November 16th, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES OF November 08, 2023

10:30 a.m.



City of Brawley

Tyler Salcido

City of Calexico

Esperanza Colio-Warren

City of Calipatria

Laura Gutierrez

City of El Centro

Cedric Ceseña

City of Holtville

Nick Wells

City of Imperial

Dennis Morita

County of Imperial

Miguel Figueroa

County of Imperial

Rebecca Terrazas-Baxter

Imperial Irrigation District

Manuel Ortiz

City of Westmorland



David Aguirre


STAFF PRESENT: Cristi Lerma, Angela Delgadillo


OTHERS PRESENT: Alejandro Lopez, Bryan Ott, Ben Guerrero, Hanh Dung Khu: Caltrans, David Salgado: SCAG



The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, November 08, 2023, together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

Chair Colio-Warren called the meeting to order at 10:33 a.m., roll call was taken, and a quorum was not present. The meeting began with reports and continued as usual when a quorum was met at 10:43 a.m


II.                  EMERGENCY ITEMS

There were none.


III.                 PUBLIC COMMENTS

There were none.


IV.                CONSENT ITEMS


A.                  Approval of Management Committee Draft Minutes:       October 11, 2023


B.                  Received and Filed:

1.                   ICTC Commission Minutes:                                          October 25, 2023

2.                   ICTC TAC Minutes:                                                           September 28, 2023

3.                   ICTC SSTAC Minutes:                                                      October 4, 2023


                C.            Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); SCAG and the SCAG Region County Transportation Commissions (CTC) – STBG/CMAQ/CRP Funded Projects


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:

1.                   Authorized the Executive Director to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) to establish the roles and responsibilities for STBG/CMAQ/CRP funded projects. The MOU shall begin on the effective date of the MOU and will continue in full force until such party withdraws.


A motion was made by Morita seconded by Wells to approve the consent calendar as presented; Roll call was taken:


Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


Motion carried.


V.                  ACTION CALENDAR


A.            2023 Call for Projects Guidelines – Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) – FFY 2023/24 to FFY 2025/26

It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:

1.                   Approved 2023 Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Call for Projects Schedule:

2.                   Directed staff to open a competitive call for projects for member agencies for estimated CRP, STBG and CMAQ funds, effective November 9, 2023, through January 26, 2024;

3.                   Directed staff to convene an evaluation committee to score and rank the projects; and,

4.                   Directed staff to return with a list of recommended projects for approval by the Commission.

A motion was made by Ceseña seconded by Wells to approve Action A. Roll call was taken:



Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


                                Motion carried.


B.            Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project – Contract Change Order No. 7

It was requested that the Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:

1.                   Approved Change Order No. 7 to Hazard Construction Company for the Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project in the amount of $146,286.08 modifying the total contract value to $20,499,323.48.

2.                   Authorized the Executive Director to sign Change Order No. 7.


A motion was made by Morita seconded by Ceseña to approve Action B. Roll call was taken:



Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


                Motion carried.


C.            Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project – Contract Change Order No. 8

It was requested that the Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:

3.                   Approved Change Order No. 8 to Hazard Construction Company for the Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project in the amount of $365,218.00 modifying the total contract value to $20,864,541.48.

4.                   Authorized the Executive Director to sign Change Order No. 8.


A motion was made by Morita seconded by Gutierrez to approve Action C. Roll call was taken:



Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


                Motion carried.


D.            2024 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Recommendations for Imperial County

It was requested that the Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any: 

1.       Approved the 2024 STIP Recommendations for Imperial County, requesting to fund Planning, Programming and Monitoring (PPM) activities in the following distributions:

a.       program a total of $777,000 from 2024 STIP RIP funds for ICTC staff Planning, Programming and Monitoring (PPM) activities as follows: $77,000 in fiscal year 2024-25, $82,000 in fiscal years 2025-26 and 2026-27, $279,000 for fiscal year 2027-28 and $257,000 in fiscal year 2028-29.

b.       Carryover the remaining available balance of $23,257,000 for the Forrester Road improvement project.


A motion was made by Figueroa seconded by Wells to approve Action D. Roll call was taken:



Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


                Motion carried.


E.            Fund Request to the Local Transportation Authority (LTA) – Proposed fence replacement adjacent to SR 86 on the western boundary of the fairgrounds in the City of Imperial

It was requested that the Management Committee forward this item to the LTA Board for review and approval after public comment, if any:

1.                   Approved the allocation to the City of Imperial for a one-time funding request of $165,000 from the Measure D 5% Highway set-aside allocations for FY 2023-24.

2.                   Authorized the Chairman to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Imperial and the Imperial County Local Transportation Authority.


A motion was made by Terrazas-Baxter seconded by Wells to approve Action E. Roll call was taken:



Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Figueroa


County of Imperial Terrazas-Baxter


City of Westmorland


Imperial Irrigation District


                Motion carried.



VI.                REPORTS


A.                  ICTC Executive Director

-          Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

o   Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC): ICTC has already acquired 2 of the required 3 properties for the project.

o   Bus Stop Improvement Project: Staff are working on developing a bus stop improvement project across multiple cities throughout the county. The project consists of installing various bus shelters and potentially other amenities. ICTC will be coordinating with the various cities to complete the development. It is anticipated that the project will be completed within FY23-24.

o   2022 Long Range Transportation Plan: The Final Draft LRTP was recently finished for public review prior to final development. It is anticipated that the document adoption will be in the December timeframe. To access the completed documents and draft project listing, please visit the project website located at

o   Forrester Road Project Study Report (PSR): The updated PSR is anticipated to be received in mid-November 2023.

o   Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Widening Project: Phase one has been completed. Estimated completion timeframe: March 2024

o   State Route 86 (Northbound) Border Patrol Checkpoint: The improvement plans have been prepared in final draft form and have been submitted to Caltrans for review.

o   All ICTC Executive Directors updates can be found on page 77.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)  

-          Mr. Salgado had the following updates:

o   SCAG’s 14th Annual Southern California Economic Summit will be held on Thursday, December 7th, 8 A.M. – 2 P.M. at SHERATON GRAND LOS ANGELES. Learn more and register to attend at

o    SCAG updates can be found on page 85.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

-          Mr. Lopez Rangel had the following updates:

o   SR-98 Widening Project: The estimated completion date is late December.

o   I-8, SR-78 Bridge Rehab at Various Locations: Work at Brock Research Center Rd has begun and is anticipated to be completed by December 2023.

o   I-8 Roadside Safety Improvements: This work is now underway for the westbound side of I-8. The expected completion date is March 2024.

o    Clean California Projects: Pending bus shelter delivery to start on the project.

o    SR-86/Customs & Border Protection Checkpoint Expansion: All required documents were received.

-          Mr. Guerrero had the following updates:

o    Project Study Report: Forrester Road Improvements: On schedule. The estimated completion date is December 2023.

o    Feasibility Studies: District 11 Truck Parking and Medium/Heavy Duty ZEVCharging Station Site Assessment: The estimated completion date is Summer 2024.

o    November 30, 2023 – Request for Letters of Support from Caltrans for 2024 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) grants: Any Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) requests for a Caltrans Letter of Support are due November 30, 2023

o    2025 Active Transportation Program (Cycle 7):

o    California Transportation Commission (CTC) Allocation and Approval Requests: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 – deadline for the next CTC meeting (January 25-26, 2024)

o    Quality Assurance Program (QAP) – Renewal Deadline in 2024

-          Ms. Dung Khu had the following updates:

o   SR-111 Roadside Improvements: start is estimated for spring 2024.

o    All Caltrans updates can be found on page 88.


VII.              The next meeting is scheduled for December 21, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. tentatively at the City of Calipatria and via Zoom Meeting for non-voting members and the public.  



                The meeting was adjourned at 11:27 a.m.