Minutes | Regular Meeting
September 28, 2017
Gordon Gaste City of Brawley
Steven Sullivan City of Brawley
Lily Falomir City of Calexico
Mindy Hernandez City of Calipatria
Abraham Campos City of El Centro
Alex Espinoza City of El Centro
Isabel Alvarez City of Imperial
Jesus Villegas City of Imperial
Joel Hamby City of Westmorland
John Gay County of Imperial
Veronica Atondo County of Imperial
Virginia Mendoza ICTC
David Aguirre ICTC
Vicky Hernandez ICTC
David Salgado SCAG
Jeorge Galvan The Holt Group
Joseph Chua Caltrans
Kevin Hovey Caltrans
Wishing Lima Caltrans
Carol Vu Caltrans
Barby Valentine Caltrans
Roberto Martinez Vexer Engineering
Ross Duenas Chen Ryan Associates
1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Gaste at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.
2. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for July 27, 2017. (Galvan/Falomir) Motion Carried.
3. SB1 Grants
Ms. Valentine stated that Caltrans released the call for projects for SB1 Planning grants for FY 2017-18 on September 14, 2017. The applications are due via email on October 20, 2017 to adaptation.planning.grants@dot.ca.gov. Two types are being offered in through the SB1 program: Sustainable Communities and Adaptation Planning.
For the Sustainable Communities grant program, Ms. Valentine stated that MPO’s will receive $12.5 million in formula funds and an estimated $12.38 million in competitive grant funds for the FY 2017-18 grant cycle.
For the Adaptation Planning grant program, Ms. Valentine state that an estimated $7 million in competitive grants is available for the FY 2017-18 grant cycle.
Both programs requires a 11.47% local match. The grants minimum is $100,000 or $50,000 for disadvantaged communities and a maximum of $1 million.
Ms. Valentine stated that these grants are for transporation planning related projects only, not for development of environmental documents, construction, or other ineligible activities that are identified in the grant application guide. Grant announcements will take place in December 2017.
Ms. Valentine stated that agencies will have another opportunity to apply for these grants during the next cycle, most likely will be announced in January 2018. Ms. Valentine stated that Caltrans will be available to assist agencies with questions and assistance.
4. Utility Relocation
Ms. Vu reviewed the Federal Unifrom Relocation Assistance and Real Propoerties Acquisistion Policies Act of 1970: Just compensation, acquire expeditiously, opportunity to consider offer.
She described what a Right of Way Certification is:
· Major Project Delivery Milestone
· Written Statement
· Summary of Status
o All parcels, residential and business displaces, untility facilities, operating railroad facilities and environmental mitigation
In order to comply when utility relocation is needed, the following must be completed:
· Identify utility conflicts
· Work with utulity owners
o Resolve conflict and develop a relocation plan
o Agree on liability or who is paying
· Furnish documents to DLAE
· Comply with Local Assistance Procedures Manual, Chapter 14
o Before you start ROW you need Environmental Clearance
o If seeking federal reimbursement a E-76 is needed and approved by FHWA
§ The following must also be authorized or approved prior to beginning the utility relocation
· Exhibit 4-E
· Exhibit 14-C – Dual Form
o Buy America Basics
§ Buy America applies to a project if any federal funds are used on any phase of the project
o Three types of certifications
§ On Highway system Form (17)
§ Off system, no Right of Way (13-A)
§ Off system, any Right of Way, besides to cover adjustments (13-B)
Ms. Vu stated that if utility relocation is discovered during construction, call the DLAE immediately and request special authorization to relocate.
5. ICTC Updates / Announcements
Ø Transit Planning Updates (By David Aguirre):
- ICTC staff developed an RFP and released it on September 1, 2017 to complete an update to the 2011 Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP). A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on September 22, 2017 at the ICTC offices. Bids are due on October 6, 2017.
- The TDA Triennial Review performance audit was presented to the Commission for approval at their last meeting.The Commission approved the audit and is posted on the ICTC website. The audit evaluates performance measures for transit operations.
- The Bus Stop Inventory Project is underway. The consulants are conducting field surveys including the inventory of current bus stops. This project should be finalized by the end of this year.
Ø Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):
- ICTC staff is requesting that agency staff provide project updates on all programmed 2019 FTIP projects by October. ICTC staff will work with cities and county staff to meet the 2019 FTIP submittal to SCAG.
- A FY 2019-20 Call for Projects is expected for the first quarter of 2018. Staff will be developing the guidelines.
- ICTC was approved for a Climate Action Plan. The grant will be administered by SCAG. The RFP will be released later this year and will include proposals for regional and local plans.
stated that the SB 1 workshop schedules have been distributed. The SLPP Program is under Prop B, 50% match road maintenance project, match with LTA money.SB 1 proposing 50% formula 50% competitive 100 million. SB 1 as long as the bill is in affect revenues will be there. Be prepared to use first year allocations. Best number we have available based on the state. Mr. Baza stated we are still working with Caltrans on border inspection on expansion. Coming up with a solution to come up with a proposal.(canopy in both areas). City of Calexico spread ½ million on traffic opening with Phase 1.
The CTC has indicated that it will not have estimates available for this program until the end of July/early August timeframe, agencies are recommended use the League of Cities estimate as a placeholder. The CTC has indicated that following the submittal of the budgeted list of projects, the local agency would have flexibility to administratively update or change the project list, but must report on SB1 expenditures on projects.
Brawley $608,000 Holtville $139,000
Calexico $920,000 Imperial $416,000
Calipatria $176,000 Westmorland $52,000
El Centro $1,034,000 County of Imperial $10,600,000
Source: cacities.org TOTAL $13,945,000
Ø LTA Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):
- Ms. Mendoza stated that the City of Brawley and the City of Calexico are the two agencies pending to expend all their LTA Bond monies. Both agencies have provided staff with information on the projects and an expected date of completion. Both projects should be wrapped up by mid-2018.
- Ms. Mendoza the LTA Bond for City of Brawley and City of Imperial. Calexico has a 6 million balance on bond. City of Calexico rolled a road maintenance project.
Mr. Baza stated that these are bond money. The money was used for new project maintenance we can help with on the bond project or whatever list is available.
1. SB 1 Update
Ms. Mendoza stated that the SB 1 workshop schedules have been distributed. The SLPP Program is under Prop B, 50% match road maintenance project, match with LTA money.SB 1 proposing 50% formula 50% competitive 100 million. SB 1 as long as the bill is in affect revenues will be there. Be prepared to use first year allocations. Best number we have available based on the state. Mr. Baza stated we are still working with Caltrans on border inspection on expansion. Coming up with a solution to come up with a proposal.(canopy in both areas). City of Calexico spread ½ million on traffic opening with Phase 1.
The CTC has indicated that it will not have estimates available for this program until the end of July/early August timeframe, agencies are recommended use the League of Cities estimate as a placeholder. The CTC has indicated that following the submittal of the budgeted list of projects, the local agency would have flexibility to administratively update or change the project list, but must report on SB1 expenditures on projects.
Brawley $608,000 Holtville $139,000
Calexico $920,000 Imperial $416,000
Calipatria $176,000 Westmorland $52,000
El Centro $1,034,000 County of Imperial $10,600,000
Source: cacities.org TOTAL $13,945,000
6. SCAG Updates / Announcements: (Ms. Mendoza for Mr. Salgado)
- SCAG will be having two special presentations before the regularly scheduled Management Committee meeting. Kimberly Clark will be providing an overview of the “The Bottom-Up Local Input & Envisioning Process for the 2020 RTP – SCS; and Ma'Ayn Johnson will be providing an overview on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process.
7. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- County of Imperial: Mr. Gay had the following announcements
o The County conducted a Utility Coordination Kickoff Meeting in mid-September. IID, the Gas Company and AT&T was present. Mr. Gay stated that he would like agencies to attend the next meeting in an effort to foster communication.
o Dogwood Road will be closed in December/January in the county limits for road imrovements.
- City of Imperial: Mr. Villegas had the following announcements:
o There will be road closures during the overlay work on Dogwood Road on the end of October. Closures will last 30 days. Phase 4 of the Aten Road project will also begin in November. Following by Neckel Road and SR-86 installation of signal.
- Ms. Mendoza encouraged agenices to notify the ICTC transit team for detours, etc.
8. Caltrans Updates / Announcements
- Ms. Blake has a Power Point Presentation on Local Assistance Environmental, Training for Imperial County Agencies. .
- There will be scheduled closures for projects on SR 98 and SR78. Staff is working with the Public Information Office to get reasonable advanced notice.
- Ann Fox is the new Deputy District Director.
- The scheduled June TAC meeting will be replaced with the Caltrans – Imperial External Teambuilding Meeting.
Mr. Lima and Mr. Chua had the following updates and announcements:a flyer of the deadlines for the projects from the engineer update.
- Please transmit invoices to Bing Luu by November 10, 2017 to avoid being flagged for inactivity. A complete list of inactive projects can be found at the link provided below.
- All Cooperative Work Agreement extensions are due by October 20, 2017.
- Exhibit 10-C has been revised effective October 1, 2017.
9. General Discussion / New Business
- The City of Westmorland will be having their annual Honey Festival in November.
- Ocotber 21, 2017, City of Imperial will have an Oktoberfest Market Days event.
10. Meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m.