March 23rd, 2017 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



March 23, 2017



            Gordon Gaste                           City of Brawley

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Hector Orozco                          City of Holtville

            Isabel Alvarez                           City of Imperial

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial




            David Aguirre                           ICTC

            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

            David Salgado                          SCAG

            Gustavo Gomez                        The Holt Group

            Beth Landrum                           Caltrans

            Michelle Blake                          Caltrans

            Joseph Chua                             Caltrans

            Debora Ribera                           Caltrans


1.       The meeting was called to order by Chair Gaste at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made. 


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for February 23, 2017, (Hamby/Orozco) Motion Carried.


3.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

Ø  Transit Planning Updates (By David Aguirre):

-          The Regional Bus Stop Inventory, Signage Replacement and Technology Assessment Project Request for Proposals were due February 10, 2017. The project goal is to have an inventory database and assessment for use by ICTC and its member agencies. Mr. Aguirre stated that the committee is currently on the scoring process and is anticipating adoption of a contract in April.

-          Mr. Aguirre stated that the TDA Article 3 Bike and Peds projects are due on March 31, 2017. Agencies with projects submitted on that date will go for Commission approval in April and should be paid out before the fiscal year concludes.


Ø  Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          ICTC submitted an application for the development of a Regional Climate Action Plan (CAP) under SCAG’s 2017 Call for Projects and was awarded. Ms. Mendoza requested that agencies provide their point of contact to ICTC for this project. It is anticipated that and RFP will be released in late Summer / early Fall.

-          ICTC and its partners, Caltrans and SANDAG will be receiving a sustainability achievement award at the SCAG General Assembly on May 4-5, 2017 for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Access Study of the California/Mexico Land Ports of Entry.

-          CTC Commissioners will be having a Town Hall Meeting in the City of Calexico the afternoon of April 12, 2017 at the Carmen Durazo Cultural Arts Center. The following day, April 13th ICTC will host a tour of the Calexico East Port of Entry and CHP truck inspection facility for CTC Commissioners, CTC staff and Caltrans.

-          Please “Save the Date” of May 17-18, 2017 for the Imperial Valley General Assembly and Economic Summit. We have confirmed two speakers: Laurie Berman, Caltrans District 11 Director; and Bill Higgins, CalCOG Executive Director.

-          An agency RFA status was requested for FY 2016-17 RSTP and CMAQ projects. The table below indicates agency responses under status for each project. Agencies are encouraged to submit their RFA’s to Caltrans Local Assistance by March/April 2017.





Fund Type


Project Name


Project Cost

(in thousands)





Paving Wildcat Drive


Request for Authorization (RFA) for Design expected to be submitted in April.



Paving of De Las Flores St.


RFA will be submitted in April – city is pending Caltrans approval of single audit submitted on 3/16/17. No federal funds will be processed until audit is approved. Agency staff stated that the audit was emailed to Local Assistance.



Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements on N. Brown St.


Obligation issued 9-16-16

El Centro


Signal Lights Synchronization along Dogwood Ave. & Danenberg Ave.


Re-submitted RFA at the end of December 2016, waiting for obligation

El Centro


Establish of SR2S Program and Bicycle Route Improvements


Obligation completed, it’s been awarded for design



9th St. from Palm Ave. to Olive Ave.


Obligation for ROW issued

12-27-16, RFA for CON will be submitted April 2017


CMAQ & RSTP & EAR-Repurpose

6th Street Pavement


RFA for CON was submitted on January 24, 2017, pending obligation

Imperial City


Dogwood Road Pavement from Aten Rd. to Southeast City Limits


RFA expected to be submitted end of April

Imperial County


Dogwood Road Pavement between El Centro City Limits to Imperial City Limits


RFA expected to be submitted end of April

Imperial County


Pedestrian Master Plan


RFA expected to be submitted end of April

Imperial County


Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from San Diego Avenue to Holt Avenue in Seeley


RFA expected to be submitted end of April

Imperial County


Pedestrian and Bicycle improvements along Rio Vista Street from Holt Avenue to Heil Avenue in Seeley


RFA expected to be submitted end of April



Paving H Street and 8th Street


RFA expected to be submitted end of April



Design of New Intermodal Transportation Center in the City of Calexico


RFA expected to be submitted end of April







Ø  LTA Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          Ms. Mendoza requested that all agencies submit their project requests for the LTA Bond and provide a status report. She stated that the County of Imperial and the City of Calipatria have spent all their funds. The City of Brawley has a balance as of February 28, 2017 of $1.98 million; Calexico $6 million; and, Imperial $265,134. Agencies are highly encouraged to submit invoices.


4.       SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Mr. Salgado)


-          The sustainability achievement award will be presented to ICTC and partner agencies at the SCAG General Assembly on May 4, 2017.

-          A second round of the GoHuman campaign is being developed and will be released at the end of May. It will be a driver directed advertisement and a toolkit will be provided by SCAG for agencies.

-          SCAG Scholarship Program is designed to offer local government and planning experience that students can use to develop long-term career goals. The scholarship will provide a $4,000 scholarship award for seven high school or community college students from the SCAG region (and potentially an additional eighth scholarship award that is not tied to a specific county, but would be awarded at the Committee’s discretion) and a two-week internship with a local planning agency, council of governments or SCAG. Recipients will also have an opportunity to meet with their local government representatives and practicing planners to discuss the importance of urban planning and a future career in public service. Further information and the application are available on the SCAG website. Applications are due Friday April 21, 2017.

-          County of Imperial Public Health has a working group under the Safe Routes to School program. Funds for outreach were given to them from the City of El Centro.


5.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:


-          City of Westmorland: Mr. Hamby stated that N. Center Street RSTP/ATP project is under construction and that staff is coordinating with the transit team.


6.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

Ms. Landrum had the following updates and announcements:

-          An Annual Transportation Update for Imperial County was held on March 22nd at the new Caltrans yard in El Centro. District 11 Director Laurie Berman provided an update on Imperial County projects.


Mr. Chua had the following updates and announcements:

-          The next Southern California Local Assistance Management Meeting (SCLAMM) is scheduled for March 29, 2017 in San Bernardino.

-          The County of Imperial and the Cities of El Centro and Imperial currently have inactive projects. It was requested that each agency submit an invoice by May 19, 2017.


Ms. Blake had the following updates and announcements:  

-          Background on AB 28: On January 1, 2017, California Streets and Highways Code Section 820.1 terminated and Caltrans stopped performing federal responsibilities for environmental decisions and approvals under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for highway projects in California, funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Caltrans' NEPA Assignment will be suspended for up to 90 days and FHWA will handle federal NEPA responsibilities. Assembly Bill (AB) 28 (Frazier) was introduced at the 2017-2018 Regular Session when Legislature convened on December 5, 2016. The Legislature will consider AB 28 when they reconvene this month. The bill would add back Section 820.1 to the Streets and Highways Code, with provisions to waive immunity and consent to the jurisdiction of federal courts, but with sunset clause. Ms. Blake stated the bill passed and is now on the Governor’s desk for signature.

-          Any questions on environmental please contact Kevin Hovey or Michelle Blake.


Ms. Ribera had the following updates and announcements:

-          Any questions on upcoming training please contact Ms. Ribera at


7.       General Discussion / New Business


-          Next TAC meeting will be on April 27, 2017.


8.       Meeting adjourned at 10:39 a.m.