Minutes | Regular Meeting
April 28, 2022
Guillermo Sillas City of Brawley
Livier Lau City of Calexico
Adriana Anguis City of Holtville
Abraham Campos City of El Centro
Francisco Barba City of Calipatria
Veronica Atondo County of Imperial
Jesus Villegas City of Imperial
Ramiro Barajas City of Westmorland
Ismael Gomez Imperial Irrigation District
David Aguirre ICTC
Virginia Mendoza ICTC
Marlene Flores ICTC
Angela Delgadillo ICTC
Phillip Ramirez City of Brawley
Andrea Montano City of Brawley
Juan Manuel Cabrera City of Brawley
Lily Falomir City of Calexico
Ivan Negrete City of Calexico
Kayleen Aguirre City of Calexico
Felix De Leon City of El Centro
Andres Miramontes City of El Centro
Katherine Gutierrez City of El Centro
Marco Coronel City of Imperial
Kacha Delmin City of Imperial
Ben Guerrero Caltrans
Daniel Hernandez Caltrans
Ryan Fallica Caltrans
Alex Araiza Caltrans
Nicole Falvey Caltrans
David Salgado SCAG
Cory Wilkerson SCAG
Monica Soucier Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Katija Dillmann CPA
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made. There were no public comments made.
2. Adopted resolution authorizing remote teleconference meeting in accordance with Assembly Bill 361. ICTC requested a motion to adopt. (Campos/Anguis). Motion Carried.
3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for March 24, 2022 (Campos/Villegas) Motion Carried.
4. Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Cycle 6: Overview:
(Presented by: Cory Wilkerson, SCAG)
- It is a Competitive Grant Program that is Over Subscribed. However, the Imperial County would compete very well in this program.
- General Goals for this Program: Increase walking and biking, enhance public health, assist regional agencies meet SB375 targets.
- There are Six Application Types: Small (Up to $3.5 million), Medium ($3.5-$10 million), Large ($10 million), Non-Infrastructure Only (Education Campaigns), Plans (ATP, Bike, Ped.) and Quick builds (Pilot Project Type).
- Four Years of Funds: FY 2023/24, 2024/25, 2025/26, and 2026/27
- Cycle 6- Funding Estimate: $650,740,000 over the four years
- 5% to Planning and Capacity Building Projects- $6,884,000 over four years
- 95% to Implementation Projects- $130,795,000 over four years
- The $66,000 amount is designated to the Planning and Capacity Building Projects. However, if there are no projects of that type that are submitted on behalf of our region, the funding can be considered under the Implementation Projects.
- June 15, 2022- Project Applications Deadline
- Quick Build Projects: Interim capital improvement projects, immediately address safety needs, Extended Evaluation, and Semi-Permanent Materials
- PSR/PSRE-Requirements: Signed and stamped Engineer’s Checklist, Project Location Map, Engineering level cost estimates, Realistic Schedule, Layout Plans, Collision Data, and Supporting Documents
- Location: Disadvantaged Census Tracts, School Enrollment Boundaries, Environmental Justice Areas & Communities of Concern and Collision Patterns
- There is a big difference between Community Outreach and Community Engagement. When applying, they are looking more for Community Engagement.
- For example, Walk/Bike Audits, Go Human Kit of Parts, and Demonstrations
- Including Non-infrastructure to an Infrastructure Project will increase the competitiveness of the application as well.
- David Salgado raised a concern from the TAC group is the state architecture review component. He asked if there were any changed or considerations for that project.
- Mr. Wilkerson replied that it is still a problem and that the state architecture off will review any project that is located around a school, if it is identified as a Safe Route to School Project.
- What he recommends is to not name it “Safe Route to School Project” That way there is a less of a chance they will review it.
- Guillermo Sillas, City of Brawley, asked if Street light can be included for Pedestrians
- Mr. Wilkerson replied that yes Pedestrian Level Street lighting is an eligible project component for that part of the project
- There is no Local Match required.
- For more information, please contact Cory Wilkerson at wilkerson@scag.ca.gov or David Salgado at salgado@scag.ca.gov
5. Imperial County Hydrology Manual:
(Presented by: John Gay, Public Works Director)
- This Item was postponed for the May TAC Meeting.
6. Go Human Kit of Parts:
(Presented by: David Salgado, SCAG)
- Go Human Kit of Parts available if anyone is interested in using it.
- There are many resources that can complement the Active Transportation Planning for potential projects.
- For more information, please contact David Salgado at salgado@scag.ca.gov
7. Caltrans Updates / Announcements:
(Presented by: Ben Guerrero)
- As of April 15, 2022 the INACTIVE and Future Inactive list was updated. No action is required for now.
- May 6, 2022 was the deadline to submit Inactive invoices.
- Notify Caltrans with any anticipated submittal date for a forthcoming inactive project invoice.
- Obligation Authority (OA) funds for redistribution are dwindling faster than in prior years.
- Transmit all RFA details on LAPM Exhibit 3-A and use the newest version from January 2022- https://forms.dot.ca.gov/v2Forms/servlet/FormRenderer?frmid=LAPM3A
- As of April 1, 2022, the list of active project end dates was updated. To avoid expiration, action is required by ICTC, County of Imperial, as well as the City of Calexico
- FHWA Notice of Funding Opportunity: Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Opportunity:
- Funding opportunities will be awarded on a competitive basis for surface transportation infrastructure projects.
- This includes highway and bridge, intercity passenger rail, railway-highway grade crossing or separation, wildlife crossing, public transportation, marine highway,
and freight projects, or groups of such projects—with significant national or regional impact, or to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas.
- Full details and application information: FHWA NOFO Grant Opportunities
- Applications must be submitted through www.Grants.gov
- FHWA Applications Closing Date: May 23, 2022
- 2023 Active Transportation Program Call for Projects: All applications are due by electronic submission by June 15, 2022.
- The Active Transportation Program Branch workshops focus on Program education, region-specific and questions relating to the upcoming 2023 ATP Cycle. These workshops are specific to a county/region; therefore, are not mandatory for all stakeholders to participate
- Emergency Relief Program Statewide Webinar: Districts 7,11,12: April 26th from 8am-3pm
- Please register by district and correlating date on the California LTAP Center: Register for Trainings
- April 29 is the final deadline for the CTC Allocation Requests.
- June 1, 2022 – Annual Deadline for Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibits 9-B & 9-C!
- Failure to submit the completed forms delays processing of Requests for Fund Authorization (E-76).
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 ( Mid-May 2022) will require a mandatory Local Roadway Safety Plan (or the equivalent) from any agency applying for HSIP project funds.
- 2022 Local Assistance Publication Updates: Caltrans has released updates to the 2022 Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and the Local Assistance Program Guideline (LAPG). All changes appear in Local Programs Procedures (LPP).
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Update:
- Exhibit 9-F must accompany every invoice that involves payment to a DBE subcontractor.
- http://www.localassistanceblog.com/2021/10/06/annual-disadvantaged-business-enterprise-goal
- Quality Assurance Program (QAP) approval expires in January 2022 for the City of Imperial.
- Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies are available to apply. Both the Federal Aid Series and Resident Engineers Academy courses fill-up quickly.
- In Imperial County almost $2 million from both the CMAQ and RSTP are subject to reprogramming on November 1,2022.
- The District Active Transportation Plan will be finalizing in the Summer. Please provide your feedback before Friday May 13, 2022.
- For more information please visit: https://www.catplan.org/district-11 or contact Alex Araiza, D11 Complete Streets Planning, at alexander.araiza@dot.ca.gov.
- Pending DBE Exhibit 9-B and 9-C:
According to Ben Guerrero, the following jurisdictions are pending for the DBE Exhibit 9-B and 9-C. Brawley, Calexico, Imperial, Westmorland and County of Imperial Westmorland
- Request for Allocation (RFA) Pending for FFY 2021-2022:
- City of Brawley (3)
- City of Calexico (1)
- County of Imperial (1)
- For more information, please contact Ben Guerrero, Local Programs Transportation Engineer Division of Planning & Local Assistance, at Benjamin.guerrero@dot.ca.gov, 619.985.1492
- or Daniel Hernandez, P.E. Senior Resident Engineer, at daniel.hernandez.duarte@dot.ca.gov, 760.594.2008.
- Federal Environmental Requirements for Local Agency Transportation Projects ‘OFF’ the State Highway System:
- Training Registration: https://apps.cce.csus.edu/sites/cce/reg/?CID=4878
- Dates/Times: May 10-11 at 8:30a.m.-12:30p.m.
- Location: Virtual Delivery/ Zoom
- If you have any more questions/comments, please contact Nicole Falvey at Nicole.falvey@dot.ca.gov
8. SCAG Updates / Announcements:
(Presented by: David Salgado)
- 2022 SCAG Regional Conference and General Assembly May 5-6, 2022:
- On May 5-6, local leaders from throughout Southern California will convene for SCAG’s 57th annual Regional Conference and General Assembly at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa in Palm Desert, CA.
- This two-day conference will bring together state and local elected officials, CEOs, business and civic leaders, transportation and environmental stakeholders, local government staff, and others.
- Go Human materials can be used. If interested please contact David Salgado, Salgado@scag.ca.gov
9. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.
10. ICTC Updates / Announcements (Presented by ICTC STAFF)
a. Transit Planning Updates
- In the process of pursing Federal Transit Funding to reinstate the free fare program that was ongoing during the pandemic.
b. Transportation Planning Updates
1. FY 21/22 Federal and State Project Obligation Status
11. General Discussion / New Business
Some action items that were taken on April 27, 2022 by the Commission were the approval of the 2022 STBG and CMAQ Projects. The Commission also took an action to sign letters of support for the Lithium Valley Economic Opportunity Investment Plan.
Next TAC meeting will be May 26, 2022 via Zoom at ICTC offices
12. Meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m.