Minutes | Regular Meeting
February 3, 2022
Abraham Campos City of El Centro
Adriana Anguis City of Holtville
Veronica Atondo County of Imperial
Jesus Villegas City of Imperial
Lili Falomir City of Calexico
Jeorge Galvan City of Calipatria
Ramiro Barajas City of Westmorland
David Aguirre ICTC
Virginia Mendoza ICTC
Marlene Flores ICTC
Angela Delgadillo ICTC
Andres Miramontes City of El Centro
Angel Hernandez City of El Centro
Felix De Leon City of El Centro
Christian Rodriguez City of El Centro
Juan Manuel Cabrera City of Brawley
Phillip Ramirez City of Brawley
Guillermo Sillas City of Brawley
Ana Gutierrez City of Brawley
Marco Coronel City of Imperial
Lisa Tylenda City of Calexico
Ismael Garcia County of Imperial
Ben Guerrero Caltrans
Alexander Araiza Caltrans
Daniel Hernandez Caltrans
Jacob Leon KTUA
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.
2. Adopted resolution authorizing remote teleconference meeting in accordance with Assembly Bill 361. ICTC requested a motion to adopt. (Campos/Anguis). Motion Carried.
3. Rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair Positions
- A motion was made by Abraham Campos and seconded by Jesus Villegas to nominate the City of Brawley as the Chair for 2022, Motion Carried.
- A motion was made by Marco Coronel and seconded by Veronica Atondo to nominate the City of Calipatria (Jeorge Galvan) as the Vise-Chair for 2022. Motion Carried.
4. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for December 16, 2021 (Atondo/Campos) Motion Carried.
5. Regional Active Transportation Plan
(Presented by: Jacob Leon, KTUA)
- Jacob Leon from KTUA provided a presentation on the Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The ATP will assess community needs through site visits and community workshops and it will identify and prioritize active transportation projects.
- Mr. Leon points out how important it is to first analyze the existing conditions such as access points, destination, and physical constraints. By understanding the context, the consultants were able to pinpoint which cities have and do not have.
- Jacob also provided a very detailed overview on the Community Engagement and how it has a significant impact on the process. For instance, there was a website and surveys provided for the public. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) informed the team of outreach opportunities, stakeholder meetings were conducted, and fifteen community workshops were conducted through the ATP planning process.
- Eleven data collection workshops were held between July 16 and August 26, 2021.
- Four Project recommendations workshops were held between October 28 and November 6, 2021.
- Some factors being considered on how the projects were identified are the popular destinations, demographics, reported collisions, future projects, and stakeholder input.
- Mr. Leon explained how the following cities and communities needed a special focus with the planning effort based on lack of plan or a dated plan, City of Brawley, City of Westmorland, City of Holtville, Bombay Shores, Desert Shores, Palo Verde, and Salton Sea Beach.
- The final layer of this process is that the projects should be prioritized. It is a data-driven process consisting of cumulative scored derived from various criteria.
- Jacob Leon gave a brief description of the Regional Projects that were drafted and included two distinct types of maps. The first one being the pedestrian improvements. The second map demonstrates the existing bikeways and proposed bikeways.
- A motion was made to approve the adoption of the Imperial County Regional Active Transportation Plan. (Anguis/Ramirez) Motion Carried.
6. Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) Resolution for Federal Fiscal Year 2022/2023-2027/2028 Federal Transportation
(Presented by: Virginia Mendoza)
- Virginia Mendoza provided a brief overview of the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) and projects submitted on the 2023 FTIP along with a resolution letter stating the commitment to implement all listed projects in the FTIP.
- ICTC Staff forwards this item to the Technical Advisory Committee for discussion and recommendation to submit to the ICTC Management Committee and Commission after public comments, if any:
- A motion was made to Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution that certifies funding has been identified for the projects in the FFY 2022/2023 - 2027/2028 FTIP and affirms our commitment to implement all projects in the program. (Atondo/Campos) Motion Carried.
7. Housing Issues Senate Bill 9 Housing Development: Approvals and Senate Bill 10 Planning and Zoning: housing development: density
(Presented by: Jeorge Galvan, The Holt Group)
- Jeorge Galvan explains the Senate Bill 9 and 10 and how both Bills provide opportunities for affordable housing. The Senate Bill 9 has been called the duplex law, which allows duplexes in single family zones. This changes things such as requiring a one parking space per unit. It also allows for subdivision existing single family residential lot.
- This means in terms for transportation and public works issues is that there will be higher density developments in residential zones.
- Mr. Galvan also explains the Senate Bill 10 which is an up zoning and transit rich areas. This leads to potential higher densities.
- Phillip Ramirez from the City of Brawley commented on how he has seen up to four homes in one lot and notices the difficulty and the issues of the small driveways and how that would lead them to park in the streets.
- Mr. Galvan discusses how he would like to know if there are any other potential issues there can be regarding the passage of this new law and what could be done to address those items.
- Abraham Campos from the City of El Centro comments how it is a discussion item with Management. The biggest issue being affordability. He explains that what they are trying to do is densify what they already have. He also comments how he has seen other agencies updating and revising their zoning ordinances to create a procedure of when and how to develop an add residences.
- Mr. Campos suggested to bring back this item for discussion in the following.
8. Caltrans Updates / Announcements (Presented by: Ben Guerrero):
- As of January 27, 2022 the INACTIVE and Future Inactive list was updated. Action is required by the County of Imperial, as well as these cities: Brawley, Calexico, El Centro, and Imperial.
- Notify Caltrans with any anticipated submittal date for a forthcoming inactive project invoice. FHWA now requires status updated quarterly.
- Obligation Authority (OA) funds for redistribution are dwindling faster than in prior years.
- Transmit all RFA details on LAPM Exhibit 3-A and use the newest version from January 2022- https://forms.dot.ca.gov/v2Forms/servlet/FormRenderer?frmid=LAPM3A
- As of January 10, 2022, the list of active project end dates was updated. To avoid expiration, action is required by the County of Imperial, as well as these cities: Calexico, Holtville, and Imperial.
- The Active Transportation Program Branch workshops focus on Program education, region-specific and questions relating to the upcoming 2023 ATP Cycle. These workshops are specific to a county/region; therefore, are not mandatory for all stakeholders to participate. It is held on Monday, February 28, 2022 from 12:30pm-2:30pm.
- To participate via GoToMeeting, use the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/717772317
- 2022 Local Assistance Publication Updates:Caltrans has released updates to the 2022 Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and the Local Assistance Program Guideline (LAPG). All changes appear in Local Programs Procedures (LPP).
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- http://www.localassistanceblog.com/2021/10/06/annual-disadvantaged-business-enterprise-goal
- Quality Assurance Program (QAP) approval expires in January 2022 for the City of Imperial.
- Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies are available to apply. Both the Federal Aid Series and Resident Engineers Academy courses fill-up quickly.
- Title VI Nondiscrimination Program:
- On February 16, 2021 Caltrans Division of Local Assistance delivered training for Local Public Agencies (LPA) to implement the federally mandated Title VI Program. This training provides the LPA with FHWA requirements of Title VI to incorporate nondiscrimination principles in all locally administered federal-funded programs, plans, and activities.
- Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies-New Learning Opportunities in 2022!
- Both the Federal Aid Series and Resident Engineers Academy courses fill-up quickly.
9. SCAG Updates / Announcements:
- No SCAG Updates were presented.
10. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.
11. ICTC Updates / Announcements (Presented by David Aguirre, Virginia Mendoza, and Marlene Flores)
a. Transit Planning Updates
- ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements those which include Free fares for Transit riders including Med Trans. However, the Free Fare Program for all IVT Services will end March 31, 2022. These services will begin charging regular fares beginning April 1, 2022. The Calexico ITC Project is nearly complete and has been reviewed by the City of Calexico.
b. Transportation Planning Updates
1. COVID Relief Funds FY 2021-2022 (CRRSAA)
The CRRSAA funds distribution amounts should be approved by our Commission by February 23, 2022. After approval, the cities and county will need to submit to ICTC a letter stating what they plan to use the CRRSAA funds on. (Sample Letters attached to agenda packet.)
2. 2022 CMAQ and STBG Call for Projects
2022 CMAQ and STBG Project Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2022.
3. FY 21/22 Federal and State Project Obligation Status
Marlene Flores went through the different cities to get an update on the Federal and State Project Obligations Status.
12. General Discussion / New Business
No New Business
Next TAC meeting will be February 24, 2022, via Zoom
13. Meeting adjourned at 12:04 p.m.