April 14th, 2021 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES OF April 14, 2021 10:30



City of Brawley


City of Calexico

Miguel Figueroa

City of Calipatria


City of El Centro

Marcela Piedra

City of Holtville

Nick Wells

City of Imperial

Dennis Morita

County of Imperial

Tony Rouhotas

County of Imperial

Esperanza Colio-Warren

Imperial Irrigation District


City if Westmorland



Mark Baza

STAFF PRESENT: David Aguirre, Cristi Lerma, Audrie Tapia, Michelle Bastidas, Marlene Flores, Daveline Villasenor, Virginia Mendoza,

OTHERS PRESENT:  David Salgado: SCAG; Hanh-Dung Khuu, Patrick Jenkins, Rafael Reyes, Daniel Hernandez, Ben Guerrero: Caltrans; Liz Zarate: City of El Centro, Carmen Vargas, Michael Fleishman, Liza Koulikova: Barclays; Cesar Sanchez: First Transit; Alexis Brown: City of Imperial, Rebecca Terrazas-Baxter: County of Imperial.

The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, March 24, 2021 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.

I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

Vice Chair Nick Wells called the Committee meeting to order at 10:33 a.m., roll call was taken and a quorum was present.

II.                  EMERGENCY ITEMS

There were none.

III.                PUBLIC COMMENTS

There were none.

IV.                CONSENT ITEMS

A motion was made by Rouhotas seconded by Figueroa to approve the consent calendar as presented; Roll call was taken:


Roll Call

City of Brawley


City of Calipatria


City of Calexico


City of El Centro


City of Holtville


City of Imperial


County of Imperial Rouhotas


County of Imperial Warren


City of Westmorland 


Imperial Irrigation District 



Motion carried unanimously.


A.                  Approval of Management Committee Draft Minutes:      March 24, 2021

B.                  Received and Filed: 

1.                   ICTC Commission Draft Minutes:                                               March 24, 2021

2.                   ICTC TAC Minutes:                                                                           February 25, 2021

3.                   ICTC SSTAC Minutes:                                                                       March 3, 2021


C.                  Application for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311 Program Funds, FY 2020-



It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any: 


1.                   Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution authorizing the Executive Director to sign the FTA 5311 FY 2020-21 grant application with all supporting documentation.

2.                   Direct staff to submit the application to Caltrans.


D.                  Application for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311 Program Funds FY 202021 – Coronavirus Relief and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act 


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the ICTC Commission for their review and approval, after public comment if any. 


1.                   Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution authorizing the Executive Director to sign the FTA 5311 CRRSAA FY 2020-21 grant application with all supporting documentation.

2.                   Direct staff to submit the application to Caltrans.


V.                  REPORTS

A.                  ICTC Executive Director 

⁻ Mr. Baza provided updates from the report on page 29 of the agenda with a focus on items 2, 7, and 13.

o   SR-78/Glamis Multiuse Grade Separated Crossing Feasibility Study was completed by the Commission on January 27, 2021. A final study is on the ICTC website at http://www.imperialctc.org/sr-78-glamis-crossing/. The Study recommendations include identifying a lead agency and funding to carry out the proposed project.

o   Several conversations and meetings have been held regarding the State Route 86 (Northbound) Border Patrol Checkpoint project. It was reported the Design work had been delayed due to Border Patrol’s concern related to their ability to provide additional funding necessary to meet their operational requirements. ICTC was later informed the Border Patrol Headquarters in Washington D.C. would proceed with the original Canopy Design.

⁻ Mr. Baza informed the Committee Ms. Mendoza would be providing an update regarding the Imperial County Regional Climate Action Plan.

⁻ Ms. Mendoza announced the Regional Climate Action Plan (RCAP) is intended to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions throughout Imperial County in a way that is practical, efficient, and beneficial to the community and enhances Imperial County’s desirable characteristics and qualities. The foundation for developing emission reduction and climate adaptation measures will be based on the County’s existing work as detailed in the region’s extensive plans and programs.

⁻ Ms. Mendoza stated they are currently in the process of releasing the document that is posted on Imperial County Transportation website and are receiving public comments that will be open for 30 days. The RCAP can be found on http://www.imperialctc.org/regional-climate-action-plan.

⁻ Ms. Villasenor provided updates from the IVRMA report page 35 of the agenda stating the Joint Powers Authority Agreement is to implement SB 1383 and delegate specified activities and responsibilities. The JPA Agreement includes compliance with SB 1383, AB 341 and/or AB 1826.

⁻ Ms. Villasenor announced there are several cities hosting clean up events in the month of April those which include the city of Imperial, El Centro, and Brawley. The committee was informed the IVRMA FY 2018-2019 Audit has been completed and the draft final will be shared at the next Management Committee meeting.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) 

                                        ⁻    Mr. Salgado provided updates from the report on page 71 of the agenda.

o   SCAG acted at the Regional Council Meeting in April to appoint the regional council board officers for the upcoming fiscal year. The appointments will be ratified at the SCAG General Assembly on May 6, 2021. o The annual convening of the SCAG General Assembly is scheduled for Thursday May 6th, 2021. The meeting will be held remotely. The complete agenda packet is posted on the SCAG website.  

o   The 2020 SCAG Sustainable Communities Program (SCP) Grant Program is still accepting applications. The deadline to apply is April 23, 2021. Please feel free to contact SCAG RAO David Salgado with any questions. 

o   SCAG has been reaching out to cities promoting the Regional Data Platform (RDP) and the Local Information Services Team (LIST). SCAG has created the LIST in an effort to support the rollout of the RDP and other housing and data support needs. SCAG is focused to be a resource to the members moving forward.

o   The SCAG scholarship application closes on April 23, 2021. Mr. Salgado encouraged committee members to notify anyone that would be interested. 



C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

-          Ms. Khuu reported a meeting took place regarding the Project Report between ICTC and the City of Calipatria that was requested at the previous meeting.

-          Mr. Reyes provided updates from the report on page 74 of the agenda, stating the SR-98 Widening Project has been delayed due to there being active nest. The project start date is being forecasted to begin mid to late summer pending a follow-up survey.  

-          The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to apply for $1 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 discretionary grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants. RAISE, formerly known as BUILD and TIGER, has awarded over $8.935 billion in grants to projects in all 50 states. Agencies were encouraged to prioritize projects as funding becomes available. 

⁻ Mr. Guerrero reviewed items of the Planning and Local Assistance. o Caltrans District 11 is developing an Active Transportation Plan for San Diego and Imperial counties which will include an existing conditions analysis and a prioritized list of identified bicycle and pedestrian needs on and around the State Highway System.

o   The Border Master Plan (BMP) is a comprehensive, binational approach to coordinate the planning and delivery of international land Ports of Entry (POEs) and their transportation infrastructure projects.

o   The Project Study Report is underway. Forrester Road Improvements as drivers on SR-86 between I-8 and the City of Westmorland are experiencing greater delays, a growing number of vehicles are using the segment of Forrester Road between I-8 and Westmorland as an alternate route. Increase in traffic has led to longer travel times and limited passing opportunities.

o   FHWA Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Deadline is May 27, 2021.

o   The Last California Transportation Commission (CTC) is June 23, 2021. Caltrans District 11 must receive all documents on or before April 23, 2021. 


D.                  Committee Member Reports  ⁻ There were no updates.




A.                  Results of Sales Tax Revenue Bond Refunding of 2012 Series A,B,C,D,E


A presentation was made by Barclays staff regarding the final results of Sales Tax Revenue Bond Refunding of 2012 Series A,B,C,D,E. Mr. Fleishman provided the forward tax-exempt results for each participating agency in Imperial County.  




The next meeting of the Management Committee is scheduled for May 12, 2021 at the ICTC Offices and via Zoom Meeting.  



A.                  Meeting adjourned at 11:13 a.m. (Wells/Coilio-Warren)