September 7th, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



                                    MINUTES                   September 7, 2016


Present              Voting Attendees:

Michael L. Hack                       Consumer

Sofia Gonzalez                         Area Agency on Aging

Letty Zuno                               Access to Independence

Michelle Soto                           California Children’s Services

Mitzi Perez                               ARC – Imperial Valley

Angie Pena                               Work Training Center

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA – ICTC


Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Rosie Blankenship                    Area Agency on Aging

Guillermo Gonzalez                  ICTC

Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

Raul Martinez                          Imperial County Public Health/AFLP

                        Kitty Gay                                 Imperial County Public Health/MCAH

                        David Salgado                          SCAG

Charles Brockwell                    IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Cesar Sanchez                          IVT

Narcisa Silva                            IVT Ride

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT Access

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT MedTrans


1.       Chair Zuno called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were made.


2.       Minutes adopted for June 8, 2016. (Hack/Zuno) Motion Carried.


3.       Discuss / Review of SSTAC’s Roles and Responsibilities


Ms. Williams described the charge of the SSTAC and referred to Public Utilities Code (PUC) 99238.  Each  transportation  planning  agency  shall  provide  for  the  establishment  of  a  social services transportation advisory council for each county, or counties operating under a joint powers agreement, which is not subject to the apportionment restriction established in Section 99232(c). The social service transportation advisory council has the following responsibilities:


Ø  Participate in the identification of transit needs including unmet transit needs which are “Reasonable to Meet”


Ø  Annually review and recommend action by the ICTC   through the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing process:

a.   No Unmet Transit Needs

b.   No Unmet Transit Needs which are “Reasonable to Meet”

c.   There are Unmet Transit Needs which are “Reasonable to Meet”


Ø  Advise  RTPA  on  any  major  transit  issues,  including  coordination  and  consolidation  of specialized transportation services


Ø  SSTAC’s Membership:

a.   Participants in the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) under Section A are users, purchasers or providers of transit services. Voting members serve three year terms and are appointed by the Commission. Alternates attend and vote as necessary in the absence of the Primary Appointee.

·         The SSTAC is made up of the following groups;

o   One potential transit users who is a representatives of the general public, senior

o   One potential transit users who is a representatives of the general public, disabled

o   Two social service providers for seniors

o   Two social service providers for disabled

o   One social service providers for persons of limited means

o   Two representatives from the local consolidated transportation service agency (CTSA)

o   The transportation planning agency may appoint additional members in accordance with the procedure prescribed in subdivion (b) of PUC 99238.

b.   Section B refers to Non-Voting Technical Resource members such as:

·         Public Transit Providers, Private Transit Providers, Caltrans, Interested Parties and Advocates, and Others


Ø  SSTAC Officers, such as the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and the Secretary are nominated for terms from voting membership for one year terms.


Ø  The Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) works to expand the availability and use of specialized transportation services; serves as an information resource and provides technical assistance for specialized transportation providers; provides public outreach to increase awareness of specialized transportation options.


Ø  After reviewing SSTAC’s Charge, Ms. Williams gave an update regarding the focus for FY 2015-16

o   Review of Demonstration Routes

§  for Transition into the permanent fixed route system

§  for Suspension / for Retirement

o   Recruitment of a Mobility Coordinator

o   Competitive Bids for IVT RIDE El Centro and IVT MedTrans

o   Replacement of Vehicles


Ø  Ms. Williams gave an update regarding the focus for FY 2016-17

o   Develop an update to the Short Range Transit Plan

o   Complete the region wide Bus Stop Inventory

o   Final Replacement of Vehicles – IVT Blue, Green and Gold Lines

o   Implement the Revised ADA Certification Process


Ø  Ms. Williams provided a monthly schedule of anticipated topics for discussion and events for FY 2016-17

o   October 5, 2016 - Transit 101

§  Review of Transit Services

·         Imperial Valley Transit (IVT)

·         IVT Access

·         IVT Ride

·         IVT MedTrans

·         Review of specialized transportation options

§  Static display of transit vehicles


o   November 2, 2016

§  Review of Agencies’ Missions and Clientele; transportation provided; and, perceived transportation gaps


o   December 7, 2016

§  Identification of Perceived Transportation Gaps

§  Review of Potential Transportation Solutions

§  Review of ICTC’s Definition of “Reasonable to Meet” and “Unmet Transit Need”

§  Identification of Unmet Transit Needs


o   January 4, 2017

§  Adoption of the SSTAC Master Unmet Needs List

§  Selection of Priorities for the FY 2016-17 Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing Process

§  Development of the SSTAC Letter

§  SSTAC Representative to deliver the SSTAC Letter at the public hearing


o   February 2017

§  Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing process / date to be determined


o   March 2017

§  Review and Respond to the Unmet Transit Needs Pubic Hearing Panel “Findings” and panel recommendations / date to be determined


o   For April 2017 to June 2017 – there will be updates on services

o   For July 2017 and August 2017 – there is no meeting scheduled


4.       Reappointment of Voting Positions


For category 3 (two service providers for seniors) a motion was made to appoint Sofia Gonzalez with Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Angie Pena with Work Training Center (WTC) for a three year period, term being from November 2016 to November 2019, (Hack/Williams) Motion Carried.


For category 4 (three service providers for the disabled) a motion was made to appoint ARC – Imperial Valley for a three year period, term being from November 2016 to November 2019, (Lang/Hack), Motion Carried.


For category 2 (potential transit user, with a disability) it was discussed whether or not a parent of a child with a disability can be a voting member. Currently, there is one vacancy for an alternate member. A motion was made to amend the category to state “potential transit user, with disability or his/her parent or guardian,” (Pena/Hack), Motion Carried. 


5.       Installation of Officers


A motion was made to re-appoint Ms. Letty Zuno (Chair) and Mr. Mike Hack (Vice-Chair) as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the SSTAC, (Lang/Williams), Motion Carried.


6.       CTSA Reports:


-          IVT Ride – El Centro has 664 registered passengers to date.

-          Staff is developing a “Do not leave alone” policy that will be on the agenda for next months meeting for review and comment.

-          IVT Access – there have been an increase in ADA applications received.

-          IVT MedTrans – the brochures have been printed and they do have quarterly calendars in them.

-          IVT has a new Facebook page.

-          Wi-Fi services have been installed in the 40 ft. IVT buses and passengers are using it. There is an average of 70,000 pages viewed daily by those using the services.

-          Mr. Gonzalez provided examples of real life situations where individuals are being assisted through mobility coordination. Mobility training is available to anyone that is interested. If more information is needed you can reach out to Guillermo Gonzalez.

-          Ms. Blankenship stated that ICTC was a big supporter of the senior directory this year and funds go to senior services including the annual food distribution.


7.       Transit Operator Reports:


a.       Imperial Valley Transit:  Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez for the month of August

o   2000 average passengers per day, 3000 average passengers per day when IVC began

o   Gold Line: 50 average passengers per day

o   IVC Express: An average of 44 passengers per trip in the morning and an average of 47 passengers in the evening.

o   Holtville: 46 passengers for the month

o   El Centro to Brawley: 3 passengers for the month


b.       IVT Access:  Updates were given by Ms. Pacheco for the month of August

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.25

o   No Shows: 108

o   Wheelchairs: 915

o   Passenger Count: 3,079

o   Weekdays: 2,975

o   Saturdays: 66 per Saturday

o   Sundays: 38 per Sunday


c.       IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Montemayor for the month of August


i.         City of Brawley

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.7

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Wheelchairs: 334

o   Passenger Count: 995 weekday 955, Saturday 40

o   16 No-Shows


ii.   City of Calexico

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 3.22

o   Wheelchairs: 314

o   Passenger Count: 2,016; weekday; 1814 Saturday; 83 Sunday 119

o   46 No-Shows

            iii.  City of El Centro

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 93%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.73

o   Wheelchairs: 488

o   Passenger Count: 2509; weekday; 2442 Saturday; 67

o   88 No-Shows


            iv.  City of Imperial 

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 98%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.72

o   Passenger Count: 400; weekday 370; Saturday 30

o   4 No-Shows


v.   West Shores

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 93%

o   Tuesdays/Thursdays service

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.08

o   Wheelchairs: 2

o   Passenger Count: 61, average 6 per day

o   0 No-Shows


d.       IVT MedTrans

o   Transportation services to San Diego County medical facilities

o   On time performance was 100%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.08

o   Wheelchairs: 44

o   Passenger Count: 715


8.       General Discussion


-          Ms. Blankenship expressed appreciation to all that provide services to the clients of Imperial County.


9.       Adjournment


-          The next meeting of the SSTAC will be on October 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.