December 7th, 2022 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting


EL CENTRO, CA  92243-2875

PHONE: (760) 592-4494

FAX: (760) 592-4410




                        MINUTES                   December 7, 2022


Present              Voting Attendees:

Ted Ceasar                               Consumer

                        Mike Hack                               Consumer

                        Kathleen Lang                          California Health & Wellness

                        Priscilla Lopez                         Workforce & Economic Development

                        Raul Cordova                           Work Training Center

James Dalke                             Imperial Valley College

Michelle Soto                           CCS

Mitzi Perez                               ARC-IV

Sarah Enz                                 Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

David Aguirre                          CTSA-ICTC

Gustavo Gomez                        CTSA–ICTC


Non-Voting Attendees:            

Cesar Sanchez                          IVT/IVTAccess/IVTRide/IVTMedtrans

Helio Sanchez                          IVT

                        Jose Guillen                             IVT MedTrans

                        Karla Pacheco                          IVT Access

                        Karla Aguilar                           IVT Ride

                        Liz Santucci                             Caltrans

                        Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

Maricela Galarza                      CTSA–ICTC



1.       Dr. Lang called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present. Introductions were made.

-          Hybrid meeting.


2.       SSTAC Remote Resolution.

-          Ms. Galarza explained the purpose of the implementation of the resolution. The resolution will be required for this meeting and future meetings until further notice.

-          SSTAC members reviewed the resolution and motioned to approve it as is. (Perez, Hack), Motion Carried.

-          Required signatures will be collected after the meeting.


3.       Minutes were adopted for November 2, 2022. (Enz, Hack), Motion Carried.


4.       ICTC Regional LRTP Update


Ms. Mendoza made a presentation for the SSTAC members providing information regarding the LRTP:

-          Purpose of LRTP is to serve as a planning document to guide regional elected officials and agencies decision-making

-          Some of the goals are to analyze existing and future conditions of regional highways, local roads, transit systems, and active transportation including sidewalks and bike facilities

-          Community input has been gathered from TAC, a steering committee, presentations to Community-Based orgs, community workshops, and pop-ups at community-wide festivals

-          Currently in the proposed projects and programs section of the deliverables, final LRTP is expected for September 2023

-          The existing conditions report will provide a comprehensive analysis of existing conditions in the Imperial County, including demographics, employment, planned safety improvements

-          If any Community based organization or individual wants a one-on-one meeting with ICTC staff to discuss the LRTP they can contact Ms. Mendoza; Mr. Hack and and Ms. Lopez showed interest

-          Project website is



5.       CTSA Reports:


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          The Zero Emission Bus Plan required by CARB is in procurement, the RFP is out and ICTC is waiting for proposals.

-          There is a grant for bus stop improvements that ICTC will be pursuing in order to improve some of the bus stops that need it the most, for example the bus stop on Cole Rd. in Calexico is already in the process of being improved, shelter will be installed by January

-          There are ongoing discussions about a possible new shelter for the new library in the city of El Centro

-          The microtransit project in the city of Calexico is almost ready to begin, hope to advertise it at the beginning of the year

Ø  Mr. Hack asked if ICTC knew of the new medical facility being build next to the bowling alley in El Centro. Mr. Aguirre mentioned that he would look into it.



Mr. Gomez had the following updates:

-          Staff attended a few events during October;

Ø  Access Medical Health Fair

Ø  West Shores Resource Event

Ø  Heber Health Fair

Ø  Senior Health Fair in Calexico

-          Mr. Gomez along with Mr. Guillen from IVT MedTrans distributed brochures to several medical facilities around the county in order to provide information regarding the service IVT MedTrans

-          ICTC staff did a presentation to the San Diego Regional Center staff regarding the various services provided and answered any questions they had

-          QR codes have been placed in several locations around the county in order to provide information regarding the IVT bus stop hours

-          There's been a rise in IVT Ride and IVT Access services registrations (IVT Access 20-30 Applications received and certified)

-          Mr. Gomez asked if any agencies need transit services resources they can reach out to staff to be provided with more.



6.       FY 2023-24 Master Needs List

-          Mr. Aguirre discussed the current Master Needs list and mentioned that changes can be done to the list

-          SSTAC members were encouraged to take a look at the list and suggest any potential changes to it during the January meeting to get it finalized for the UTN process


7.       Transit Operator FY 2022-23 Quarter 1 Reports:


           Imperial Valley Transit

-          Mr. Sanchez mentioned that the can drive was a success, almost 1,000 pounds of non perishable items were obtained and donated to the local food bank.

-          There is a slight increase in ridership as time goes by.


IVT Access

-          Ms. Pacheco mentioned that IVT Access did not participate in the stuff a bus event during November.

-          Service is running as usual.


IVT Ride

-          Ms. Aguilar mentioned some of the events that IVT Ride participated in the last month

-          The service is still proving free fares, sponsored by Area Agency on Aging.


IVT MedTrans

-          Mr. Guillen mentioned that he went to several medical facilities to distribute brochures.

-          Service hours are the same and both buses are available. It is in response to demand.


8.       General Discussion

-          There was no general discussion.



9.       Adjournment

-          The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m. (Lopez, Perez), Motion Carried.

-          The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at the Imperial County Transportation Commission Office, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243.