July 26th, 2018 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



July 26, 2018



            Gordon Gaste                            City of Brawley

            Andres Miramontez                   City of Brawley

            David Dale                               City of Calexico

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland    




            Mark Baza                                ICTC

            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

            Beth Landrum                           Caltrans

            Erika Garcia                             The Holt Group

            David Salgado                          SCAG 


1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for July 26, 2018, (Hamby/Atondo) Motion Carried.


3.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

(By Virginia Mendoza and Mark Baza)


a.       Transit Planning Updates:

-          There were none.

b.       Transportation Planning Updates:

-          Three technical stakeholder meetings have been held on May 1, 2018, June 6, 2018, and July 18, 2018 for the Calexico West Port of Entry Traffic Circulation Plan.  In attendance at the technical stakeholder meetings was staff from KOA, ICTC, Caltrans, City of Calexico, GSA, CBP, and Mexican Aduanas. During the third technical stakeholder meeting, attendees discussed implementation plan for the July 10th southbound traffic shift opening of the newly constructed Calexico West POE.  Attendees of the meeting also discussed the additional striping and signage necessary to provide travelers more information and prevent confusion.  In addition, on Thursday, August 23, 2018, an all-day public outreach event will be held at the Carmen Durazo Cultural Arts Center in Calexico to inform the public of the September northbound traffic shift.  A handout was provided with more information.


c.       FFY 2017-18 Programmed Project Updates

-          All federal funded projects CMAQ, RSTP and ATP projects programmed in FY 2017/2018 were obligated. An updated list for FFY 2018-19 will be provided at the next meeting.


1.            stated that the SB 1 workshop schedules have been distributed. The SLPP Program is under Prop B, 50% match road maintenance project, match with LTA money.SB 1 proposing 50% formula 50% competitive 100 million. SB 1 as long as the bill is in affect revenues will be there. Be prepared to use first year allocations. Best number we have available based on the state. Mr. Baza stated we are still working with Caltrans on border inspection on expansion. Coming up with a solution to come up with a proposal.(canopy in both areas). City of Calexico spread ½ million on traffic opening with Phase 1.


The CTC has indicated that it will not have estimates available for this program until the end of July/early August timeframe, agencies are recommended use the League of Cities estimate as a placeholder.  The CTC has indicated that following the submittal of the budgeted list of projects, the local agency would have flexibility to administratively update or change the project list, but must report on SB1 expenditures on projects. 


Brawley           $608,000                      Holtville                       $139,000

Calexico          $920,000                      Imperial                       $416,000

Calipatria         $176,000                      Westmorland                $52,000

El Centro         $1,034,000                   County of Imperial       $10,600,000

Source: cacities.org                             TOTAL                        $13,945,000

d.       LTA Updates:

-          The cities of Calipatria, Calexico and Holtville are pursuing a new series of LTA bonding to assist in the completion of projects. The cities will take action to proceed by mid-June2018. The LTA Board will take final action to proceed on June 27, 2018, with closing anticipated in late August.

-          The LTA Audit for the City of Westmorland had a disclaimed opinion due to a finding of no bank reconciliation. It was recommended by the Oversight Committee and approved by the Board to meet with Westmorland staff and develop a timeline for completion of the bank reconciliation; and to require the City to submit for fund reimbursement through a claim process.


4.       Senate Bill 1 / Proposition 6

-          There will be a ballot in November to repeal SB 1. Staff encouraged agencies to secure current funding available and obligate quickly. SB 1 funds can be used for engineering and right-of-way. It was requested that agency staff provided ICTC staff with a list of projects to post on the ICTC website. It’s important to note that during the period before the November ballot, public agencies position is to educate not advocate for SB 1.


Source: cacities.org                              TOTAL                        $13,945,000



5.       SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Mr. Salgado)

-       Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program (ATP) Call for Projects was released May 16, 2018 after adoption of the draft guidelines and fund estimates by the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Applications will be due July 31, 2018.  SCAG is committed to ensuring the region is successful under the state call for projects and may be able to assist upon request. SCAG will also receive a separate pot of “regional” ATP funding following the state call for projects to be distributed at the regional level. This provides two opportunities for funding under one call for projects. All applications must be received under the initial state call for projects. Please feel free to contact David Salgado with any questions.


6.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          There were various local agencies that gave an update on their local projects in progress.


7.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

-          Ms. Mendoza provided all with a Local Assistance handout with all their updates.

-            Ms. Blake has a Power Point Presentation on Local Assistance Environmental, Training for Imperial County Agencies. .

-            There will be scheduled closures for projects on SR 98 and SR78. Staff is working with the Public Information Office to get reasonable advanced notice.

-            Ann Fox is the new Deputy District Director.

-            The scheduled June TAC meeting will be replaced with the Caltrans – Imperial External Teambuilding Meeting.

-          Ms. Landrum stated that ATP cycle 4 projects are due on August 2, 2018.

-          Caltrans is working on four projects using SB 1 funds. They will be noted on the map for the next Commission meeting.


8.       General Discussion / New Business

-          ICTC is proposing to go dark in August.


9.       Meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.