November 2nd, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




                                    MINUTES                   November 2, 2016


Present              Voting Attendees:

Letty Zuno                               Access to Independence

Michael L. Hack                       Consumer

Sofia Gomzalez                         Area Agency on Aging

Heddy McNeer                         Consumer

Rosyo Ramirez                         Imperial County Public Authority/IHSS

Mitzi Perez                               ARC – Imperial Valley

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA – ICTC

Dr. Kathleen Lang                    California Health & Wellness


                        Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

                        Guillermo Gonzalez                  ICTC

David Salgado                          SCAG

Mark McCumsey                      Caltrans

Ted Ceasar                               Consumer

Rosie Blankenship                    Area Agency on Aging

Charles Brockwell                    IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Narcisa Silva                            IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans


1.       Ms. Zuno called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were made.


2.       Minutes adopted for November 2, 2015. (Hack/McNeer) Motion Carried, pending correction on the voting attendees list.


3.       CTSA Reports:


Ms. Williams had the following announcements:

-          The SSTAC voting positions were approved by the Commission at the October meeting.


Mr. Gonzalez had the following announcements:

-          Staff is still reviewing the comments for the Do Not Leave Alone (DNLA) Policy. For additional comments, please email Mr. Gonzalez.

-          Mobility training was held for Behavioral Health staff and clients facilitated by Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. Cesar Sanchez and Mr. Michael Cortez for Imperial Valley Transit services. The training was conducted in groups of 12 clients at one time. Follow up training will be done for 2 more groups.

-          The IVT Access website is in the process of an update.

-          A presentation on transit services was conducted at the Homeless Taskforce meeting by Mr. Gonzalez.


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          The City of El Centro is having issues at the El Centro Transit Terminal. Staff from both agencies has met to discuss the issues.

-          IVT MedTrans will soon have Wi-Fi in all buses.

-          Staff will be attending a FTA 5310 grant program training in Riverside.

-          Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) will be offering those with valid Military I.D. cards, a day to ride IVT buses for no fare on Monday, November 10th only, in honor of Veterans’ Day.

-          Ride any IVT bus from Monday November 7th until Friday November 18th, give a gift of a canned or dry food item to the driver and we will give you ONE RIDE in return!  Donations can also be made at Imperial Valley Transit at 792 E. Ross Ave and the ICTC offices at 1405 N. Imperial Ave. Suite 1, El Centro Ca, 92243.


4.       Review of Agencies’ Missions and Clientele; Transportation; and, of Perceived Transportation Needs


Ms. Williams stated that agencies that are prepared to give a short presentation explaining their agencies mission and clientele, and transportation and/or perceived transportation needs can present at this meeting or at the December meeting.  She further stated that if needs are addressed staff could follow up and proceed from there.


      Dr. Kathleen Lang presented on behalf of California Health and Wellness.

o   California Health & Wellness, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Centene, was awarded a contract by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to serve Medicaid beneficiaries in 19 counties, as of November 1, 2013.  Under the contract, California Health and Wellness serves members under the state’s Medi-Cal Managed Care Rural Expansion program. The expansion program covers members eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as well as other populations.

o   Services provided are coordinated healthcare, pharmacy and vision benefits to members.

o   In Imperial County, 60,000 people are being served.

o   Transportation services are provided only to doctors’ appointments and pharmacy.

o   Family members can be reimbursed at the Federal IRS rate if they prefer.

o   A formal grievance procedure is accessible, if needed.

o   Perceived gaps are: information and education

o   Dr. Lang would like for ICTC to present regarding transit services at a Regional Connections meeting.


      Ms. Blankenship presented on behalf of Area Agency on Aging (AAA).

o   AAA is a local agency that provides information and services on a range of assistance for older adults and those who care for them. Currently they are servicing 330 clients. By contacting your local agency you get access to critical information including:

§  Mobility assistance programs, meal plans & housing

·         10 sites in Imperial County for congregate meals

·         185 people on the waiting list for meals on wheels

·         Health Clinics periodically provided at congregate sites

§  Individual counseling, support groups and caregiver training

§  Respite care

§  Supplemental services, on a limited basis

§  Assistance in gaining access to other services


o   Perceived transportation needs

§  There is no IVT Ride Intercity transportation in Heber to the congregate meal sites

§  Only Intracity available (for disabled only)

§  In Calexico a designated IVT Ride bus for Seniors attending congregate meal sites.

§  Post bus route schedule at bus stops

o   AAA Board meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month.

o   17 board members and 17 alternates

o   Senior transportation committee


5.       Transit Operator Reports                                                           

-          Imperial Valley Transit:  Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez for the month of October

o   2000 average passengers per day, 3000 average passengers per day when IVC began

o   Gold Line: 61 average passengers per day

o   IVC Express: An average of 42 passengers per trip in the morning and an average of 45 passengers in the evening.

o   Saturdays: 1200+ per Saturday

o   Sundays: 412 passengers per Sunday


-          IVT Access:  Updates were given by Ms. Pacheco for the month of October

o   On time performance was 96%

o   No Shows: 137

o   Wheelchairs: 899

o   Passenger Count: 3,055

o   Weekdays: 39 passengers per week day

o   Saturdays: 15 per Saturday

o   Sundays: 12 per Sunday


-          IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Montemayor for the month of October

i.         City of Brawley – 294 registered

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.5

o   On time performance was 99%

o   Wheelchairs: 253

o   Passenger Count: 929 weekday 43 average per day, Saturday 6 average per day

o   24 No-Shows


ii.   City of Calexico – 972 registered

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 98%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.8

o   Wheelchairs: 375

o   Passenger Count: 1,785; weekday; 74 average per day, Saturday 18 average per Saturday and Sunday 25 average per Sunday

o   37 No-Shows

            iii.  City of El Centro – 503 registered

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.6

o   Wheelchairs: 438

o   Passenger Count: 2,342; weekday; 107 average per day Saturday 18 average per Saturday

o   93 No-Shows


            iv.  City of Imperial – 165 registered

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 97%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.6

o   Passenger Count: 375; weekday 16 per week day; Saturday 6 average per Saturday

o   5 No-Shows


v.   West Shores – 122 registered

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 100%

o   Tuesdays/Thursdays service

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.2

o   Wheelchairs: 0

o   Passenger Count: 43, average 5 per day

o   1 No-Shows


-          IVT MedTrans – Updates were given by Mr. Sanchez for the month of October

o   329 registered

o   Transportation services to San Diego County medical facilities

o   On time performance was 100%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.74

o   Wheelchairs: 12

o   Passenger Count: 280

o   Personal Care Attendant (PCA): 174


6.       General Discussion


-          Ms. McNeer announced a United Way fundraiser titled “Nite at the Races”  being held Saturday, February 4, 2017 at the Stockman’s Club at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $75 per person and includes one horse. To purchase tickets contact 760-355-4900.

-          Ms. Ramirez stated that their Senior Appreciation event would be held tomorrow, November 3, 2016 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the Social Services offices parking lot.

-          Mr. Hack announced that the Peoples First Conference will be in March of 2017 and the theme is super heroes.

-          Ms. Zuno stated that their Annual Employment Resource Fair will be on November 10, 2016 at 9 a.m.


7.       Adjournment


-          The next meeting of the SSTAC will be on December 7, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:11 p.m.