August 25th, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



August 25, 2016



            Guillermo Sillas                        City of Brawley

            Steven Sullivan                         City of Brawley

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Hector Orozco                          City of Holtville

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

            Fumi Glavan                             The Holt Group for City of Calipatria




            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

            Mark Baza                                ICTC

            David Salgado                          SCAG

            Frances Nicklen                        SCAG Intern

            Gustavo Gomez                        The Holt Group



1.       The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Sillas at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for May 26, 2016, (Sillas/Gay) Motion Carried.


3.       San Diego State University / Imperial Valley College Transit Shuttle Analysis


Ms. Mendoza stated that the San Diego State University / Imperial Valley College Transit Shuttle Analysis completed by the AECOM consultant team assessed the feasibility of an inter-college campus shuttle service in Imperial County.  A technical advisory committee team comprised of staff from SDSU - Imperial Valley Campuses, Imperial Valley College, SCAG, ICTC and Caltrans provided guidance in the development of the project deliverables.  A critical element of the project deliverables included multiple outreach efforts at the campuses of SDSU-Calexico, IVC and SDSU - Brawley.  


The study developed a phased approach for implementation and future consideration. The consultant team completed the 2nd round of outreach at SDSU - Calexico, IVC and SDSU - Brawley campuses to obtain input from the student body regarding these proposed route alternatives.


The study alternatives were presented to the IVC Board of Trustees on June 15, 2016.  The IVC Board of Trustees expressed support for the project and future implementation of the first phase when funds are available.  The AECOM consultant team presented to Management and Commission in July 2016 as an information item only.  She also stated that the Draft Technical Memorandums are available on our website at 


The take away of the study will be to include it as part of the Short Range Transit Plan and the plan will prioritize the project at that time.


It was requested that the ICTC Technical Advisory Committee forward this item to the Management Committee and Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.       Approve the San Diego State University / Imperial Valley College Transit Shuttle Analysis


A motion was made by Sillas and seconded by Gay, Motion Carried.


4.       Regional Climate Action Plan and Green Initiative


Mr. Salgado stated that he wanted to gauge interest from all participating agencies in pursuing a Regional Climate Action Plan as a part of the SCAG planning grant opportunities for our region. Mr. Gay stated that a good resource would be to contact APCD. There was consensus that a special meeting should take place between planning departments and APCD. Mr. Salgado stated that he would also present the idea to City Managers.


5.       ICTC Updates / Announcements


Ø  Transit Planning Updates

-          Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) recently launched a Facebook Page. The concept is to communicate with FB users, particularly IVC students regarding service, schedules, detours etc.

-          City of Brawley should contact Ms. Kathi Williams to discuss Federal Transit Funds for bust stop improvements.


Ø  Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          ICTC is working with SCAG on the GoHuman Campaign. The goal is to make Imperial Valley a more walkable and biking friendly community and to provide awareness to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Bike Safety Workshops will take place in September.


Ø  LTA Updates:

-          Please submit all bond requisitions to Virginia Mendoza. The goal is to expend all the money.


Ø  Other announcements were provided by Mr. Baza:

-          David Aguirre is the new Associate Transportation Planner and will be working on Transit planning.

-          Guillermo Gonzalez is the new Mobility Coordinator and has been with ICTC since February and is doing a great job. He is available for presentations and meetings.

-          There will be procurements later in the fiscal year for the SRTP and LRTP.

-          Funds have been secured for the design of the Calexico ITC.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:


-          The Cities of Calipatria, Calexico, Brawley and the County gave an update on their current projects.


7.       SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Mr. Salgado)


-          Mr. Salgado encouraged agencies to apply for the ATP program. He stated that there are many resources including a recently released scoring rubric by the CTC that is available on the SCAG website. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2016. Ms. Mendoza reminded all that there is also an opportunity for the regional share with projects in the $700k to $800k scope. An important resource to use in the recently adopted SR2S Masterplan for Imperial County.


8.       FFY 2015-16 CMAQ & RSTP Project List – RFA Updates



Fund Type

Project Name


Project Cost

(in thousands)




S. Palm Ave. Rehab


3/4/16 RFA  submittal for construction



Sidewalk Rehab-Various


Design in May (still in process) Mid-June RFA submittal



S. International Ave. Sidewalk


ROW in Feb., RFA 4/8/16, Design fully done- COMPLETED

El Centro


Ross Ave. Rehab


Design in March, RFA submitted in April



Walnut Ave.


E-76 rcvd 1/28/16, begin construction 3rd/wk of May



Cedar Ave. Sidewalk


Still in Design

Imperial County


Various Roads


In Design, environmental issues to get ROW approved, then Const.



N. Center St. Pavement Rehab


PE RFA submitted 2/25/16, E76 rcvd, RFA for Const. end of May



9.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements


-          Mr. Lima was not present but provided staff with the DLAE updates. A handout was distributed. Ms. Mendoza announced that the SCLAM will be hosted by District 11 on September 28, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.


10.   General Discussion / New Business


-          Next TAC meeting will be replaced with the ICTC/Caltrans External Teambuilding Meeting on September 29, 2016 with tentative location of the IID Water Control Conference Room.


11.   Meeting adjourned at 11:18.m.