April 23rd, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




April 23, 2020




                Gordon Gaste     


City of Brawley

            Guillermo Sillas 


City of Brawley

            Lily Falomir       


City of Calexico

            Victor Garcia     


City of Calipatria (Holt Group) 

            Abraham Campos


City of El Centro  

           Veronica Atondo


County of Imperial

            Jesus Villegas     


City of Imperial 

            Joel Hamby        



City of Westmorland

           Virginia Mendoza



           Marlene Flores 



           David Salgado  



           Andres Miramontez


City of Brawley

            Felix DeLeon  


City of El Centro

            Javier Luna        


City of El Centro

           Angel Hernandez


City of El Centro

           Christian Rodriguez


City of El Centro

            Isabel Garcia      


City of Imperial

           Beth Landrum 



            Ben Guerrero     



            Jose Ornelas       



            Kevin Hovey      



           Monica Soucier 


Imperial County Air Pollution Control District


Due to the COVID-19 and Executive Order N-25-20, teleconferencing is recommended for the public, however measures will be taken to have access for those who wish to participate in person while still abiding by local, state and federal mandates. Following is teleconference information.


 The meeting was called to order at 10:09 a.m. A quorum was present, and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.  


1.       Introductions



2.       Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Active Transportation Program:

(Presented by Cory Wilkerson, Active Transportation Program Manager II)

-Mr. Wilkerson provided a quick update on the Active Transportations Program. On March 25, 2020, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) adopted program guidelines and announced the 2021 ATP Call for Projects. Applications are due on June 15, 2020. -Mr. Wilkerson has worked on several grants and he is familiar with ATP grants and he wants to provide us with his expertise.  

-The 2021 ATP will award over $400m through a four-year cycle starting in fiscal year 2021/22. ATP funds are awarded through call for proposals issued by the California Transportation Commission and SCAG.

-SCAG adopted the Cycle 5 Regional ATP Guidelines on April 2, 2020 and anticipates issuing a supplemental Call for Projects in September through the Sustainable Communities Program (SCP). The SCP Call for Projects will be open to specific types of Planning and Non-Infrastructure Projects ONLY.

-Mr. Wilkerson mentioned how ATP funding is awarded to projects in the SCAG region through two funding programs: The Statewide ATP and SCAG’s Regional ATP. The statewide guidelines and regional guidelines provide direction on project selection for each of the respective programs. 

-Please note: there is a consolidated Call for Projects for both funding programs issued by the California Transportation Commission in Spring of every even year to solicit applications for all eligible project types. In addition, SCAG issues a supplemental Call for Projects, in coordination with the SCAG Sustainable Communities Program in the Fall of every even year, for specific types of Planning and Non-Infrastructure Projects ONLY that implement regional priorities and expand the reach of regional programs. Basically, we have 3 opportunities to get funds. 


3.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for February 27, 2020 (Falomir/ Gaste) Motion Carried.


4.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

(Presented by ICTC Staff)


a.       Transit Planning Updates- Ms. Mendoza provided a brief update on the transit side. Based on the current events surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICTC is implementing a reduction in service for its fixed route services. Services effected include Imperial Valley Transit (IVT), IVT Blue Line, IVT Green Line and IVT Gold Line.


b.       Transportation Planning Updates (by Virginia Mendoza):

-          Regional Climate Action Plan (CAP)- Ms. Mendoza provided an update on the CAP. Due to recent COVID-19 state-wide shelter in place, ICTC is shifting our Community Outreach and Stakeholders meeting to a more virtual approach (website, online community surveys, social media). In regards to the Data Inventory, all local agencies have provided information for the data collection and ICTC would like to say thank you to all local agencies for your collaboration.  


c.       FFY 2019-20 Programmed Project Updates: (by Virginia Mendoza) Update on State and Federal funding obligations. A complete list of programmed projects was provided as an attachment to the agenda. Each agency provided an update on the current status of each project.

-          Imperial Mexicali Binational Alliance Meeting- The next IMBA meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2020 due to COVID-19 the meeting will be held via Zoom until further notice.   

-          SR-78/Glamis Multiuse Grade Separated Crossing Feasibility Study-

Currently the consultant team is conducting an analysis of the alternatives and the next technical working group meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2020. 


d.       LTA Updates 2012 and 2018 (by Virginia Mendoza):

-          2012 LTA Bond- City of Brawley still has a balance on their respective 2012 LTA Bond account of ($668,871). 

-          2018 LTA Bond- The City of Holtville already utilize all their 2018 LTA money and City of Calexico ($8,019,678) and City of Calipatria ($1,396,017). 


5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements (by David Salgado)

-          Connect SOCAL Plan: SCAG is focused on the approval of the Connect SOCAL Plan at the upcoming Regional Council May 7th meeting. Mr. Salgado also mentioned the first RC meeting since the onset of the COVID-19 situation so expect some good information to be provided regarding SCAG’s future initiatives and potential to aid members in our info items of the agenda. Mr. Salgado will send out the agenda and highlight any topics of importance once it’s released.

-          ATP- Mr. Salgado mentioned how SCAG has been proactive with the planning and supporting projects, if there are any questions, as Cory Wilkenson mentioned, feel free to ask Mr. Salgado as well.

-          Sustainability Grant Program: Sustainability Grant Program in the coming months. The program will be released in 3 parts with the first to be ATP and subsequent focuses on housing and sustainability type projects for award.  - Local Community Engagement and Safety Mini-Grants: Sustainability Mini-Grants aim to build street level community resiliency and increase the safety of vulnerable street users. SCAG will award up to $10,000 to selected projects and strategies, which shall all be implemented between May 2020 and July 31, 2020. Guidelines and Application can be found at the  http://gohumansocal.org/Pages/Mini-Grants.aspx website. Community-based organizations, non-profits, artists, students, and creators may apply for a MiniGrant. Funding is available to recipients across the SCAG region, and the deadline for applications is May 14, 2020 at 5:00 PM. 


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

                -    Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress. 


7.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements (By: Ben Guerrero and Beth Landrum)


Local Assistance: Mr. Guerrero provided updates on local assistance. 

New Time Extensions- All new time extension requests from now until December 2020 will need to complete both forms Exhibit 22B and Time Extension Amendment Request (related to Covid-19). 

Time Extension- Timely Use of Funds-  Process: 

•          Local Agency submits LAPG 22-B.

•          Local Agency to provide succinct reason why time extension is being requested (What was  the delay? How long is/was the delay? What did the Local Agency do about it?) (COVID-


•          Necessary Signatures: Local Agency, DLAE, MPO (only if MPO selected project).

•          Email package to timely.use.of.funds@dot.ca.gov and email to DLAE

Inactive Projects- As of March 27, 2020, the INACTIVE and FUTURE Inactive list was updated. An invoice is not cleared from either “Inactive” or “Future Inactive” lists until paid by the State Controller’s Office. Provided local agencies adhere to the format described in Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), invoices typically are paid by check within 60 days of receipt (or 50 days if paid through Electronic Funds Transfer). 


Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5- The California Transportation Commission call for Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects began March 25, 2020. The deadline is June 15, 2020. The program schedule will be reevaluated, and an amended schedule will be presented at the May 2020 Commission meeting for approval. 


Quality Assurance Program (QAP)- A quick reminder, City of Calexico, City of El Centro and City of Westmorland need to renew the QAP if federal funds are anticipated for future projects. A list with specific dates for each agency was provided. An updated QAP package must be submitted as soon as possible to the Local Area Engineer, Ben Guerrero.


2020 Updates- Local Assistance Procedures Manual and Program Guidelines- Updates to the LAPM and LAPG have been documented in Local Programs Procedures and can be viewed on the website. 


Preparation Schedule for California Transportation Commission (CTC)-Mr. Guerrero provided the schedule with deadlines to send allocation request packages for CTC approval. Please review the preceding schedule of deadlines to send allocation request packages for California Transportation Commission (CTC) approval by the June 2020 CTC meeting. All documents must be received by the Caltrans District 11 Office at least two months prior to the preferred CTC meeting date. Friday, April 24, 2020 is the next deadline (for the meeting in June 2020). This meeting is a final opportunity to request any CTC action for the 19/20 State Fiscal Year.


Temporary Exception for Requiring “Wet” signature on Invoices- The current process of requiring wet signatures on invoice documents in order to process for payment is temporarily exempted. Until further notice, scanned copies of invoices will be accepted. For questions, please contact either the Local Area Engineer, Mr. Guerrero, or Local Assistance Program Support Analyst, Alma Sanchez, via email at Alma.Sanchez@dot.ca.gov


Local Roadway Safety Plans (LRSP)- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 (around April 2022) will require a mandatory Local Roadway Safety Plan (or the equivalent) from any agency applying for HSIP project funds.


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)- Mr. Guerrero provided a brief update on DBE procedures. For projects awarded after March 1, 2020, when submitting an invoice for reimbursement that includes a payment to a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), no later than the 10th of the following month, the prime contractor/consultant shall email a complete LAPM Exhibit 9-F: DBE Running Tally of Payments to business.support.unit@dot.ca.gov (with a copy to local administering agencies).


Planning: Mrs. Landrum provided an update on the El Centro General Plan as it got cancelled due to COVID-19.  

-Due to COVID-19 there has been several webinars that are being provided. Virtual outreach from Caltrans and other local agencies in providing information.

-          SR-78 Glamis TWG meeting in the month of May is still moving forward, until further notice. - Interstate 8 (I-8) Imperial Avenue Interchange Project update. Work begins on I-8, crews are gearing up to start work as soon as May 5th. Construction signs will be posted at the end of the week but traffic impacts for stage 1 ae not expected until early July. 

-          Caltrans Imperial County Region Active Transportation Plan- Mrs. Landrum reminded TAC members of the May 4th deadline and their participation in the development of this plan. Local Agencies will need to provide feedback on location-based needs that may exist in their community and which may not have already been identified or included as part of an existing plan. The goal of this exercise is to use the information provided as part of a discussion in which we aim to identify prioritized areas of need for the Imperial County region.


8.       General Discussion / New Business

-Ms. Mendoza mentioned how the next TAC meeting will be via Zoom as well. ICTC offices are closed to the public, but remain open. ICTC staff can be reach via email, or cell phone in the meantime. 

- Mr. Campos would like to know how ICTC will be incorporating the Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA) to TAC. How updates will be provided to local agencies in regards to IVRMA. Ms. Mendoza will provide an update on the next TAC meeting in regards to this topic.  -Mr. Ornelas from Caltrans provided a brief update as well on the Interstate 8 Imperial Avenue Interchange project. 


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.