January 22nd, 2020 at 6:00 PM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



6:00 p.m.



                                                            City of Brawley                        George Nava - Chairman

                                                            City of Calipatria                      Maria Nava-Froelich

                                                            City of El Centro                      Jason Jackson (alt.)

                                                            City of Holtville                       James Predmore

                                                            County of Imperial                   Luis Plancarte

                                                            County of Imperial                   Ryan Kelley


NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:        Caltrans District 11       Ann Fox


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, David Aguirre Cristi Lerma, Virginia Mendoza, Eric Havens (Counsel)


OTHERS PRESENT:  David Salgado: SCAG; Erwin Gojuangco, Jose Ornelas: Caltrans


The following action minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, January 29, 2020 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 

Chair Nava called the Commission meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call was taken, and a quorum was present.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS

            There were none.



There were none.




A motion was made by Predmore and seconded by Nava-Froelich to approve the consent calendar as presented; Motion carried.


A.        Approval of the ICTC Commission Draft Minutes:         December 11, 2019

B.                  Receive and File:

1.                   ICTC Management Committee Draft Minutes:   December 11, 2019

2.                   ICTC SSTAC Minutes:                                     December 4, 2019

3.                   ICTC Draft TAC Minutes:                                December 12, 2019


C.         Application for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311 Program Funds, FY 2019-20


1.             Authorized the Chairman to sign the resolution authorizing the Executive Director to sign the FTA 5311 FY 2019-20 grant application with all supporting documentation

2.             Directed staff to submit the application to Caltrans


D.            Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI Program for Federal Transit funds


1.             Approved the Imperial County Transportation Commission Title VI Plan


V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

-          Mr. Baza gave a brief update regarding the SR-78/Glamis Multiuse Grade Separated Crossing Feasibility Study. He stated the project is fully underway and a public outreach event was held on January 18, 2019 in Glamis during Glamis clean-up day. An estimated 100 people attended the event. An online survey is also available from January 1-31, 2020, an estimated 2400 have responded to the survey thus far. He stated that the goal of the project is to determine where the grade separated crossing will be located, funding and who will be the lead agency.

-          A full list of updates and announcements can be found on page 69 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

-          Mr. Salgado informed the Commission about the deadline for the 2020 SCAG Sustainability awards. He encouraged agencies to submit their projects. The deadline is February 6, 2020.

-          Mr. Salgado thanked all for coming out to the League dinner, where Mr. Ajise, SCAG Executive Director, presented SoCal Connect.

-          A full list of updates and announcements can be found on page 80 of the agenda.


C.                  California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

-          Ms. Fox stated that the I-8/Imperial Avenue interchange replacement project is expected to begin construction in April 2020. The contract was awarded to Granite construction.

-          Ms. Fox also stated that California State Transportation Agency Secretary, David Kim, participated in the planning efforts of the Transportation Leadership Forum.

-          A full list of updates and announcements can be found on page 83 of the agenda.


D.                 Commission Member Reports 

-          Commissioners had various announcements regarding events occurring in their jurisdictions.


VI.              ACTION CALENDER


                A.        Rotation of Chair and Vice Chair positions


                        A motion was made by Nava-Froelich and seconded by Jackson to appoint George Nava as the Chairman of ICTC for 2020, Motion Carried unanimously.


                        A motion was made by Nava-Froelich and seconded by Predmore to appoint Cheryl Viegas-Walker as the Vice-Chair of ICTC for 2020, Motion Carried unanimously.


            B.         Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing - for Fiscal Year 2020-21


                                    The Commission stated that more outreach in the north-end would be beneficial to those individuals who can not travel to El Centro. Staff stated that an effort to conduct outreach will be made. More information regarding those efforts will be provided at a later time.


The ICTC Management Committee met on January 8, 2019 and forwarded this item to the Commission for their review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.         Appointed the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing Panel:

            Maria Nava-Froelich, City of Calipatria

            Ryan Kelley, County of Imperial

            Luis Plancarte, County of Imperial

            George Nava, City of Brawley

            Lewis Pacheco, City of Calexico

            Jason Jackson, City of El Centro – alternate

            Robert Amparano, City of Imperial – alternate

2.         Selected a Public Hearing date of March 4, 2020 at 3 p.m. at the County of Imperial Board Chambers

3.         Directed staff to conduct the administrative arrangements.




A.            Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session at 6:55 p.m.



                Initiation of litigation (1 matter) (Government Code § 54956.9(d)(4))


C.                  Announcement of Closed Session Action(s) – The Commission met in closed session regarding CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation (1 matter) (Government Code § 54956.9(d)(4)), direction was given, and no reportable action was taken.




A.                 The next meeting of the Imperial County Transportation Commission will be held on February 26, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at the County of Imperial Board Chambers, at 940 W. Main Street, El Centro, CA.


IX.              ADJOURNMENT


A.                 Meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.