June 25th, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



June 25, 2020


                Guillermo Sillas                        City of Brawley

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Jesus Villegas                           City of Imperial

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Ismael Gomez                           IID



            Mark Baza                                ICTC

            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC

            Michelle Bastidas                      ICTC

            David Aguirre                           ICTC

            David Salgado                           SCAG

            Javier Luna                               City of El Centro

            Christian Rodriguez                   City of El Centro

            Felix DeLeon                            City of El Centro

            Catherine Gutierrez                   City of El Centro

            Isabel Garcia                             City of Imperial

            Victor Garcia                            City of Holtville (Holt Group)

            Robert Urena                            County of Imperial                               

            Ben Guerrero                            Caltrans




Due to the COVID-19 and Executive Order N-25-20, teleconferencing is recommended for the public, however measures will be taken to have access for those who wish to participate in person while still abiding by local, state and federal mandates. Following is teleconference information.


            The meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.


1.       Introductions


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for May 28, 2020 (Falomir / Campos) Motion Carried.


3.       Local Transportation Authority (LTA) Ordinance Requirements

(Presented by ICTC Staff)

Virginia Mendoza provided a brief summary on the LTA Ordinance Requirements. David Aguirre and Michell Bastidas were present to provide more information on the LTA Ordinance:

·         Member agencies to provide a list of completed projects for each fiscal year as a part of the audit process. This information will eventually be made available to the public through the LTA website.

·         Staff to conduct an annual training workshop and/or have quarterly roundtables with all member agencies to alleviate any findings regarding documentation and to answer any questions.

·         Staff has committed to develop a schedule to assist agencies to turn in their documentation in a timely manner, and to provide agencies a template to assist them in submitting their list of completed projects on an annual basis.

ICTC staff will be exploring a modification to the LTA ordinance that will apply to all agencies’ MOE requirements. FY2019-2020 MOE requirements are for the following agencies:

1.         City of Brawley - $440,509.52

2.         City of Calexico - $1,193,033.11

3.         City of Imperial - $35,743.09

4.         City of El Centro - $1,945.39


4.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

(Presented by ICTC Staff)

a.       Transit Planning Updates- David Aguirre provided a brief update on the transit side. Based on the current events surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements.

            Federal Transit Administration (FTA) CARES Act Award for Imperial        Valley             Transit: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support and signed into law on March 27, 2020. David Aguirre was happy to announce that ICTC was   awarded $10.5 million from the CARES Act Grant as formally confirmed by the         Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on June 24, 2020. The FTA CARES Act      Grant was made available to public transit agencies to help to prevent, prepare for             and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The period to utilize the funds depends on our continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic. ICTC plans to utilize the            grant in the best way possible with the continued emphasis on providing the    Imperial Valley with excellent and reliable services; safe distancing/sanitation         practices; and restoring service schedules as ridership demand increases.


b.       Transportation Planning Updates (by Virginia Mendoza):

-          California-Baja California 2021 Border Master Plan- The California-Baja California Border Master Plan is a binational effort to coordinate planning and delivery of projects at land port of entries and the transportation infrastructure serving them. The California-Baja California Border Master Plan was envisioned by the joint working committee as a pilot project between border states. Based on the outcomes of this pilot binational planning process, the California-Baja California approach could be expanded to other border states and customized to address their needs, resulting in a master planning process for the entire U.S.-Mexico border.

The primary objectives of the California-Baja California Border Master Plan are:


- State of the Practice: Increase the understanding of POE and transportation planning on both sides of the border and create a plan for prioritizing and advancing POE and related transportation projects.


-          Request for Authorization / Allocation- SB1, CMAQ, STBG- Update on State and Federal funding obligations. A complete list of programmed projects was provided as an attachment to the agenda. Each agency provided an update on the current status of each project.

-          SR-78/Glamis Feasibility Study- Virginia Mendoza provided a brief update on this project. The fourth TWG meeting was held on May 21, 2020 to discuss the alternatives analysis report. The next TWG meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2020 and will present estimates for the short list alternatives.

-          Regional Climate Action Plan (CAP)- Marlene Flores provided an update on the CAP. In regards to the Data Inventory, all local agencies have provided information for the data collection. For the next TAC meeting, the consultant will present the existing conditions analysis and data reports that were collected. The project is moving forward to the outreach and engagement phase and with COVID-19 state-wide shelter in place, ICTC is shifting to a more virtual approach (website, online community surveys, social media).

-          Imperial County Regional Active Transportation Plan- Virginia Mendoza provided a brief summary of this project. This project is funded by a grant of $250,000 under SCAG Sustainable Communities Program. The project will develop a new region-wide ATP by incorporating the existing and underway plans into a regional ATP effort that will prioritize regional project priorities and fund requests.

ICTC’s primary goal is to complete a document that will serve as an Act of Transportation Addendum to ICTC's Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).

The plan will focus on bicycle, pedestrian, SRTS, Complete Streets, First/Last Mile, and other ATP strategies. The Plan will develop inventories of existing gaps and needs.  This inventory can then be used to prioritized and request grant funds for improvements that would otherwise not be funded.


c.       LTA Updates 2012 and 2018 (by Virginia Mendoza):

-          2012 LTA Bond- City of Brawley still has a balance on their respective 2012 LTA Bond account of ($670,221).

-          2018 LTA Bond- The City of Holtville already utilize all their 2018 LTA money and City of Calexico ($8,019,678) and City of Calipatria ($1,396,017).


d.       Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA) (by Virginia Mendoza):

         -      Electronic Annual Report (EAR)- Virginia Mendoza provided a brief update on

                IVRMA’s EAR. The report is due on August 1, 2020. IVRMA will be contacting              local agencies for the require information that is needed. An updated ordinance       letter will be sent to residents and businesses. City of El Centro, Abraham                       Campos provided key information on IVRMA and how we can facilitate local                        agencies in the future. IVRMA will be presenting next TAC meeting on services

                they provide.

5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements (by David Salgado)

-          Connect SOCAL 120 Day Directive: On May 7 SCAG’s Regional Council approved Connect SoCal, the 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, for federal transportation conformity purposes and approval for all other purposes was postponed for up to 120 days to allow more time to consider the short- and long-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the plan. 


-          SCAG Demographic Workshop: SCAG and the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy will be hosting the 31st Annual Demographic Workshop over two sessions –one on Thursday, June 11, 2020, and the other on Thursday, June 18, 2020 – virtually. The program is free and will focus on responding to demographic changes across the region and the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

-          2020 SCAG General Assembly: Thursday June 4th, SCAG held its 55th Annual General Assembly meeting virtually via Zoom.  This was rescheduled due to the cancellation of the annual conference in May. Delegates representing all of the jurisdictions in the SCAG region met where Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon gave introductory remarks, approved the 2020/2021 General Fund Budget, and elected new Board Officers. Rex Richardson, Councilmember Long Beach was elected as the new SCAG President.

-          2021 Cycle 5 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant: The Active Transportation Program (ATP) is a competitive statewide program created to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. Senate Bill 99 (Chapter 359, Statutes of 2013) and Assembly Bill 101 (Chapter 354, Statutes of 2013) created the ATP, and Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) (Chapter 2031, statutes of 2017) directs additional funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to the ATP.

Currently there is a total of $445 million available for fiscal years 2021 to 2025. The “Call for Projects” was released earlier in March 2020. The deadline for applications has been extended to September 15th, 2020. Quick Build applications are still due July 15th, 2020. SCAG is working towards holding an ATP workshop in Imperial County concurrently with the ICTC Technical Advisory Committee meeting at a future date.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.


7.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements (By: Ben Guerrero)

Local Assistance: Ben Guerrero provided updates on local assistance.

Inactive Projects- As of June 19, 2020, the INACTIVE and FUTURE Inactive list was updated. An invoice is not cleared from either “Inactive” or “Future Inactive” lists until paid by the State Controller’s Office. Provided local agencies adhere to the format described in Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), invoices typically are paid by check within 60 days of receipt (or 50 days if paid through Electronic Funds Transfer).


Summer 2020 Deadline: Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 Call for Projects- The California Transportation Commission call for Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects began March 25, 2020. The extended deadline is July 15, 2020.  September 15,2020 is the new deadline for all other ATP project types.


September 4, 2020- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 Call for Projects- Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA) announced the local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 Call for Projects on May 5, 2020. The application deadline is September 4, 2020.


Monday, June 29, 2020 (11-12:30) – Webinar on Implementing a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP)- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 (around April 2022) will require a mandatory Local Roadway Safety Plan (or the equivalent) from any agency applying for HSIP project funds. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is hosting a 90-minute webinar to review information for LRSP implementation on Monday, June 29, 2020.


Preparation Schedule for California Transportation Commission (CTC) Allocation Requests- Ben Guerrero provided the schedule of deadlines to send allocation request packages for CTC approval by the July 2020 CTC meeting. Friday, August 14, 2020 is the next deadline.


Temporary Exception for Requiring “Wet” signature on Invoices- The current process of requiring wet signatures on invoice documents in order to process for payment is

temporarily exempted. Until further notice, scanned copies of invoices will be accepted.

For questions, please contact either the Local Area Engineer, Mr. Guerrero, or Local Assistance Program Support Analyst, Alma Sanchez, via email at Alma.Sanchez@dot.ca.gov


Construction Contract Administration Guidance- Ben Guerrero provided a brief update on the guidance. Construction on critical transportation infrastructure and most public works is designated an “essential service” by the U.S Department of Homeland Security. Ben provided a link for general guidance on potential impacts to current and upcoming projects.


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Running Tally Procedure: Office Bulletin (OB) 20-02- For projects awarded after March 1, 2020, when submitting an invoice for reimbursement that includes a payment to a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), no later than the 10th of the following month, the prime contractor/consultant shall email a complete LAPM Exhibit 9-F: DBE Running Tally of Payments to business.support.unit@dot.ca.gov (with a copy to local administering agencies).


Architectural & Engineering Contract Procurement Training Webinar- This recording of a recently delivered class is now available online. Training focuses on Chapter 10 of the LAPM and provides an overview of step-by-step procedures that local agencies must follow to select and procure Architectural & Engineering service contracts related to State and federal aid highway projects.


I-8 / Imperial Avenue Interchange Project- Media release information for this project will be out this month. Caltrans will announce closures beginning early July, 2020. City of El Centro and Caltrans will be working together to provide information on closures of eastbound Interstate 8 on- and off- ramps at Imperial Avenue lasting several months beginning July 5.


8.       General Discussion / New Business

- Mark Baza provided several updates on projects. Mark highlighted the SR-86/Customs & Border Protection Checkpoint Expansion project. ICTC and Caltrans continues to work on design and Border Patrol wants to pursue with a new design for the checkpoint and they also announced that they will be providing some funding for this project.

- Mark Baza provided a brief update on the Calexico East Port of Entry Bridge Project. ICTC is in the draft stage for the RFP and moving forward with documentation.

- Next TAC meeting will be on July 23, 2020 via Zoom.


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.