Minutes | Regular Meeting
April 22, 2021
Gordon Gaste |
| City of Brawley |
Abraham Campos |
| City of El Centro |
Veronica Atondo |
| County of Imperial |
Jesus Villegas |
| City of Imperial |
Lili Falomir |
| City of Calexico |
Joel Hamby |
| City of Westmorland |
Frank Fiorenza
| IID |
Virginia Mendoza |
| ICTC |
Mark Baza ICTC
Marlene Flores ICTC
Audrie Tapia ICTC
David Salgado SCAG
Lorianne Esturas SCAG
Guillermo Sillas City of Brawley
Manuel Cabrera City of Brawley
Ana Gutierrez City of Brawley
Javy Luna City of El Centro
Christian Rodriguez City of El Centro
Catherine Gutierrez City of El Centro
Felix De Leon City of El Centro
Angel Hernandez City of El Centro
Marco Coronel City of Imperial
Elva Pacheco City of Imperial
Ben Guerrero Caltrans
Ryan Fallica Caltrans
Daniel Hernandez Caltrans
Denise Marin The Holt Group
Francisco Barba The Holt Group
Deborah McGarrey So Cal Gas
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.
There were no public comments made.
2. A motion was made to adopt the minutes for March 25, 2021 (Falomir /Atondo) Motion Carried.
3. Caltrans Updates / Announcements (Presented by: Ben Guerrero):
- Caltrans provided general information on inactive projects. As of April 19, 2021, the INACTIVE and Future Inactive list was updated. Action is required by the County of Imperial, as well as these five cities: Brawley, Calexico, El Centro, Holtville, and Imperial.
- February 19, 2021 was the deadline to submit Inactive invoices. District 11 must receive accurate and complete invoices to prevent de-obligation of federal funds. Agencies that do not plan to send an invoice by May 20, 2021, must submit a justification. A complete list of Inactive Projects can be found on https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/projects/inactiveprojects
- The “FLAPplication” deadline is May 27, 2021. FLAP intends to supplement State, local and tribal resources for public roads, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities. More information is available through the following link, which includes a recorded webcast presentation –https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/programs-access/ca.
- The U.S. DOT Office of Civil Rights has extended guidance to June 30, 2021 for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program requirements and certification procedures during the public health emergency.
- The Last California Transportation Commission (CTC) is June 23, 2021. Caltrans District 11 must receive all documents on or before April 23, 2021.
- Local agencies may begin reimbursable Preliminary Engineering (PE) work prior to receiving federal authorization for such work, assuming the project and PE phase are included in a federally approved Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) document or an FSTIP amendment prior to incurring costs.
- The Exhibit 6-A Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form is now Electronic Signaturefillable. You can find the form at https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/forms/localassistance-procedures-manual-forms.
- Ben Guerrero provided a presentation regarding the Project Authorization Process with a focus of The Master Agreement.
- Daniel Hernandez provided an update regarding the I-8 Bridge. A view from the north west quadrant was provided. The project civil work is scheduled to be completed by November 2021. A tour is set to be scheduled to visit the site project location.
4. SCAG Updates / Announcements (Presented by David Salgado):
- SCAG 2021 General Assembly: The annual convening of the SCAG General Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, May 6th, 2021. The meeting will be held remotely. The complete agenda packet is posted and available. Please contact SCAG RAO David Salgado with any questions regarding the 2021 SCAG General Assembly.
- SCAG Regional Data Platform (RDP): SCAG has been reaching out to cities promoting the Regional Data Platform (RDP) and the Local Information Services Team (LIST). SCAG has created the LIST in an effort to support the rollout of the RDP and other housing and data support needs. SCAG is focused to be a resource to the members moving forward.
- The 32nd Annual Demographic Workshop registration is currently open which is scheduled to be held in the month of June. The topic this year will be The Post PandemicCity, more information can be found on https://scag.ca.gov/demographics.
5. Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:
- Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.
6. ICTC Updates / Announcements
Presented by ICTC Staff
a. Transit Planning Updates
- Virginia Mendoza provided a brief update on transit planning. ICTC is still operating under COVID-19 requirements those which include Free fares for Transit riders with the exception of Medtrans.
b. Transportation Planning Updates
1. Imperial County Regional Active Transportation (ATP)
- Virginia Mendoza provided an update regarding the Imperial County Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to TAC members. A Kickoff Meeting was held on March 17, 2021. A couple of meetings have been held as well as a tentative meeting with the committee is scheduled for May 19, 2021, which will include the project plans and efforts. The Project is scheduled to be completed by February 2022. The initial goal of the project is to prepare a detailed localized Active Transportation Plan focused on bicycle, Safe Routes to School, Complete streets, and other ATP strategies that will connect to its surroundings.
Regional Climate Action Plan (CAP) Draft Update
- The Regional Climate Action Plan is scheduled to be to be presented to local jurisdictions Council/Board for review and approval for the months of May or June 2021. Feedback of the draft has been received from all with the exception the County of Imperial. Additional information such as surveys and videos regarding the Regional Climate Action Plan can be found on the ICTC Website at http://www.imperialctc.org/regional-climate-action-plan/. FY 2020-21 Programmed Project Obligation Updates
- Virginia Mendoza reviewed the FY 2020-21 State and Federal Funded Project Obligation Lists with updates provided from the Cities and County of Imperial.
- Mark Baza shared the great news stating ICTC has gotten approved for the Calexico On Demand Transit Service for the City of Calexico. The service includes curve to curve appointments via online and phone. Smaller renewable energy vehicles will be utilized to provide this service. There is a three-year commitment in place ICTC is scheduled to fund the fourth year. More information regarding this service is to come.
-The Conceptional design for the Calexico Transit Design approvals are in the works.
7. General Discussion / New Business
- Next TAC meeting will be on May 27, 2021 via Zoom
8. Meeting adjourned at 12:04 a.m.