July 27th, 2017 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



July 27, 2017



            Gordon Gaste                           City of Brawley

            Guillermo Sillas                        City of Brawley

            David Dale                               City of Calexico

            Mindy Hernandez                      City of Calipatria

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Nick Wells                               City of Holtville

            Isabel Alvarez                           City of Imperial

            Othon Mora                              City of Imperial

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial




            Mark Baza                                ICTC

            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            David Aguirre                           ICTC

            Vicky Hernandez                      ICTC

            David Salgado                          SCAG

            Jeorge Galvan                           The Holt Group

            Joseph Chua                             Caltrans

            Kevin Hovey                            Caltrans

            Michelle Blake                          Caltrans

            Roberto Martinez                      Vexer Engineering


1.       The meeting was called to order by Chair Gaste at 10:01 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made. 


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for April 27, 2017. (Alvarez/Sillas) Motion Carried.


3.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

Ø  Transit Planning Updates (By David Aguirre):

-          ICTC will be reaching out to the cities for support ???.

-          The Caltrans Adams Ave. site project is underway. The consultant team have begun the feasibility analysis that will determine if the site will meet ICTC’s transit needs


Ø  Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):




Fund Type


Project Name


Project Cost

(in thousands)





Paving Wildcat Drive


Request for Authorization (RFA) for Design was submitted and the project has been obligated.



Paving of De Las Flores St.


 RFA was submitted  Caltrans is pending review of audit. Received notice from Caltrans HQ that it should be reviewed in the next 2 weeks.   



Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements on N. Brown St.


Obligation issued 9-16-16

El Centro


Signal Lights Synchronization along Dogwood Ave. & Danenberg Ave.


Obligated in April

El Centro


Establish of SR2S Program and Bicycle Route Improvements


Obligation completed, it’s been awarded for design



9th St. from Palm Ave. to Olive Ave.


Obligation for ROW issued

12-27-16, RFA for CON will be submitted 2017


CMAQ & RSTP & EAR-Repurpose

6th Street Pavement


RFA for CON was submitted on January 24, 2017, E76 received

Imperial City


Dogwood Road Pavement from Aten Rd. to Southeast City Limits


RFA submitted on May 18th,  received authorization from CaltransThat the project has been  obligated

Imperial County


Dogwood Road Pavement between El Centro City Limits to Imperial City Limits


RFA submitted in April

Imperial County


Pedestrian Master Plan


RFA expected to be submitted in June

Imperial County


Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from San Diego Avenue to Holt Avenue in Seeley


RFA expected to be submitted in June

Imperial County


Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from Holt Avenue to Heil Avenue in Seeley


RFA expected to be submitted in June




Paving H Street and 8th Street


RFA was submitted on April 20, 2017and theRFA was received by the agency.



Design of New Intermodal Transportation Center in the City of Calexico


RFA was submitted.








Ms. Mendoza stated that the SB 1 workshop schedules have been distributed. The SLPP Program is under Prop B, 50% match road maintenance project, match with LTA money.SB 1 proposing 50% formula 50% competitive 100 million. SB 1 as long as the bill is in affect revenues will be there. Be prepared to use first year allocations. Best number we have available based on the state

-          The CTC has indicated that it will not have estimates available for this program until the end of July/early August timeframe, agencies are recommended use the League of Cities estimate as a placeholder.  The CTC has indicated that following the submittal of the budgeted list of projects, the local agency would have flexibility to administratively update or change the project list, but must report on SB1 expenditures on projects. 


Brawley           $608,000                      Holtville                       $139,000

Calexico          $920,000                      Imperial                       $416,000

Calipatria         $176,000                      Westmorland                $52,000

El Centro         $1,034,000                   County of Imperial       $10,600,000

Source: cacities.org                             TOTAL                        $13,945,000


Ø  LTA Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          Ms. Mendoza requested that all agencies with a balance submit their project requests for the LTA Bond and provide a status report. She stated that the County of Imperial and the City of Calipatria have spent all their funds. The City of Brawley has a balance as of April 2017 of $1.98 million; Calexico $6 million; and, Imperial $265,134. Agencies are highly encouraged to submit invoices.


-          Ms. Mendoza the LTA Bond for City of Brawley and City of Imperial. Calexico has a 6 million balance on bond. City of Calexico rolled a road maintenance project.

Mr. Baza stated that these are bond money. The money was used for new project maintenance we can help with on the bond project or whatever list is available.


4.       Presentation on NEPA Process for Local Assistance Projects


Ms. Blake gave a Power Point Presentation on the NEPA process for Local Assistance projects. An overview of the presentation consisted of the following:

·         context in project delivery

·         laws and regulations

·         process

·         resources and compliance

·         technical studies/reports

·         NEPA documentation

·         reevaluations

·         PS&E and Construction


For a complete copy of the presentation, please contact the ICTC office,






5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Mr. Salgado)

-          Augmentation process to be completed by 8/1/17. Focus on disadvantage communities. SCAG administering programs. Apply on Go Human. 2 million dollars available, take advantage of the funds. Go Human in El Centro did a project and got funded through RENA. RENA will get together with cities.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          Agencies gave project updates.


7.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

Ms. Hovey had the following updates and announcements:

-          Mr. Hovey stated he will talk to Carol at Caltrans about coming out to our area and doing a presentation on Hazardous Waste.

-          There will be scheduled closures for projects on SR 98 and SR78. Staff is working with the Public Information Office to get reasonable advanced notice.

-          Ann Fox is the new Deputy District Director.


Mr. Chua had the following updates and announcements:

-          Mr. Chua presented a flyer of the deadlines for the projects from the engineer update.

-          A complete list of inactive projects can be found at the link provided below.



8.       General Discussion / New Business

-          There were none.


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:21 a.m.