February 1st, 2017 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




                                    MINUTES                   February 1, 2017


Present              Voting Attendees:

Letty Zuno – Chair                   Access to Independence

Michael L. Hack – Vice-Chair   Consumer

Ted Ceasar                               Consumer

Sofia Gonzalez                         Area Agency on Aging

Mitzi Perez                               ARC – Imperial Valley

Kathleen Lang                          California Health and Wellness

Adrian Celis                             Imperial County Behavioral Health

Kathi Williams                         CTSA – ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA – ICTC


                        Non-Voting Attendees:

                        Guillermo Gonzalez                  ICTC

Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

                        Mark McCumsey                      Caltrans

Flavio Vargas                           IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Narcisa Silva                            IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

                        Helio Sanchez                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans



1.       Ms. Zuno called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.  A quorum was present. Introductions were made. A request from ARC and ICTC to add an emergency action item to the agenda was made. The item was added as number 3. (Zuno/Lang) Motion Carried.


2.       Minutes adopted for January 4, 2017. (Hack/Gonzalez) Motion Carried.


3.       Request for Support Letter(s) for FTA Section 5310 Grant Application


Ms. Perez provided background information as to what ARC – Imperial Valley has used FTA Section 5310 Grant funds in previous years. They are requesting a letter of support from SSTAC for their submittal requesting operating assistance for the ADA paratransit services for FY’s 2017, 2018 and 2019.


ICTC is also requesting a letter of support from SSTAC for their FTA Section 5310 Grant application submittal to fund a Mobility Management/Coordination position and a new position to assist in Mobility Coordination programs.


A motion was made by Lang and seconded by Hack, Motion Carried.



4.       CTSA Reports:


Mr. Aguirre had the following announcement(s):

-          On January 6th, ICTC issued the Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete the “Regional Bus Stop Inventory, Signage Replacement and Technology Assessment” project. The requested services will provide ICTC with a comprehensive bus stop inventory inclusive of an assessment of supporting infrastructure, uniform bus stop signage and recommendations for technology based upgrades pertaining to real time route and schedule service information and kiosk upgrades. The project goal is to have an inventory database and assessment for use by ICTC and its member agencies, and that can be used to acquire and prioritize funding for future infrastructure and facility/equipment improvements. The project budget is established in the FY 2015-16 ICTC Overall Work Plan and Budget.  On February 10, ICTC staff received responses from multiple consultants bidding for the services. The project scoring committee comprised of staff from ICTC, Caltrans, SCAG and the County of Imperial Public Works Department has begun the evaluation, scoring and ranking process for the project.

o   Ms. Zuno asked who was responsible for curb upgrades. Mr. Aguirre responded that each agency is responsible for their own bus stops, curbs and sidewalks. However, ICTC staff will work with an agency to get improvements done if necessary.

-          On December 14th, ICTC issued the Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete an annual maintenance audit for the IVT fleet. The requested services will provide ICTC with a comprehensive review annually of the care and maintenance performed on the 53 transit vehicles now owned by ICTC. The project goal is to have an annual report for use by ICTC that can be used to manage fleet resources and insure compliance with industry practices and contractual requirements.

-          The Senior Appreciation Day is an annual event hosted by the County’s Area Agency on Aging.  IV Transit, IVT Access, IVT Ride, IVT MedTrans participated and promoted our transportation services to seniors and caregivers on January 25, 2017.  The transit staff had a booth where they provided service branded giveaways i.e. keychains etc. and answered any questions regarding our transportation services.  Ms. Gonzalez stated that there were 500 seniors in attendance.


Mr. Gonzalez had the following announcement(s):

-          An ADA certification and eligibility study was conducted in 2014 and it was adopted by the Commission. The ADA study identified six findings, one being that the client should perform a self-assessment prior to obtaining an application. The assessment would allow the client to identify if the ADA Paratransit service meets his/her needs. If the client decides to pursue the service, they will need to come into the office to acquire an application and set up a follow-up interview. Transportation will be provided to the interview if needed. This change began on January 1, 2017.  Ms. Williams stated that functional ability determines whether or not a person qualifies for IVT Access.


Ms. Williams had the following announcement(s):

-          IVT Access can also be used on an availability basis for those non-disabled persons for 3 times the regular fare. Disabled persons pay 2 times the regular fare. However a non-disabled person cannot make a reservation two weeks in advance, same day reservations only if space permits.

-          Bus stop improvements are being completed in the towns of Heber and Niland.

-          Ms. Williams welcomed the new General Manager for First Transit, Flavio Vargas.


5.       FY 2017-18 Master Needs List

-          The Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) Hearing is scheduled for February 9, 2017 at 3 p.m.at the City of El Centro Council Chambers.

-          Pink flyers with meeting information were available for agencies to take with them for distribution.


6.       FY 2017-18 UTN Letter to the Hearing Panel

-          The following items were added to the letter under general comments for FY 2017-18:


o   SSTAC would like to express continued support for the construction for the transfer terminals at locations yet to be determined in the Cities of Calexico and Imperial.

o   SSTAC would like to continue to express support for the IVT Circulator bus concept which includes the El Centro Blue Line and IVT Green Line, IVT Gold Line in Brawley, and proposed IVT Red Line in Imperial and IVT Garnet Line in Calexico.

o   SSTAC would like to express support for continued efforts to improve cleanliness and upkeep at El Centro City area bus stops, and other stops in the region as identified.

o   SSTAC would like to continue to express support of enhancing communication of available services.


A motion was made by Ceasar and seconded by Hack, Motion Carried.


-          The following item was added to the letter under order of priority as number 1:

o   Allow IVT Ride to provide transportation services to Seniors to congregate meal sites in Heber from June to September.


A motion was made by Gonzalez and seconded by Hack, Motion Carried


-          The following item was added to the letter under order of priority as number 2:


o   Add an IVC Express Route from Calexico to IVC and from IVC to Calexico in the evening after 5:30 p.m.


A motion was made by Ceasar and seconded by Hack, Motion Carried.


-          The following item was added to the letter under order of priority as number 3:


o   Review of a proposed Transit Mobility Summit.


A motion was made by Zuno and seconded by Lang, Motion Carried.


A motion was made to approve the letter as written above by Hack and seconded by Ceasar, Motion Carried.


7.       Transit Operator Reports                                                           

-          Imperial Valley Transit:  Mr. Sanchez did not have numbers to report for January, being that it was February 1st. His numbers are usually available by the 2nd or 3rd of the following month. He did state however that IVC was in session every day in January.


-          IVT Access:  Updates were given by Ms. Pacheco for the month of January

o   On time performance was 96%

o   No Shows: 114

o   Wheelchairs: 693

o   Passenger Count: 2,495

o   Weekdays: 120 passengers per week day

o   Saturdays: 12 per Saturday

o   Sundays: 12 per Sunday

o   Late Cancellations: 21


-          IVT Ride – Updates were given by Ms. Montemayor for the month of January

i.         City of Brawley

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.36

o   On time performance was 99%

o   Wheelchairs: 215

o   Passenger Count: 768 weekday 37 average per day, Saturday 7 average per day

o   39 No-Shows


ii.   City of Calexico

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 98%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.63

o   Wheelchairs: 362

o   Passenger Count: 1,518; weekday; 67 average per day, Saturday 18 average per Saturday and Sunday 21 average per Sunday

o   49 No-Shows

            iii.  City of El Centro

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 2.4

o   Wheelchairs: 539

o   Passenger Count: 2,048; weekday; 99 average per day Saturday 15 average per Saturday

o   86 No-Shows


            iv.  City of Imperial

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 99%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.94

o   Passenger Count: 353; 17 average per week day; 2 average per Saturday

o   Wheelchairs: 18

o   3 No-Shows


v.   West Shores

o   60 or older or disabled can use this service with an ID card

o   On time performance was 96%

o   Tuesdays/Thursdays service – 8 service days

o   Passenger per revenue hour: .81

o   Wheelchairs: 0

o   Passenger Count: 38, average 4 per day


-          IVT MedTrans – Updates were given by Mr. Helio Sanchez for the month of January

o   443 registered clients

o   Transportation services to San Diego County medical facilities

o   All buses are now equipped with Wi-Fi services

o   On time performance was 100%

o   Passenger per revenue hour: 1.57

o   Wheelchairs: 0

o   Late Cancellations: 0

o   No-Shows: 3

o   Passenger Count: 421

§  Primary: 271

§  Personal Care Attendant (PCA): 150


8.       General Discussion

-          There was none.


9.       Adjournment

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Next meeting will be on March 1, 2017