July 22nd, 2021 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



July 22, 2021



            Guillermo Sillas                        City of Brawley

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Robert Urena                            County of Imperial

            Marco Coronel                          City of Imperial

            Lili Falomir                              City of Calexico

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

            Frank Fiorenza                          IID

              Jeorge Galvan                              City of Holtville




            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC   

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC

            Audrie Tapia                             ICTC

            David Salgado                           SCAG

              Catherine Gutierrez                       City of El Centro

              Ana Gutierrez                               City of El Centro

            Manuel Cabrera                        City of Brawley

            Andy Miramontes                       City of Brawley

            Alexis Araiza                            Caltrans

            Ryan Fallica                             Caltrans

              Ben Guerrero                            Caltrans

            Jeorge Galvan                           The Holt Group



1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for June 24, 2021 (Hamby/Galvan) Motion Carried.


3.       Caltrans Active Transportation Plan: Request for City & County Input (Information Item: Presented by Caltrans Staff)

Caltrans District 11 announced their Active Transportation is live. The goal of the plan is to implement goals of the state bike and pedestrian plan along with goals on safety, mobility, preservation, and equity. Caltrans partners with transportation agencies, cities, counties, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and members of the BPAC.  Caltrans is encouraging all partners to capture the input Caltrans developed on the Active transportation Plan survey at https://survey.catplan.org/Home?sid=11. More videos and outreach materials on the Caltrans Active Transportation Plan can be found on http://www.catplan.org/district-11.


4.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements (Presented by: Ben Guerrero):

-          June 7, 2021, was the deadline to submit Inactive invoices. Agencies that did not invoice prior to June 7, 2021, must submit a justification on the Inactive Justification Form spreadsheet.

-          Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) Request for Authorization Obligations were due by January 29, 2021. Caltrans cannot accept RFA submittals after Friday, July 23, 2021.

-          Local agencies must notify their prime contractors of this reporting requirement. Prime contractors, as well as each subcontractor, report this information to their respective local agency Resident Engineer who certifies the information is correct and complete. Local agency Resident Engineers send the reports to their respective Caltrans Division of Local assistance Engineer who verifies the information is complete.

-          The 2021 Annual EEO Report form FHWA-1391 is due on August 16, 2021. Please email any questions and the completed FHWA-1391 forms to Cathy Ly at Cathy.Ly@dot.ca.gov.

-          When the Exhibit 9-D: Contract Goal Methodology is sent to OCR for review and approval, OCR may modify the reduction factor from 80 percent to 100 percent. This modification will be on contract by contract, district by district basis. When local agencies set DBE goals for their contracts, they will still use the factor of 80 percent. The DBE goal setting methodology remains unchanged.

-          Friday August 13, 2021, is the final deadline for the October 13-14, 2021 CTC meeting.

-          The Caltrans ATP Team is hosting a workshop on August 25, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. that describes and outlines the next steps your awarded agency needs to take to begin your project. The workshop is applicable to new awardees and any past awardees that need a refresher.

5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements (Presented by David Salgado):

-          SCAG TOOLBOX TUESDAY: Adapt’s Local Climate Change Snapshot Tool: SCAG will be hosting a Toolbox Tuesday: Cal Adapt’s Local Climate Change Snapshot Tool on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, from 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. The Local Climate Change Snapshot Tool can be used by local jurisdictions to develop climate change and resilience plans, projects, and programs. The training will provide an in-depth demonstration of the tool and its indicators, showcasing different features. Please contact David Salgado with any questions. https://scag.ca.gov/toolbox-tuesday-online-training-materials.

-          SCAG’s Go Human Traffic Safety Peer Exchange: SCAG’s Go Human Traffic Safety Peer Exchange is open to register for a free virtual series designed to bring together practitioners from the six-county region to explore topics like equity, reimaging community safety, and community engagement.

-          SCAG Regional Data Platform (RDP): The Regional Data Platform will standardize regionally significant datasets, provide opportunities for local partners to update their data in real time, and draw insights from local trends. More specifically, it will be an online tool or SCAG and local jurisdictions to access data necessary for local general plan development trends, housing and economic growth, and sustainability conditions.

-          SCAG Aerial Imagery Project 2020-21 Update: The flyovers have been completed and an introductory meeting was held with the vendor, Eagle View. The meeting was offered to member jurisdictions and stakeholders to introduce some of the new products provided as a part of the project, which includes high resolution imagery, ortho imagery and other products. SCAG is working with the county to finalize an MOU prior to requesting local contributions for supporting the program.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

      -     Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.


7.       ICTC Updates / Announcements                                                                                                  Presented by Virginia Mendoza

a.       Transit Planning Updates

- ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements those which include Free fares for Transit riders with the exception of Medtrans.  

b.      Transportation Planning Updates

1.       FY 2020-21 Programmed Project Obligation Updates

- Virginia Mendoza shared the Imperial County Transportation Commission is undertaking a Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to improve access, mobility, and safety for non-motorized modes of travel, including walking, bicycling, and riding transit. The Regional ATP is grant funded by the Southern California Association of GOVERMENTS (SCAG). ICTC staff kicked off this project in April 2021 and has conducted two (2) Technical Advisory Committee meetings with City, County, SCAG, and Caltrans staff to start data gathering and early outreach efforts. A dedicated project page has been developed for the project: https://ictcatp-ktuagis.hub.arcgis.com/. The KTUA consultant team ad ICTC staff hosted a series of two outreach events on Friday July 16, 201 and Saturday July 17, 2021.

2.       Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center (CTC):

-          A new Intermodal Transportation Center in the City of Calexico has been part of ICTC’s long range transit planning. The new Calexico ITC will serve as a regional mobility hub that will accommodate bus bays for Imperial Valley Transit in addition to the City of Calexico’s private transit operators, taxis and farm labor buses. Currently, ICTC staff is completing the Caltrans award review process with multiple Caltrans’ departments. The ICTC Board adopted the agreement with Psomas on September 26, 2018. Environmental phase has been completed. Design is underway and Right of Way Acquisition will begin in Summer 2021.


8.       General Discussion / New Business

-     Next TAC meeting will be on September 23, 2021, via Zoom


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:03 a.m.