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January 11th, 2017 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES OF January 11, 2017

10:30 a.m.



                                    City of Brawley                        Rosanna Bayon Moore

                                    City of Calipatria                      Rom Medina

City of Calexico                       Armando Villa

                                    City of El Centro                      Marcela Piedra

City of Holtville                       Nick Wells

City of Imperial                        Alexis Chalupnik for Stefan Chatwin

City of Westmorland                Ana Beltran and Mary Ann Smith


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, Kathi Williams, Virginia Mendoza, Cristi Lerma, David Aguirre, Guillermo Gonzalez


OTHERS PRESENT:  Liz Zarate: City of El Centro; David Salgado: SCAG; Sam Amen, Jacob Armstrong: Caltrans


The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, February 8, 2017 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

Chair Medina called the Committee meeting to order at 10:42 a.m. Roll call was taken. Introductions were made.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS

A.                 There were none.



There were noCONSENT ITEMS

A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Medina to approve consent items 4A-4C. Motion carried unanimously.


A.                 Approved ICTC Management Committee Minutes for October 12, 2016

B.                  Received and filed:

1.                   ICTC Board Draft Minutes for October 26, 2016

2.                   ICTC TAC Minutes for October 27, 2016

3.                   ICTC SSTAC Minutes for November 2, 2016


C.                  Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI Program (2017) for Federal Transit funds


ICTC Staff requests that the Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment(s), if any:


1.                   Approve the Imperial County Transportation Commission Title VI Plan (2017).




V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

-          In Preparation for the Short Range Transit Plan, staff is exploring transit connection opportunities with Sunline Transit that serves the Coachella Valley region, and pursuing grant opportunities for interregional transit services to/from Westshores and Coachella.

-          ICTC has initiated discussions with management and staff from Customs and Border Protections (CBP) Border Patrol regarding the potential to add a second inspection lane at the State Route 86 (Northbound) Border Patrol checkpoint.  Coordination efforts will follow with Border Patrol, Caltrans and the region to determine feasibility, costs and funding of required improvements within Caltrans right-of-way. A meeting was held on July 20th with all of the above stakeholders.  Following the meeting input, Border Patrol drafted concept alternatives to meet short-term and mid-term needs. A second meeting was held on October 24, 2016, concept alternatives were reviewed. Discussion determined the need to develop a streamlined feasible option for possible funding from the Measure D Regional Highway Set-aside fund.  The follow-up meeting was held on December 20, 2016.  All parties agreed to a concept that has potential to be cost-effective. Caltrans staff will assist with developing the revised concept design. The next meeting is scheduled for late January 2017.

-          The Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 which allows the State to repurpose any earmark that was designated on or before September 2005. It is anticipated that FHWA will approve the repurposing project list in early 2017.  For Imperial County this is an opportunity to preserve over $6 million.

-          Agencies are urged to submit request for allocations (RFA’s) for FY 2016-2017 Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ), Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP), and Active Transportation Program (ATP) that are pending. For ease of receiving approvals, the local agency RFA’s should be submitted to Caltrans Local Assistance in March/April 2017.

-          The Governor’s budget is $4.3 billion for transportation.

-          A complete list of ICTC updates can be found on Page 58 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

                        Mr. Salgado had the following announcements:

-          SCAG is committed to highlighting excellence in sustainable planning efforts and development projects throughout the region. These plans and projects are integral in carrying out the goals and policies of the 2016 RTP/SCS, and promote a cleaner, healthier, and happier Southern California. Each year SCAG honors projects which best exemplify the core principals of sustainability with awards at the annual Regional Conference and General Assembly.  The SCAG 2017 Sustainability Awards program is open to all parties, including local governments, non-profits, developers, and others. Partnerships are welcome. Eligible submittals include plans, projects, and programs completed or adopted after January 1, 2013 and prior to December 20th, 2016. The criteria and nomination packet is available online. There are 6 award categories to include, Against All Odds, Integrated Planning, Collaborative Partnership, Healthy & Safe Communities, Green Region Initiative, and Active Transportation.

-          Please save the date of May 4th and 5th for the SCAG 2017 General Assembly at the J.W. Marriot Desert Springs Resort and Spa in Palm Desert, CA. SCAG is working to present a new Strategic Plan at the GA which will drive SCAG moving forward.

-          The revised CalEnviro Screen Tool has been revised to version 3.0. CalEPA previously held a workshop in Imperial County to gather feedback from stakeholders regarding issues which may not be considered when establishing the disadvantage communities and environmental justice criteria for grant awards. Border air quality impacts were considered in the new tool amongst a whole host of other new criteria for implementation. A summary of the revisions can be found on the CalEPA website.

-          Sustainable planning grants will be awarded in February at the Regional Council meeting. ICTC submitted for a Regional Climate Action Plan that includes a plan for each city.

-          A complete list of SCAG updates can be found on Page 64 of the agenda.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

-          Mr. Amen introduced the new DLAE for District 11, Bing Luu. Mr. Luu stated agencies with inactive project to please submit an invoice to the district by February 20, 2017.

-          Mr. Amen gave project updates also listed on page 66-68 of the agenda.

-          A Caltrans report can be found on page 66 of the agenda for more information on project updates.


D.   Committee Member Reports

-     There were none.


VI.               ACTION CALENDAR


A.                 Rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair Positions


It was requested that the Management Committee take any appropriate action for the rotation and assignment of the Chair and Vice-Chair positions for 2017.


The Chair nominee was Rom Medina, City of Calipatria. A motion was made by Villa and seconded by Chatwin, Motion Carried unanimously.


The Vice-Chair nominee was Armando Villa, City of Calexico. A motion was made by Wells and seconded by Bayon Moore, Motion Carried unanimously.




A.                 Fund Request to the Local Transportation Authority (LTA) - Forrester Road/Westmorland Bypass Project Study Report (PSR)


Mr. Baza provided background information on previous studies conducted on Forrester Rd. with the most recent study being the Forrester Road Interregional Corridor Study in 2009.  The study was led by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and Imperial Valley Association of Governments (IVAG). It was funded by SCAG’s Consolidated Planning Grant, grant funds originated from U.S. DOT for Metropolitan Transportation Planning (FHWA Planning funds & FTA 5303 funds).  This type of planning grant limits the analysis to conceptual engineering and development of “rough order of magnitude” cost estimates. The contract Amount was $69,683, the Consultant was Urban Crossroads, Inc. and the purpose was to forecast short-term and long-term traffic conditions and establish a sustainable strategic plan. The primary goal was to evaluate traffic demands, and develop short-term and long-term infrastructure needs to meet local and interregional / international traffic demands. Forrester Road is on the Imperial County’s most traveled off-system (or non-state highway route) and a vital north-south arterial running parallel to SR86 and SR111. Based on 2009 traffic data collected and level of service projections, the study developed and recommended the following alternatives:

·         Alternative 1: Forrester Road as a Caltrans Facility-$158.6 million to $165.9 million* (Forrester Road only – Widened to four lanes)

·         Alternative 2: Forrester Road with the Westmorland Bypass-$248.1 million to $255.4 million* (Forrester  Road four-lane widening , Westmorland Bypass, and two interchanges at Andre/Kingsley and Andre/SR78-86)

·         Alternative 3: Forrester Road with the Eastern Bypass-$188.4 million to $188.7 million* (Baughman Road used as eastern connection to SR78/86)

·         Alternative 4: Silicon Border Port of Entry (Proposed new highway to Mexico border - no cost estimate was prepared for this alternative)


The proposed PSR is a required project initiation document which is used to program the project development and support costs for State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or other candidate projects pursuing discretionary grant funds for environmental, design, right of way acquisition and construction. 

·         A PSR provides a key opportunity for the County, ICTC, Caltrans, key regional and local stakeholders to achieve consensus on the project’s purpose & need, scope, and schedule. 

·         A PSR is required to gain approval for the project to move into the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA/ED) phase.

·         A PSR identifies preliminary land use, environmental and constraints/risk analysis and the support costs needed to complete an approved PA/ED. 

·         A PSR prepares initial engineering analysis with detailed cost estimates for right of way acquisition and construction costs.


The following are key elements needed in the proposed Forrester Road/Westmorland Bypass PSR beyond traditional scope and schedule:

·         Complete an analysis of alignment alternatives for the planned four to six lane north-south corridor from I-8 to SR78/86

·         Phased approach to pursue funding to complete – A first phase of Safety and Operational improvements

o   Examples: Reduce/eliminate curves, and turn lanes or transition lanes at high volume intersections

·         Develop a phased approach to completing the construction of the new four-lane highway.

·         Develop engineering cost estimates for providing “state of good repair” improvements to existing SR86 within County of Imperial, City of El Centro and City of Brawley *Necessary for agencies to consider proposed relinquishments

·         Complete an analysis of steps required to establish corridor as a new state highway, i.e., state legislation, California Transportation Commission approval, etc.


Ms. Bayon Moore suggested that leadership from the City of Westmorland be more involved before and during the study begins.  She suggested that the presentation be given at a City Council meeting. Mr. Baza stated that could be done and also public participation would be conducted as part of the study.


ICTC Staff requested that the Management Committee forward this item to the LTA Board for their review and approval after public comment(s), if any:


1.       Approve the allocation for funding needed in the amount of $617,500 for the proposed. PSR from the 5% State Highway Set-Aside from the Measure D allocations

2.       Authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary agreements with Caltrans

A motion was made by Bayon Moore and seconded by Villa, Motion Carried unanimously, with stated encouragement to include the leadership in Westmorland.




A.                 Appointments to the SCAG Community, Economy and Housing Development Committee (CEHD) and the SCAG Energy and Environment Committee


Mr. Baza informed the Committee of the vacancies for both committees and encouraged their Commissioners to volunteer.


B.                  Appointment of an Alternate Member to the SANDAG Borders Committee


Mr. Baza informed the Committee of the alternate position vacancy for both committees and encouraged their Commissioners to volunteer.


C.                  Status of Call For Projects for Article 3, Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Funding for Fiscal Year 2016-17


ICTC issued a Call for Projects at the October 27, 2016 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting for the FY 16-17 TDA Article 3 Bikes and Pedestrian Funding. All participants were provided a summary noting the funding allocation associated with their respective jurisdiction, in addition to being informed of the project submittal requirements. Said project submittals were to note the proposed project in addition to providing a cost estimate for the proposed project.


                        The funding allocation associated with all agencies is as follows:


                        Brawley           $26,245

                        Calexico           $34,689

                        Calipatria         $12,235

                        El Centro           $37,300

                        Holtville           $13,750

                        Imperial           $21,162

                        Westmorland    $11,389

                        County             $32,230


During the TAC Meeting, the participants were also informed that the submittal deadline associated with the Call for Projects was December 30, 2016. As of January 6, 2017 no applications were received. Funding allocations not requested will be accumulated for late requests by each jurisdiction. It was noted during the TAC meeting that agencies at times allow the balance to accumulate over various fiscal years to allow the agencies to facilitate a larger project.


                        This item was for informational purposes only.




The next meeting of the Management Committee will be held on February 8, 2017 at the City of Westmorland, Westmorland, CA.




A.                 Meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m.