Aguirre                         CTSA–ICTC

Maricela Galarza                      CTSA–ICTC

Gustavo Gomez                        CTSA–ICTC


                        Non-Voting Attendees:            

Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Jose Guillen                             IVT MedTrans

                        Karla Aguilar                           IVT Ride

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT Access



1.       Mr. Hack called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were



2.       Minutes adopted for November 6, 2019 (Ceasar, Cordova), Motion Carried.


3.       CTSA Reports:


Mr. Gomez had the following updates:

-          There were about 10 ADA certifications for the month of November.

-          IVT Ride services continue to have at least 4 people on average signing up per week.

-          A presentation of IVT and IVT Ride services in addition to a mobility training was conducted for seniors at Villa de Flores apartments, organized by Access to Independence. There are future plans to return and conduct IVT Ride sign-ups.

-          Attended the California Health & Wellness Imperial County Community Advisory Committee meeting.

-          Staff attended the Caregiver Appreciation Day event and promoted all IVT services. 


Ms. Galarza had the following updates:

-          A presentation was conducted at the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Committee.

-          A presentation at the 1000 Women’s club was conducted with the main focus on IVT Access and IVT Ride service.

-          Staff conducted IVT Ride sign ups towards the end of the month of September at the Villa de Flores apartments. There are current plans to go back and conduct more IVT Ride sign-ups at the same location and other possible locations.


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          Stuff a Bus event concluded and there was a total of 1076 pounds delivered to the Food Bank.

-          The Veteran’s Day event concluded and there were some veterans that took advantage of a free ride.

-          The RFP for the TDA Triennial Audit is complete and processed. It is expected to be awarded by the end of December.

-          ICTC is currently working on more infrastructure projects.

-          A new bus shelter was added to the 5th & Park stop. This stop will benefit anyone who is trying to visit the new El Centro Aquatic Center.  

-          ICTC hopes to work on improving communication with the cities, thus creating more time-effective responses.


4.       Continuance of Agencies Presentations:


A presentation was made by Monica De Leon, Information & Assistance Coordinator, a representative for the Area Agency on Aging (attached).

v  All programs are free of charge.

v  Programs include; Information & Assistance, Long term Care Ombudsman, In-Home Respite Care, Senior Nutrition, Legal Assistance, Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy, and Transportation.

v  Area Agency on Aging connects seniors 60+ with resources that are currently available for them.

v  Elder abuse training available for anyone interested.

-          Mr. Ceaser asked what is the limit of hours for Respite Care participants.

Ø  Ms. De Leon stated that it all depends on the needs of the person receiving respite care, based on an assessment given to the person in need.


A presentation was made by Sarah Enz, Assistant Public Administrator, a representative for the Imperial County Public Administrator (attached).

v  Programs include; Public Administrator, Public Guardian, Public Conservator, Representative Payee, Indigent Burial and Area Agency on Aging.


  1. Setting Date for January SSTAC Meeting:


-          SSTAC members voted on moving the upcoming January SSTAC meeting to Thursday, January 9, 2020. It would originally fall on January 1st, which is a holiday (Ceasar, Cordova). Motion Carried.


  1. FY 2020-21 Master Needs List:


-          The FY 2020-21 Master Needs List was presented to SSTAC members.

·         Mr. Aguirre informed SSTAC members that the Unmet Transit Needs process is beginning, therefore the FY 2020-21 Master Needs List can be adjusted as to what SSTAC members believe is the priority or move items that may have changed priority. Mr. Aguirre informed SSTAC members that newly uncovered needs may be listed in addition. Mr. Aguirre stated that it does not have to be finalized this meeting so agencies’ have a chance to address any needs or changes for the following SSTAC meeting in the month of January.

Ø  Ms. Enz asked the  reason that item “10” and “11” were close to the same verbiage:

v  Item 10 states, “Allow IVT Ride to provide transportation services to Seniors to congregate meal sites in Heber. Service would be operated on three weekdays.”

v  Item 11 states, “Allow IVT Ride to provide transportation services to Seniors to congregate meal sites in Heber. Service would be operated on four weekdays.

o   Ms. Galarza stated Item 10 was originally going to be implemented. Feedback regarding item was received from Ms. Blankenship to attempt to reach for a fourth day to cover for the Nutrition program in Heber. Therefore, item 11 was then created.

o   Mr. Aguirre added that Item 11 was implemented to assist for the 4 days of Nutrition program in Heber instead of the 3 days that was originally planned. The implementation of the IVT Ride Heber service is planned to continue for the future but it is considered to be in a demo phase. It will be continuously monitored on its performance.

Ø  Ms. Enz mentioned that items “10” and “11” were already implemented, therefore it be removed from the list.

Ø  Mr. Ceaser stated that Item 9 should be looked at as a high priority.

v  Item 9 states, “Add an IVC Express route from Calexico to IVC and from IVC to Calexico in the evening after 5:30 p.m.”

o   Mr. Aguirre stated that Item 9 can be further discussed at the next meeting, allowing some feedback from Mr. Torres.


7.       Unmet Transportation Needs Letter (Sample):


-          Mr. Aguirre presented SSTAC members with a sample of last year's Unmet Transportation Needs final draft letter. Mr. Aguirre informed SSTAC members to review the letter and further discussion on any adjustments can be made at the next meeting in January.


  1. Transit Operator Reports:


-          Imperial Valley Transit: Mr. Guillen reported the following:

o   Presented the statistics for the months of July-August-Septembers, 1st quarter.

o   The service is running well.

o   The Stuff a Bus and Veteran’s Day event went well.

-          IVT Access: Ms. Pacheco reported the following:

o   Presented the statistics for the months of July-August-Septembers, 1st quarter.

o   The service has been busy and running well.


-          IVT Ride: Ms. Aguilar reported the following:

o   Presented the statistics for the months of July-August-Septembers, 1st quarter.

o   There were a total of 140 sign ups for the 3 month period.

Ø  Ms. Enz reported that Ms. Estrada, advocate and coordinator at the Heber nutrition site, passed away. The service may see a decrease in passengers attending the nutrition site.

Ø  Mr. Aguirre mentioned that the Heber statistics drastically increased from July to August for the reason that the Area Agency on Aging was still using their previous mode of transportation, ARC-IV. Therefore IVT Ride Heber service was still operating in July with little passengers actually utilizing it.

Ø  Ms. Silva asked about the sudden increase of no shows for IVT Ride Heber service.

·         Mr. Aguirre mentioned that the increase is due to the transit service is new to the area and a constant issue with nutrition participants that don’t call to confirm reservations. This issue leads up to IVT Ride Heber service still picking up all registered nutrition participants listed even if not confirmed. Recently, there has been an agreement with the Area Agency on Aging in regards also invoicing the nutrition participants no shows.


-          IVT MedTrans: Mr. Guillen reported the following:

o   Presented the statistics for the months of July-August-Septembers, 1st quarter.

o   The 2nd bus service was suspended a few times due to a lack of passengers.


9.       General Discussion


-          No further comments.


10.   Adjournment

-          The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. (Hack), Motion Carried.

-          The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at the Imperial County Transportation Commission Office, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243.