Minutes | Regular Meeting
May 25, 2017
Gordon Gaste City of Brawley
Guillermo Sillas City of Brawley
Lily Falomir City of Calexico
Terry Hagen City of El Centro
Jack Fleming City of El Centro
Hector Orozco City of Holtville
Isabel Alvarez City of Imperial
John Gay County of Imperial
Angel Hernandez City of El Centro
Mark Baza ICTC
David Aguirre ICTC
Virginia Mendoza ICTC
Cristi Lerma ICTC
David Salgado SCAG
Sara Dominguez (on the phone) SCAG
Gustavo Gomez The Holt Group
Joseph Chua Caltrans
Kevin Hovey Caltrans
Roberto Martinez Vexer Engineering
1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Gaste at 10:03 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.
2. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for April 27, 2017. (Gay/Falomir) Motion Carried.
3. ICTC Updates / Announcements
Ø Transit Planning Updates (By David Aguirre):
- The Regional Bus Stop Inventory, Signage Replacement and Technology Assessment Project contract was approved in April. A kick off meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2017. All City Managers and Engineering staff to the meeting.
Ø Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):
- An agency RFA status was requested for FY 2016-17 RSTP and CMAQ projects. The table below indicates agency responses under status for each project. Agencies are encouraged to submit their RFA’s to Caltrans Local Assistance by May 2017.
Agency |
Fund Type |
Project Name | Total Project Cost (in thousands) |
Status |
Brawley | CMAQ | Paving Wildcat Drive | $1,008 | Request for Authorization (RFA) for Design was submitted and the project has been obligated.. |
Calexico | CMAQ | Paving of De Las Flores St. | $466 | Request for Authorization (RFA) for Design is pending Caltrans review of audit. |
Calipatria | CMAQ & RSTP | Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements on N. Brown St. | $1,233 | Obligation issued 9-16-16 |
El Centro | CMAQ | Signal Lights Synchronization along Dogwood Ave. & Danenberg Ave. | $351 | Re-submitted RFA at the end of December 2016, waiting for obligation |
El Centro | ATP | Establish of SR2S Program and Bicycle Route Improvements | $524 | Obligation completed, it’s been awarded for design |
Holtville | CMAQ & RSTP | 9th St. from Palm Ave. to Olive Ave. | $633 | Obligation for ROW issued 12-27-16, RFA for CON will be submitted May 2017 |
Holtville | CMAQ & RSTP & EAR-Repurpose | 6th Street Pavement | $682 | RFA for CON was submitted on January 24, 2017, E76 received |
Imperial City | RSTP | Dogwood Road Pavement from Aten Rd. to Southeast City Limits | $302 | RFA expected to be submitted end of April |
Imperial County | RSTP | Dogwood Road Pavement between El Centro City Limits to Imperial City Limits | $2,335 | RFA submitted in April |
Imperial County | ATP | Pedestrian Master Plan | $100 | RFA expected to be submitted in May |
Imperial County | CMAQ | Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from San Diego Avenue to Holt Avenue in Seeley | $1,119 | RFA expected to be submitted in May |
Imperial County | CMAQ | Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from Holt Avenue to Heil Avenue in Seeley | $237 | RFA expected to be submitted in May |
Westmorland | CMAQ | Paving H Street and 8th Street | $429 | RFA was submitted on April20, 2017 |
ICTC | CMAQ | Design of New Intermodal Transportation Center in the City of Calexico | $559 | RFA expected to be submitted end of May |
| Total | $9,978 |
Ø LTA Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):
- Ms. Mendoza requested that all agencies submit their project requests for the LTA Bond and provide a status report. She stated that the County of Imperial and the City of Calipatria have spent all their funds. The City of Brawley has a balance as of April 2017 of $1.98 million; Calexico $6 million; and, Imperial $265,134. Agencies are highly encouraged to submit invoices.
4. SB 1 Update
Mr. Baza stated that SB 1 was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. SB 1 provides new funding for transportation purposes, with investments fix-it-first purposes on local streets and roads, highways, transit operations and maintenance, capital investments, and active transportation. Over the next 10 years it is estimated SB 1 will provide $52.4 billion for transportation purposes. The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is in the process of preparing guidelines for several programs that are part of SB 1. The programs include: State Highway Operation and Protection; Local Streets and Roads Program; Trade Corridor Enhancement Account; Active Transportation Program; Solutions for Congested Corridors Program; and Local Partnership Program.
Agencies will need to pay attention early requirements that may impact your agency’s budget process. Funding provided under the SB 1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) for local streets and roads will be distributed to the cities and county based on the same formula as the Highway User Tax Account distribution. SB 1 also outlines a role for the CTC in the funding of projects. In order to receive an agency’s formula share of the RMRA funds, the agency is required to submit a list of budgeted projects (having projects listed in CIPs is not sufficient) and ensure that its maintenance of effort is consistent with general fund expenditures as reported through the State Controller’s office report for fiscal years 2010 through 2012. Both of these requirements pertain to the adoption of your local agency’s 2017-18 budget. The list of potential projects submitted to the CTC must be included as SB1 funded in your agency’s adopted annual budget. Agencies are recommended to consider SB 1 related requirement when working on their FY 2017-18 budget. Agency budgets should include potential projects that may be funded through the SB1 RMRA formula program and to also consider the new maintenance of effort requirement.
The CTC has indicated that it will not have estimates available for this program until the end of July/early August timeframe, agencies are recommended use the League of Cities estimate as a placeholder. The CTC has indicated that following the submittal of the budgeted list of projects, the local agency would have flexibility to administratively update or change the project list, but must report on SB1 expenditures on projects.
Brawley $608,000 Holtville $139,000
Calexico $920,000 Imperial $416,000
Calipatria $176,000 Westmorland $52,000
El Centro $1,034,000 County of Imperial $10,600,000
Source: cacities.org TOTAL $13,945,000
5. Affordable Housing Sustainable Community Strategy (AHSC) Grant Program
Mr. Salgado provided a handout regarding the Affordable Housing Sustainable Community Strategy (AHSC) Grant Program. Sara Dominguez from SCAG was on the phone to answer questions.
The Strategic Growth Council's Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program provides grants and affordable housing loans for compact transit-oriented development and related infrastructure and programs that reduce greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions. These projects increase the accessibility of housing, employment centers, and key destinations via low-carbon transportation options (walking, biking, transit) resulting in fewer vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and mode shift.
SB 862, Statutes of 2014 established the AHSC Program, to be administered by the Council, "to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through projects that implement land use, housing, transportation, and agricultural land preservation practices to support infill and compact development..." The AHSC Program is funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), which is an important part of the State’s overall climate investment efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Ultimately, these investments and other transformative drivers lay the foundation for the system-wide changes the State will need to achieve the long-term goals of Assembly Bill 32, as reflected in the Governor’s Executive Order B-30-15 target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Pursuant to SB 862, the Council is required to develop and administer the AHSC Program and to leverage the programmatic and administrative expertise of relevant state agencies and departments in implementing the program. The Council is responsible for the overall administration of the AHSC Program and retains the central authority for the governance of this program. The Council and its members acting together have joint responsibility for the development of program design, program guidelines, selection criteria, and selection of projects and other administrative duties as defined by the Council. The Council will use the breadth of expertise in its multi-agency and member constituency to collaboratively discharge these responsibilities.
The Department of Housing and Community Development within the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency implements the housing, transportation and infrastructure components of this program. The Strategic Growth Council staff will coordinate collaborative efforts with agency and department staff, working with the Council to develop program guidelines including grants and loans, evaluating applications, preparing agreements, monitoring agreement implementation, reporting and amendments.
Program Goals
· To fund projects that:
· Result in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles travelled (VMT)
· Increase accessibility of housing, employment centers and key destinations through low-carbon transportation options such as walking, biking and transit.
· Strategies
· Provide affordable housing loans and other capital grants for the creation of affordable housing, housing related infrastructure, sustainable transportation infrastructure, transit related amenities, and related programs.
Measurable Outcomes
· Projects will support public policy objectives through coordination including:
· Reducing air pollution
· Improving conditions in disadvantaged communities
· Supporting or improving public health
· Improving connectivity and accessibility to jobs, housing and services
· Increasing options for mobility, including active transportation
· Protecting agricultural lands to support infill development
6. SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Mr. Salgado)
- A second round of “GO-Human” advertising will be released throughout the SCAG region in May 2017. The “GO-Human” Campaign is an ATP Cycle 1 Grant funded program designed and developed to be utilized by all stakeholders and partners in the region to bring heightened awareness to pedestrian and bicycle safety as well as driver safety through a robust marketing and advertising campaign. ICTC has collaborated to include “Go-Human” advertising on their transit buses in order to promote safe walking and bicycling. May is Bike month. A workshop will be held on June 1, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at RCTC.
- Toolbox Tuesday will be on June 6, 2017 and June 22, 2017.
- Local Profiles have been published. They are available on the SCAG website and there are printed copies available.
7. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- Agencies gave project updates.
8. Caltrans Updates / Announcements
Ms. Landrum had the following updates and announcements:
- Segment 1 of CRCP project is almost complete.
- There will be scheduled closures for projects on SR 98 and SR78. Staff is working with the Public Information Office to get reasonable advanced notice.
- Ann Fox is the new Deputy District Director.
- The scheduled June TAC meeting will be replaced with the Caltrans – Imperial External Teambuilding Meeting.
Mr. Hovey had the following updates and announcements:
- The Caltrans Environmental team is interested in providing training at a future TAC meeting.
Mr. Chua had the following updates and announcements:
- June 1, 2017 there will be a workshop in Riverside on Developing Bikeable, Walkable Communities.
- Deadline to submit ADA and DBE Forms is June 30, 2017.
- Please submit invoices to the District before August 21, 2017. A complete list of inactive projects can be found at the link provided below.
9. General Discussion / New Business
- There were none.
10. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.