April 12th, 2017 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



 MINUTES OF April 12, 2017

10:00 a.m.




                                    City of Brawley                        Rosanna Bayon Moore

                                    City of Calipatria                      Rom Medina (Chair)

                                    City of Calexico                       Armando Villa

City of Holtville                       Nick Wells

City of Imperial                        Stefan Chatwin

County of Imperial                   Joe Picazo Jr. for Ralph Cordova

County of Imperial                    John Gay


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, Virginia Mendoza, Cristi Lerma, David Aguirre, Michelle Bastidas


OTHERS PRESENT:  Liz Zarate: City of El Centro; David Salgado: SCAG; Wishing Lima and Beth Landrum: Caltrans


The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, April 12, 2017 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL


Chair Medina called the Committee meeting to order at 10:14 a.m. Roll call was taken. Introductions were made.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS

A.                 There were none.



There were no public comments.


IV.              CONSENT ITEMS

A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Gay to approve consent items 4A-4C. Motion carried unanimously.


A.                 Approved ICTC Management Committee Minutes for March 8, 2017

B.                  Received and filed:

1.                   ICTC Board Draft Minutes for March 22, 2017

2.                   ICTC TAC Minutes for March 23, 2017


C.                  Transportation Development Act (TDA) and Miscellaneous Fiscal Audits for FY 2015-16


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.       Receive and file the Transportation Development Act and other fiscal audits for the Imperial County Transportation Commission, for FY 2015-16.

2.       Direct staff to transmit the fiscal audits to the State Controller’s Office.



V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          The TDA Triennial Performance Audit project is ongoing. The consultant should be contacting agencies for requests for information and site visits in late April. The audit is a state mandated requirement every three years for all TDA funds received in Imperial County.

-          ICTC is pursuing the opportunity to acquire the existing (soon to be vacated) Caltrans Maintenance Yard located at 1605 Adams Avenue in the City of El Centro. ICTC Staff circulated a Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete a comprehensive evaluation of the Adams Avenue facility. Proposals were due on April 7th and three proposals were received. The scoring and evaluation committee will meet to score the proposals on Thursday, April 13th.

Ms. Mendoza had the following updates:

-          Ms. Mendoza highlighted FY 2016-2017 Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ), Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP), and Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects that are pending request for authorization (RFA) by agency. For ease of receiving approvals, the local agency are encouraged to submit RFA’s to Caltrans Local Assistance April 2017.

-          The Imperial Mexicali Binational Alliance (IMBA) held its bimonthly meeting at Imperial Palms Hotel and Resort at Barbara Worth on March 17, 2017.  The meeting was included as part of the Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation’s Annual Renewal Energy Summit.  During the IMBA meeting an update was given by ICTC regarding the Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center. A presentation was provided by Kevin Kelley of IID on Mexicali/Imperial water agreement and transmission updates.  The next meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2017 in the City of Mexicali. Mr. Baza stated that the day before, he attended a Border Tour with the Smart Border Coalition.

Mr. Baza had the following updates:

-          Mr. Baza distributed handouts that would be used at the Town Hall Meeting immediately following the Management Committee meeting.

-          Please “Save the Date” of May 24, 2017 at 5 p.m. for a budget workshop for FY 2017-18 at the County of Imperial, Conference Room C/D.

-          Please “Save the Date” of May 17-18, 2017 for the Imperial Valley General Assembly and Economic Summit. We have confirmed two speakers: Laurie Berman, Caltrans District 11 Director; Vince Mammano, FHWA and Bill Higgins, CalCOG Executive Director.

-          The Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 which allows State to repurpose any earmark that was designated on or before September 2005.  Some states have been approved, FHWA expects for California to be approved April 2017.  Mr. Lima stated that he received notification that the state of California was approved. Ms. Mendoza stated that she’d be working with SCAG to amend current programming of the funds; they are currently in outer years.

-          AB 28 was signed by the Governor and approved by FHWA by the March deadline.

-          A complete list of ICTC updates can be found on Page 106 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

                        Mr. Salgado had the following announcements:

-          A second round of the GoHuman campaign is being developed and will be released at the end of May. It will be a driver directed advertisement and a toolkit will be provided by SCAG for agencies.

-          SB 1 passed by a vote of 27-11. The bill provides $52.4 billion over 10 years for transportation by raising California’s gas excise tax 12 cents to 30 cents a gallon, with annual adjustments for inflation. The diesel excise tax will also go up 20 cents to 36 cents a gallon. Funds will also be raised by fee increases on vehicle registrations which will be proportionate to the vehicle model year and will range from $25 to $175 a year annually. Zero emission vehicles will incur a $100 annual fee. There will be a constitutional amendment put on the 2018 ballot to allow a vote to ensure the funds will be provided for road projects.

-          SCAG Scholarship Program is designed to offer local government and planning experience that students can use to develop long-term career goals. The scholarship will provide a $4,000 scholarship award for seven high school or community college students from the SCAG region (and potentially an additional eighth scholarship award that is not tied to a specific county, but would be awarded at the Committee’s discretion) and a two-week internship with a local planning agency, council of governments or SCAG. Recipients will also have an opportunity to meet with their local government representatives and practicing planners to discuss the importance of urban planning and a future career in public service. Further information and the application are available on the SCAG website. Applications are due Friday April 21, 2017.

-          SCAG will host Toolbox Tuesday webinar on April 18, 2017 regarding Demographics Data for Public Health Planning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

-          Please save the date of May 4-5, 2017.  SCAG will be having the 2017 General Assembly at the J.W. Marriot Desert Springs Resort and Spa in Palm Desert, CA.

-          A complete list of SCAG updates can be found on Page 118 of the agenda.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

                        Mr. Lima had the following updates:

-          Mr. Lima stated that he received notification that the Demo projects for the state of California were approved.

-          Mr. Lima directed all to the updates on page 126 of the agenda.


            D.         Committee Member Reports

-     Mr. Villa welcomed all to the City of Calexico. He also stated that the Imperial Mexicali Binational Alliance received an award from CalEd.


VI.               ACTION CALENDAR


A.                 Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing – Fiscal Year 2017-2018


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                   Adopt the FY 2017-18 “Findings” as presented or amended, after a review of the SSTAC response

2.                   Authorize the Chairman to sign the attached resolution

3.                   Direct staff to forward the FY 2017-18 “Findings”, public hearing documentation and resolution to the State Department of Transportation


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Wells, Motion carried unanimously.


B.                  LTF (SB821), Article 3, Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Distribution List, Fiscal Year 2016- 17


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.                   Adopt the attached LTF (SB821) Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Distribution List for Fiscal Year  2016-17

2.                   Authorize the claimant agencies to file Article 3 Claims for the approved amount


A motion was made by Wells seconded by Bayon Moore, Motion carried unanimously.


C.                  Agreement for Professional Services for the ICTC Regional Bus Stop Inventory, Signage Replacement and Technology Assessment


It was requested that the ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.         Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the firm of Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.  for the ICTC Regional Bus Stop Inventory, Signage Replacement and Technology Assessment Project, for a not to exceed fee set at $90,035.00


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Villa, Motion carried unanimously.



The next meeting of the Management Committee will be held on May 10, 2017 at the City of Brawley, Brawley, CA and 10:30 a.m.



A.                 Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m.