April 3rd, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES                   April 3, 2019


Present             Voting Attendees:

Ted Ceaser                               Consumer Michael Hack – Vice Chair                    Consumer

Kathleen Lang  PhD                 California Health & Wellness

Rosalina Blankenship               Area Agency on Aging/Public Administrator Monica De Leon                                        Area Agency on Aging/Public Administrator

Erika Martinez                         ARC-Imperial Valley

Sonia Silva                               Access to Independence

Victor Torres                            Imperial Valley College IVC

Kathi Williams                         CTSA– ICTC

David Aguirre                          CTSA– ICTC

Gustavo Gomez                        CTSA– ICTC


Non-Voting Attendees:

Karla Aguilar                           IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Karla Pacheco                          IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans

Jose Guillen                             IVT/IVT Access/IVT Ride/IVT MedTrans



1.       Mr. Ceaser called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. A quorum was present. Introductions were made.

-  Ms. Blankenship introduced the new Information and Assistance Coordinator for Area Agency on Aging. She announced that she will be attending meetings in the future.


2.       Minutes adopted for March 6, 2019 (Blankenship, Hack), Motion Carried.


3.       UTN 19-20 updates:


Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          They were a few people that spoke at the UTN hearing, information was gained and was evaluated. ICTC selected what was reasonable to meet.

-          Mr. Aguirre asked SSTAC members if they had any questions on any of the items in the findings.

-          Mr. Aguirre explained that items that were posted on last year UTN were rolled over to this year, this is why a repeat of items are seen.

-          Mr. Aguirre stated that 2 items were not in the priority list because they are expected to be implemented.

#1 new Clinicas de Salud Office, the IVT blue line will possibly have a bus stop. ICTC already spoke to City of El Centro.

#2 IVT Ride will operate 4 days a week to Heber. A grant application is out for that.

➢      SSTAC members questioned on page 11, the recommendation sounded more like a statement.

▪                      Ms. Williams stated that the recommendation is refer back to the UTN priority list #1, second sentence.

➢      Ms. Blankenship asked if IVT Ride Heber will operate only in the summer or will it be throughout the year.

▪                      Ms. Williams responded that it is expected to begin on July 1st, and its expected to serve throughout the year. On May 10th ICTC

is expecting to receive a price from the RFP process.

-           Ms. Williams reviewed the UTN SSTAC staff response letter and UTN list:

#1 seems to be popular, people are getting more interested in it. IVT Access needs to do the same as IVT, but it will not be inexpensive. (Expansion on Sunday service from Niland to El Centro)

#2 is new an item on the list, it is something that no one has asked for before. (Addition service for Direct Lines (Route 31 and 32)

➢      Dr. Lang asked if the priority list can be changed or moved around.

▪                      Ms. Williams stated that depending on funding ICTC receives, they will move on to a project that can be covered by the funding.

It is not expected to stall on the list if the funding for other items on the list are available. Unless a Commissioner asks for it to be saved for a particular item.

-             Mr. Aguirre encouraged feedback on the SSTAC response letter.

➢      Ms. Blankenship requested to add information to the IVT Ride Heber (last paragraph), information to be added will be that it will be all year

round and that service begins on July 1st.

➢      SSTAC members agreed to add an additional paragraph, that SSTAC supports a bus stop on the new Clinicas de Salud location.

➢      SSTAC members agreed to transfer the UTN priority list to the SSTAC letter to replace the current list.

-          All changes that are mentioned above will be made to the SSTAC response letter.

Motion Carried (Lang, Hack).

-          Ms. Williams stated that all changes will be made by Ms. Galarza and it will need to be finalized and signed by Mr. Ceaser before noon on Friday.


4.       CTSA Reports:


Mr. Gomez had the following updates:

-          There was a total of 24 IVT Access registration throughout the month.

-          There were about 10-12 signups for IVT Ride every week. Numbers are increasing.

-          ICTC along with First Transit operation managers attended the Transition Fair at IVC and 17th Annual Children’s and Family Health Fair at Niland, both IVT and IVT Access services were outreached. The health fair was highly attended.

-          Mr. Gomez stated that Mr. Guillen and himself have been making MedTrans distributions to reach specific medical locations. The focus is being made on local facilities at the moment. Distributions towards San Diego are is pending to be scheduled.

Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          Imperial Transit Center is close to completion, about 99% of it is complete. There was a ribbon cutting event for the Imperial Transit Center on April 2, 2019. I was well attended and the facility is nice. It is expected to be complete by today. It will soon begin operation.

➢      Pictures were present to SSTAC members.

➢      Ms. Williams added that Calexico Transit Center is expected to take a little longer to construct due to the condensed area it will be located

at. Imperial Transit Center does not have restrooms because of past issues with El Centro Transit Center restrooms. There will be a soft opening expected, and ICTC will be posting it on Facebook, twitter, website etc. Once passengers get familiar with the Imperial Transit Center, the IID stops will be removed in the City of Imperial.

-          Mr. Aguirre stated that the mobile application for real time location on buses has been awarded.

New signage has been ordered; it is expected to be implemented within a few months.

➢      Mr. Hack asked if the bus stop in front of the El Centro Library will be replaced.

▪                      Ms. Williams stated that ICTC will contact City of El Centro to add shade to the bus stop.

▪                      Mr. Aguirre stated that he will contact the City of El Centro regarding that bus stop.

-          Mr. Aguirre announce that the Fare Analysis RFP is out for bid. There are possible changes to come, such as electronic fare collections. In the process, our system will be compared to several other agencies. It is expected to be awarded by next month.

➢      During the Fare Study Analysis, there will presentations possibly made to SSTAC members and any other stakeholders.


Ms. Williams had the following announcement:

-          Transit pictures, training posters and visual aids are available to be printed out for any agency that may be interested in having one. It will be at no charge.


5.       Transit Operator Reports:


-          Imperial Valley Transit: Mr. Sanchez and Mr. H. Sanchez were not present.

o  No updates presented.


-          IVT Access: Ms. Pacheco gave the following updates.

o   The service has been busy.

o   Next month quarterly numbers will be presented.

o   Attended the Transitional Fair at IVC and the 17th annual Children’s and Family Health Fair in Niland.


-          IVT Ride: Ms. Aguilar gave the following updates:

o   There were 70 registrations during the month.

o   Received email from Area Agency on Aging staff, notifying ICTC and First Transit that there are funds available for the usage of pre-paid rides for seniors (60+). It will be implemented by April 4th.

➢      Ms. Blankenship added that the funding can be distributed between IVT Ride and IVT Access passengers.

▪                      ICTC and First Transit staff are concerned that it will cause an issue with IVT Access services because of the population

it serves. Ms. Williams requested conversate about the

situation further at a later time. IVT Ride will be implemented for the time being.

-          IVT Ride Westshore’s has a change coming up, on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 it will begin to go to Coachella are- Eisenhower Medical Center. Normally on Tuesday, it goes to Brawley, by the 16th of April, it will begin to alternate on Tuesday. Notices were put up on the buses to inform passengers.

➢      Ms. Williams added that the price will be kept as is, $2.50, up until the Fare Study Analysis is complete then there is a possibility the fare will


➢      Mr. Aguirre added that the purpose is to get passenger connected to Sunline Transit service and to give the opportunity for passengers to

reach Social Services, Medical facilities etc.


-          IVT MedTrans: Mr. Guillen gave the following updates:

o   The passenger numbers are increasing.

o   Service is running smoothly.

o   The service is running late during the afternoon’s due to traffic.

o   There has been a number of brochure distributions locally.


6.       General Discussion


-          Ms. Blankenship announced that the Alzheimer educational series for caregiver care began last month. There are 100 scholarships available. There are bracelets/necklaces to be given out, they contain tracking capabilities. It will be through June 30, 2019. Handouts were given to SSTAC members.

➢      Ms. Williams stated that ICTC can post it on the IVT Facebook/Twitter page.

-          Mr. Hack announced that there was a total of 120 people who attended the 27th anniversary of the People’s First, it was located at Strike zone for the second year.

-          Ms. Silva announced that Access to Independence office location moved from Calexico to El Centro, 4 doors down from Johnny’s Burritos, 421 Wake Ave. An open house is being planned, but for the moment there is no official date. SSTAC members will be informed once a date is chosen.


7.       Adjournment

-          Meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m. (Blankenship, Hack), Motion Carried.

-          Next meeting will be held on May 1, 2019, at the Imperial County Transportation Commission Office, 1503 N. Imperial Ave., Suite 104, El Centro, CA 92243.