September 23rd, 2021 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



September 23, 2021



            Gordon Gaste                           City of Brawley

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Jesus Villegas                           City of Imperial

            Lili Falomir                              City of Calexico

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

            Frank Fiorenza                          IID

              Jeorge Galvan                              City of Holtville/ City of Calipatria




            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC   

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC

            David Salgado                           SCAG

              Catherine Gutierrez                       City of El Centro

            Andres Miramontes                   City of El Centro

            Angel Hernandez                      City of El Centro

            Manuel Cabrera                        City of Brawley

            Andy Miramontes                       City of Brawley

            Ana Gutierrez                           City of Brawley

            Marco Coronel                          City of Imperial

            Jim Minnick                             County of Imperial

            Ryan Fallica                             Caltrans

              Ben Guerrero                            Caltrans

            Kevin Hovey                            Caltrans

            Daniel Hernandez                      Caltrans

            Alex Araiza                              Caltrans



1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for July 22, 2021 (Falomir/Galvan) Motion Carried.




3.       Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) & Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) 2022 Call for Projects DRAFT Guidelines (Presented by: Marlene Flores)

Marlene Flores introduced the 2022 Call for Project Guidelines for the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) & Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Programs. The guidelines were introduced to TAC members as an information item and plan to request TAC members consideration for Action during the October 28, 2021 TAC meeting.

Marlene Flores summarized the CMAQ and STBG funds that will be available for programming for the three-year period FFY 2022/2023 to 2024/2025.

CMAQ Funding Estimates

FFY 22/23

FFY 23/24

FFY 24/25







STBG Funding Estimates

FFY 22/23

FFY 23/24

FFY 24/25







*FFY 24/25 amounts shown for CMAQ and STBG are estimated apportionments. Updated estimates for FFY 2024-2025 for CMAQ and STBG are expected to come from Caltrans by winter of 2021.


ICTC is currently working on releasing the 2022 Call for Projects Guidelines for both STBG and CMAQ Programs. Program Guidelines highlight eligible and ineligible project types as well as an overview of each program and submittal instructions. Funding availability is projected for FFY2022/2023 thru FFY 2024/2025.  The Call for Projects is open to all cities and the County of Imperial.  Below is the proposed Call for Projects implementation schedule for both CMAQ and STBG.


Marlene Flores mentioned how the new guidelines have been combined into one set. A sample application has been added to the guidelines to guide local agencies with the application.

A DRAFT copy of the Call for Project Guideline was provided to all TAC members. Marlene Flores asked TAC members to review both program guidelines and to provide input to ICTC before the next TAC meeting on October 28, 2021.


4.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements (Presented by: Ben Guerrero):

-          September 3, was the deadline to submit Inactive invoices. Agencies that did not invoice prior to September 30, 2021, must submit a justification on the Inactive Justification Form spreadsheet.

-          Exhibit 9-A This form was updated and needs to resign the agreement.

-          CTC Schedule is updated.  Please review and follow the deadlines.

-          The Clean California Local Grant Program will provide approximately $296 million in funds to communities to beautify and improve streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways and transit centers to restore pride in public spaces. Clean California Local Grant Program Guidelines Workshops available. Workshop will be on October 7, 2021.

-          DBE Goal Methodology Mid- Year Adjustments- OCR issued the following temporary guidance to increase the DBE goal for the rest of the current year. When the Exhibit 9-D: Contract Goal Methodology is sent to OCR for review and approval, OCR may modify the reduction factor from 80 percent to 100 percent. This modification will be on a contract by contract, district by district basis. When local agencies set DBE goals for their contracts, they will still use the factor of 80 percent.

-          Active Transportation Resource Center Webinar on October 19, 2021. During this webinar they will inform two State active transportation- related non-infrastructure funding programs, one focused on plans and another on education and encouragement. You will also learn how to leverage existing local funding sources and other technical assistance resources available to help your agency's non-infrastructure application be more competitive in the next ATP funding cycle.

-           At-Risk Preliminary Engineering (PE)- local agencies may begin reimbursable Preliminary Engineering (PE) work prior to receiving federal authorization for such work, assuming the project and PE phase are included in a federally-approved Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) document or an FSTIP amendment prior to incurring costs.

-          QAP Updates- City of Imperial is about to expire. Please see the updated list provided by Ben Guerrero. Updated QAP packages must be submitted to the Local Area Engineer, Ben Guerrero. Otherwise, no Construction funding authorization requests will be processed.

-          Virtual Training Updates available. Federal Aid Series is coming up as well as other trainings.

-          Daniel Hernandez from Caltrans provided a brief update on the I-8 interchange project.


5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements (Presented by David Salgado):

-          SCAG Broadband Action Plan at the February 4th SCAG Regional Council (RC) Meeting, the SCAG RC adopted a resolution which directs SCAG staff to develop a “Broadband Action Plan.” The development of an action plan would provide a model resolution and policy paper for local jurisdictions, pursue funding opportunities and partnerships to assist local jurisdictions with broadband implementation, convene a working group, and further support broadband planning and data research. These efforts would also be developed to complement SCAG’s ongoing efforts to support an Inclusive

-          Economic Recovery and efforts supporting Racial Equity and Social Justice.

-          SCAG Regional Data Platform (RDP): The Regional Data Platform will standardize regionally significant datasets, provide opportunities for local partners to update their data in real time, and draw insights from local trends. More specifically, it will be an online tool or SCAG and local jurisdictions to access data necessary for local general plan development trends, housing and economic growth, and sustainability conditions.

-          SCAG Kit of Parts- David Salgado mentioned the GoHuman Kit of Parts and how it is available for the region. The engagement tool to temporarily demonstrate potential and planned street design treatments and safety infrastructure.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

      -     Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.


7.       ICTC Updates / Announcements                                                                                                  Presented by Virginia Mendoza

a.       Transit Planning Updates

- ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements those which include Free fares for Transit riders with the exception of Medtrans.  

b.      Transportation Planning Updates

1.       Active Transportation Plan Update- The project is moving forward as ICTC has completed pop-up workshops in the month of July and August. Over 200 public input surveys. The next Project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting is scheduled for October 19, 2021. Upcoming events include public workshops during the month of October and November.

2.       FY 2020-21 Programmed Project Obligation Updates

- Federal and State project list was presented. The list is a list of projects that reflects projects that have funding in FFY 21/22. Virginia mentioned that the list will be reviewed and revised with more in detail information on each project. The list will be brought back to TAC on the next TAC meeting in October.


8.       General Discussion / New Business


a.       Schedule of Remaining Meetings in 2021- Virginia Mendoza proposed moving the November 18 TAC meeting to November 17, 2021 due to conflict with another meeting. Virginia Mendoza did highlight how on the master calendar schedule the TAC meeting is scheduled on the 18th of November, ICTC recommends to meet November 17, 2021. A motion was made and All Local Agencies agreed in moving the meeting to November 17.

b.       Hybrid Meeting Discussion- Virginia Mendoza post the question to the TAC group in regards to make the TAC meetings hybrid. If TAC members are interested in meeting in person. George Galvan from the Holt Group provided feedback in regards to meeting in person and also through zoom. Abraham Campos from the City of El Centro agreed with George Galvan in having a hybrid meeting, but also included in maybe meeting in person quarterly.


Next TAC meeting will be on October 28, 2021, via Zoom


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.