September 5th, 2018 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES                   September 5, 2018


Present             Voting Attendees:

Ted Ceasar – Chair                   Consumer Michael Hack – Vice Chair                    Consumer

Sonia Silva                               Access to Independence

Erika Martinez                         ARC – Imperial Valley

Raul Cordova                           Work Training Center

Gilbert Rebollar                       Area Agency on Aging

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA – ICTC

Guillermo Gonzalez                  MMP – ICTC

Rosyo Ramirez                         Imperial County Department of Social Services

Kathleen Lang                          California Health and Wellness


Non-Voting Attendees:

Maricela Galarza                      MMP– ICTC

Karla Aguilar                           IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Eric Estell                                 IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Helio Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Diana Peacher                          Molina Healthcare

Alejandra Rodriguez                 Imperial County Public Health Maria Martinez                                                Imperial County Behavioral Health

Elizabeth Robles                      Towards Maximum Independence

Peter Pacheco                           Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District



1.       Mr. Ceasar called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. A quorum was present. Introductions were made.


2.       Minutes adopted for June 6, 2018 (Lang, Hack), Motion Carried.

-        Dr. Lang requested to make an amendment on the Agenda, In the section in approval of minutes, replace May 3, 2018 with correct date of June 6, 2018. Amended.


3.       Mr. Aguirre provided PowerPoint presentation including; appointed SSTAC members duties, an overview of the upcoming SSTAC meetings and projects.

-       Current SSTAC members term is expiring, appointment of the new term is expected to done before the end of the meeting.

-       New Vehicles (Vans) are expected to be here by the end of the month, this will provide easier access in narrow areas, for pick up and drop off. (Access & IVT Ride)


4.       Voting members assigned and agreed to 3-year term, 18’-21’:

✓       Sonia Silva- Access to Independence

✓       Victor Torres- Imperial Valley College

✓       Debora Garcia- Imperial County Public Authority/IHSS

✓       Dr. Kathleen Lang- California Health & Wellness

✓       Kathi Williams- Imperial County Transportation Commission

(Hack, Cordova), Motion Carried.


Alternate voting members assigned and agreed to 3-year term, 18’-21’:

✓       Lorena Arambula- Regional Center

✓       Michelle Soto -CCS, California Childrens’ Services

✓       John Grass- Imperial County Behavioral Health

✓       Agustin Urbina- DSS/CalWorks

✓       Mark Baza- Imperial County Transportation Commission

(Hack, Lang), Motion Carried.

-          Other agencies were encouraged to participate as a voting member or alternative.

-          Ms. Williams stated that the agencies can still be added throughout the year as needed.


5.       Mr. Ceaser agreed to continue to serve as Chairperson. (Ramirez, Lang), Motion Carried. Mr. Hack agreed to continue to serve as Vice-Chair. (Ramirez, Lang), Motion Carried


6.       CTSA Reports:


Mr. Gonzalez had the following statements:


-          He thanked agencies for their participation in SSTAC, the networking with all agencies is helping to best serve the Imperial Valley.

-          He informed SSTAC members that his last day of employment is on September 14, 2018.

o   Ms. Williams stated that ICTC will be looking to fill that position hopefully in the near future.

-          Mr. Aguirre and Ms. Galarza will help assist agencies with any needs. Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          West Port of Entry hasn’t impacted the Fixed Route. Everyone will be informed of any delays.

-          Outreach in Westshore was conducted and brochure specifically for Westshore was created since general public can use it. Ridership has increased.

-          Mr. Gonzalez will be leaving and ICTC will be working to their best ability to assist in any needs. ICTC will be looking into filling the MMP Coordinator position.

-          Imperial broke ground to build the Imperial Transit Center, it is expected to be completed by the end of the year.


Ms. Williams had the following announcements:


-          A fare study is planned to be conducted. The last time that a fare was changed was in 2009. It is necessary because of the price increases overall. SSTAC will have a chance to review and

participated during the process.

-          IVT Medtrans has been struggling for 3 years to maintain service. ICTC will be looking into pulling the service out of contract and giving it its own contract. A fare study will also be considered to maintain service.

-          Next meeting will be tentatively hosted at IVC, Guillermo will contact everyone with location and details. Agenda will also be provided.


7.       Transit Operator Reports

-          Imperial Valley Transit: Updates were given by Mr. Estell:

o   Service is consistent.

o   Passengers are consistent in the 4th Quarter (16’-17’ and 17’-18’).

o   There are no peaks to report or values to comment on.


-          IVT Access: Updates were given by Mr. Estell:

o   Service is consistent.

o   Passengers are consistent in the 4th Quarter (16’-17’ and 17’-18’).

o   There are no peaks to report or values to comment on.

-          IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Aguilar:

o   Numbers are consistent.

o   Ridership has picked up for West Shores area

-          IVT MedTrans – Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez:

o   Service for 4th quarter is good.

o   Service decreased during the month of June, the heat may have impacted the ridership.

o   There has been a struggle to build up ridership. Outreach is ongoing for the services.

o   Encouraging agencies on vouchers for their patients, the goal is to have a gain on voucher usage.

o   450-500 average passengers

o   Second bus is starting to pick up in ridership.

o   There has been only a couple of delays this year such as, brush fire and winds. An example is on the 20th of August there was a delay, first bus, 1 ½ hours. The fire was melting a hole in the I8.

o   CHP apps are currently being used to prevent any delays.

o   There was a situation were an individual got on the bus in La Jolla area, when the bus stopped at Jack in the box and the gas station. Driver announced to the passenger it was time to go back to the El Centro, but didn’t want to get on the bus. Sister was contacted, she stated to leave him. He finally got into the bus.

o   There is an average of 2.7 a month of no shows, compliance hasn’t been an issue.

8.       General Discussion

-          Ms. Silva announced an event coming up on October 4th that will be located at the Department of Social Services, CalWorks building. Time of event will be between 9:00am-12:00pm. Flyers and Registration form were distributed to SSTAC members.

-          Dr. Lang reported that Ms. McNeer will no longer be able to serve as an alternative Chairperson because of medical reasons.

o   Ms. Williams announced that the alternative will now be vacant. ICTC is open to any nominations for alternative Chairperson.

o   Mr. Rebollar recommended Mr. Sample to serve as an alternative. Mr. Sample is

actively attending the AAA Advisory Council meetings and is very vocal in regards community needs.

o   Ms. Ramirez supported Mr. Rebollar’s recommendation.

o   Ms. Williams stated that this can be furtherly discussed.

-          Ms. Ramirez mentioned that at the AAA Advisory Council meeting, a gentleman 65+ that is wheel chair bound brought up a concern with the wait time of the bus. There is no shade and its very hot to be waiting outside. The gentleman lives at the Ciudad Plaza. Could it be addressed?

o   Mr. Gonzalez stated that a reasonable accommodation option is available, passenger would need to contact ICTC so this can be addressed properly. An example of this would be to receive a courtesy phone call when bus arrives.

o   Ms. Williams stated that information will be gathered to see what we can do.

o   Mr. Gonzalez added that passenger should let dispatch know what entrance of the apartment complex would prefer to picked up at.


-          Mr. Hack brought up an issue on IVT Ride, the road is too narrow and sidewalks are not in good shape. There is no shade at the Country Club Apartments.

o   Ms. Williams stated that the Manager at the apartment complex can look into adding a tree. Its out of ICTC’s hands.

-          Ms. Martinez asked how long is the wait time for services if passenger don’t make a return trip?

o   Mr. Gonzalez informed Ms. Martinez that there is 1-3 hour wait time if a return trip is not made. It’s been a struggle, we are recommending passengers to schedule a return trip at the same time they schedule the pick-up. Dispatch tries their best to help with what they can.

o   Mr. Estell added that there is a possibility to give the clinic a courtesy call, for both Access and IVT Ride.

o   Ms. Williams added that it’s a first come first serve system. This is why we are working in educating passengers the importance of the return trip.

o   Dr. Lang asked if HIPPA will become a problem.

o   Ms. Williams stated that the Application has that included, so it won’t be an issue.

-          Ms. Ramirez asked if late cancellations for the services will become a no show.

o   Mr. Aguirre stated that it depends on the situation.

o   Mr. Gonzalez added that no show is based on the negligence of the service. The reason will be asked and a decision will be determined by that.


9.       Adjournment

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. (Ceaser), Motion Carried.

-          Next meeting will be on October 3, 2018.