Return to meetings list Management Committee

December 12th, 2018 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




10:30 a.m.



                                    City of Brawley                        Rosanna Bayon Moore

                                    City of Calipatria                      Rom Medina

City of Calexico                       David Dale

                                    City of El Centro                     Marcela Piedra

City of Holtville                       Nick Wells

City of Imperial                        Stefan Chatwin


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, Kathi Williams, Michelle Bastidas, David Aguirre, Cristi Lerma, Virginia Mendoza, Marlene Flores


OTHERS PRESENT:  David Salgado: SCAG; Jesus “Chi” Vargas, Beth Landrum: Caltrans; Liz Zarate: City of El Centro; Will Calves: AECOM


The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, December 12, 2018 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.



I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

Chair Dale called the Committee meeting to order at 10:39 a.m. Roll call was taken at 10:55 a.m. and a quorum was present at that time.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS

A.                 There were none.



There were none.


IV.              CONSENT ITEMS

A motion was made by Chatwin seconded by Medina to approve the consent calendar as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

-          A complete list of ICTC updates can be found on Page 19 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

-          The complete report can be found on Page 29 of the agenda.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

-          A full report is located on page 32 of the agenda.


D.                 Committee Member Reports

-          There were none.






A.                 FY 2018 Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grants Discretionary

Grant Amount: $20,000,000.00

Grant Recipient: Imperial County Transportation Commission

Project Location: Calexico, CA

Description: This project will widen the existing bridge along the US-Mexico border to accommodate two additional northbound commercial truck lanes (from 2 to 4 lanes) and two northbound passenger vehicle lanes (from 4 to 6 lanes). The project also includes improvements to the bicycle and pedestrian facilities at the border crossing.




A.                 Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for the Imperial County Transportation Commission – FY 2018-19


Ms. Williams stated that the SRTP is revised approximately every 5 years. The SRTP is a fiscally constrained five-year planning horizon involving the review of existing services, the level of service provided, the potential for new service and revenues anticipated to be available. The SRTP process can take up to 12 months to complete. During the 12 months the consultant team reviewed circulation and development plans, trip generators, and other performance data. They also conducted bilingual public workshops, bus stop workshops, and interacted and interviewed stakeholders and member agency staff. After review of the comments and requests made from the public workshops and ICTC staff the consultant team analyzed revenue forecasts. The results are contained in the draft SRTP, which is posted on the ICTC website.  At this time Ms. Williams introduced Mr. Calves who then discussed the fiscally constrained plan of five-years including an unrestrained plan of 10-years.


Mr. Calves presentation can be downloaded from the ICTC website at:  The full document is about 160 pages, however an Executive Summary is available on the website as well.


It was requested that the Management Committee forwards this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                  Approve the Short Range Transit Plan for FY 2018-19


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Chatwin, Motion carried unanimously.


B.                  On Call Engineering, Architecture and Professional Support Services – Recommendation of Contract Awards


Mr. Aguirre presented the item. He stated that each contract is for $10,000 with a not to exceed of $50,000 combined, which is what is budgeted in this fiscal year. It was recommended that each contract be amended to state the not to exceed amount of $50,000 to allow more flexibility in the event staff wants to utilize one consultant for the not to exceed amount and will not be limited to only $10,000.  


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the ICTC Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                  Approve the award of the On Call Engineering, Architecture and Professional Support Services contract to The Altum Group, The Holt Group, NV5, CivilPros and Chen Ryan for a not to exceed amount of $50,000.00.

2.                  Authorize the Chairperson to sign the consultant agreement.


A motion was made by Wells seconded by Chatwin, Motion carried unanimously.


C.                  Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) Branded Services Ticket/Fare Media/Bus Passes Vendor Sales Program


It was requested that ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:

1.                  Approve the IVT Ticket Sales Vendor Program Guidelines and Agreement with a 1% commission available for vendors.

2.                  Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to initiate the program including signing the agreement with vendors, and completing administrative arrangements.

3.                  Direct staff to review the program and return after one year for direction on continuation.


                        A motion was made by Chatwin seconded by Bayon Moore, Motion carried unanimously.


D.                 Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing - for Fiscal Year 2019-20


It was requested that ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                  Appoint the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing Panel: two members from the County, three City representatives with two City alternates.

2.                  Select a Public Hearing date of February 21 or February 28, 2019, and the set the time of the hearing.

3.                  Direct staff to conduct the administrative arrangements.


                        A motion was made by Chatwin seconded by Bayon Moore, Motion carried unanimously.



E.                  Surface Transportation Block Grant Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program 2018 Call for Projects – FY 2019/2020 to FY 2021/2022


It was requested that ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                   Approve and adopt the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) 2018 Call for Projects Guidelines;

2.                   Direct staff to open a competitive call for projects for member agencies for estimated STBG and CMAQ funds, effective December 17, 2018 through March 1, 2019;

3.                   Direct staff to convene an evaluation committee to score and rank the projects; and,

4.                   Direct staff to return with a list of recommended projects for approval by the Commission.


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Wells, Motion carried unanimously.




The next meeting of the Management Committee will be held on January 9, 2019 at the City of El Centro, El Centro, CA.




A.                 Meeting adjourned at 11:59 p.m.