January 24th, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




January 24, 2019



            Gordon Gaste                           City of Brawley

            Guillermo Sillas                        City of Brawley

            Rom Medina                             City of Calipatria

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Javier Luna                               City of El Centro

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro

            Kariza Preciado                         City of Holtville

            Alex Chavez                             City of Holtville

            Isabel Alvarez                           City of Imperial

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland



            Mark Baza                                ICTC

            Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC   

            David Salgado                          SCAG

            Francisco Olmedo                     ICDPW

            Jeorge Galvan                           The Holt Group

            Anh-Vu Pham                           Caltrans

            Karemy Valdez                         Caltrans

            Kevin Hovey                            Caltrans

            Bob Douthitt                             IVRMA

            Daveline Villasenor                   IVRMA



1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.


2.       Rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair Positions


A motion was made by Gordon Gaste and seconded by Rom Medina to nominate the City of El Centro as the Chair for 2019, Motion Carried.


A motion was made by Rom Medina and seconded by Veronica Atondo to nominate the City of Calexico as the Vice-Chair for 2019, Motion Carried.


3.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for December 6, 2018 (Atondo/Falomir) Motion Carried.


4.       IVRMA AB341 and AB1826 Regional Update

-Abraham Campos introduced Mr. Bob Douthitt from the Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA). Mr. Douthitt made a presentation on regional updates on the AB341 and AB1826. He provided information about mandatory state requirements.


5.       2019 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Project Nomination List

-Mr. Baza provided a brief summary of the finals scores of the 2019 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Project and action was taken by Commission. The Commission approved the following:

After consideration of the final scores and following the ATP guidelines, ICTC recommends to award the regional ATP funds of the third highest ranking project: Imperial County’s Heffernan Avenue from 14th Street to 10th Street project in the amount of $642,000. The recommended award would result in an ATP Regional share balance of $198,000. Per the direction of CTC and the ATP guidelines ICTC or project sponsors are not allowed to partially award a project. Thus, the remaining regional ATP funds of $198,000 will be redistributed under SCAG’s discretion.


6.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

(Presented by ICTC Staff)


a.       Transit Planning Updates (By Mr. Baza):

-          Calexico ITC Updates- Mr. Baza provided an update on the Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC). Environmental phase is in progress with consultant team and agency partners, including the City of Calexico, Caltrans and ICTC.  

-          2018 ICTC Bus Stop Bench and Shelter Inventory- ICTC and member agency staff have worked together to complete the priority list for implementation and pursuit of funding. Bus stop signage specifications with specific route information have been finalized. The consultant and staff are working towards finalizing the Technology Memorandum which will provide ICTC with possible technology solutions for the fixed route bus system. Staff anticipates providing a presentation of project materials at the February 2019 commission meeting.

-          Imperial Valley Council of Governments (IVCOG) – Mr. Baza provided an update on how staff is working with City/County Managers and Legislative staff to prepare and submit initial legislative language to expand ICTC’s authority in early 2019. The draft legislation was presented at the Commission meeting on January 23, 2019. Staff and City/County Managers will continue working on the proposed Imperial Valley Regional Authority (IVRA).

-          Article 3- A quick reminder to all agencies to submit project proposals for FY2018/19 TDA Article 3 funds. Claims are due February 8, 2019.

b.       Transportation Planning Updates (By Marlene Flores):

-          Ms. Flores provided an update on the Calexico West Port of Entry Traffic Circulation Plan. Traffic Circulation Plan is under review by the project stakeholder group. A technical workgroup meeting will be scheduled in February 2019 to discuss the Draft plan.

-          CMAQ and STBG Call for project’s deadline is March 1, 2019 for both projects, any questions please contact ICTC.

c.       FFY 2019-20 Programmed Project Updates (By Mr. Baza)

-           An update on FY 2018/2019 federal funded projects under CMAQ, RSTP, ATP programs including earmarks. Requests for authorization (RFA’s) are due to Caltrans by February 2019.

d.       SB 1 2018 Local Partnership Program (LPP) (by Marlene Flores):

-          Ms. Flores informed all agencies about the deadline for the SB 1 2018 LPP.  ICTC staff is working with the local agencies to submit project forms accordingly. Deadline to submit to ICTC is Friday, February 15, 2019 at end of day. 

e.       LTA Updates (By Marlene Flores):

-          2012 LTA Bond. Ms. Flores mentioned that ICTC has been in contact with the cities of Brawley and Calexico regarding the balance on their respective LTA bond projects.

-          2018 LTA Bond. We will soon be processing the 1st request from the City of Holtville.  The other two participant cities are Calipatria and Calexico.



7.       SCAG Updates / Announcements:

-          There were none.


8.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.


9.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

-          Caltrans provided general information on inactive projects. The next deadline to submit Inactive projects and Future inactive invoices is February 20, 2019. Provided a brief summary on the 2016 Repurposed Projects. Agencies need to work with the MPO/RTPA (SCAG/ICTC) if the funds still need to be programmed this FFY and require a formal amendment. February1, 2019 is the deadline for the Federal Fiscal Year 18/19 request for Authorization/Obligation. Caltrans provided information on upcoming meetings and trainings that will be available.


10.   General Discussion / New Business

-          Mr. Baza mentioned that the Engineers (R.E.) Academy Class in San Diego CA. had several slots available. If agencies were still interested in attending the Academy to contact Alma Sanchez, Local Assistance Training Coordinator from Caltrans.

-          Mr. Baza mentioned that the ICTC Commission now has a new Chair and Vice-Chair for the 2019. Mr. Amparano is the new Chair and Mr. Nava is the Vice-Chair for the 2019 year.


11.   Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.