February 24th, 2016 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




February 24, 2016



            Yazmin Arellano                       City of Brawley

            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Jack Fleming                             City of El Centro

            Hector Orozco                          City of Holtville

            Jesus Villegas                           City of Imperial

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland

William Brunet                         County of Imperial




            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            David Salgado                          ICTC

            Cristi Lerma                             ICTC

            Jacob Armstrong                       Caltrans

            Luis Medina                              Caltrans                                                                                   

            Carlos Flores                            The Holt Group


1.       The meeting was called to order by Chair Villegas at 10:08 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for January 28, 2016. (Hamby/Falomir) Motion Carried.


3.       FFY 2015-16 CMAQ & RSTP Project List – RFA Updates


Ms. Mendoza asked agencies to provide an update to each of their respective CMAQ and RSTP RFA’s and used the following format. This format will be used for future meetings also.



Fund Type

Project Name


Project Cost

(in thousands)




S. Palm Ave. Rehab


March 4th submittal



Sidewalk Rehab-Various


Design in May



S. International Ave. Sidewalk


ROW in Jan

El Centro


Ross Ave. Rehab


Design in March



Walnut Ave.


E76 rcvd 1/28/16



Cedar Ave. Sidewalk


In Design

Imperial County


Various Roads


In Design



N. Center St. Pavement Rehab


PE RFA submitted



4.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

Ø  Transit Planning Updates (by David Salgado):

-          The FTA review team visited ICTC on February 9th and 10th, 2016. ICTC staff received a comprehensive site review package for the on-site portion of the review. The FTA review team visited transfer terminals and the bus operations yard, and talked with staff from ICTC, Brawley, Imperial and El Centro and Imperial Valley Transit (IVT). The final draft report is anticipated within 30 days. The review was intensive and we received positive feedback on many of our requirements with minor direction for improvements.

-          A Regional Mobility Coordinator was hired. The new ICTC employee is Guillermo Gonzalez and will be introduced at the next meeting.

-          The Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) Hearing took place on February 11, 2016 at the City of Brawley Council Chambers. Transportation from the transfer terminal on 7th and State Streets in El Centro was provided for free with one individual using it. There were 5 members of the public that made comments to the panel. The second meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. at the Brawley Council Chambers.

-          IVT Access will be acquiring 11 new vehicles.

-          The Imperial County Safe Routes to School Regional Master Plan will be on the March Management Committee and Commission agendas for review and approval. It was a comprehensive project and will be on the ICTC website soon. Comments are appreciated. SCAG will be working with ICTC and agencies willing to participate in a group ATP application for all of Imperial County. Applications are due on June 1, 2016.


Ø  Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          The first round of workshops at SDSU-Calexico and IVC were held in November 2015. The existing conditions analysis has been completed. A second round of outreach is scheduled for April 18th and 19th at both SDSU-IV and IVC campuses.

-          The programming of the FY 16/17 CMAQ and RSTP funds will be programmed in the 2015 FTIP through a Formal Amendment in April. Ms. Mendoza stated that an FTIP amendment schedule will be a standing item on the TAC agenda moving forward.


Ø  LTA Updates:

-          The estimated balances for participating bond agencies have been updated and reflect the balances on the December 2015 bank statements. Agencies that are nearing the submittal of their last invoice please contact Ms. Mendoza prior so that the final invoice reflects the actual balance.


5.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          Each agency provided project updates.

v  Brawley: Projects out to bid include; the reservoir at the airport, splash pad and sports complex under construction, and airport improvements.

v  Calexico: Park improvements

v  El Centro:  Euclid / La Brucherie road improvements, Buena Vista from 6th to 8th St road improvements, design phase of an HSIP project, design phase of an ATP project on Aurora and Adams, water plant projects

v  Holtville: Sewer plant project

v  Imperial: Finished Phase III of Aten/Dogwood project

v  County of Imperial: Salton Sea project, 3.2 miles on Hwy 86, SR 86/Dogwood Signal, SR 111 at Cruikshank clean-up


6.       SCAG Updates / Announcements: (By Ms. Mendoza)

-          Mr. Arnold San Miguel will be filling in for the Imperial region until the replacement is selected.

-          SCAG’s 2016 Annual Regional Conference & General Assembly at La Quinta Resort & Club on May 5-6.

-          The SCAG Sustainability Awards Program is open to all parties, including local governments, non-profits, developers, and others. Eligible submittals include plans, projects, and programs completed or adopted after January 1, 2012 and prior to March 1, 2016. The deadline for nomination submittals is March 1, 2016.


7.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

Mr. Medina had the following updates:

-          The obligation plan is due to headquarters on April 1st.

-          Inactive projects that are flagged for inactivity should submit an invoice to the District office by February 19, 2016. There are none for Imperial County so there is no concern there.

-          The next meeting of the Southern California Local Assistance Management (SCLAMM) will be on March 24, 2016 at District 7.

-          List server subscriptions are available online.

-          The safety summit is tomorrow (February 25, 2016) at Caltrans District 11.

-          No Buy America exemptions are being granted at this time.


8.       Presentation on SB 743

-          Mr. Armstrong gave a brief presentation regarding the changes taking place on how projects will be analyzed by Caltrans staff throughout the transportation planning and project development process and in the review of local land use development projects. He urged agencies to participate in the development of the Caltrans Transportation Analysis Guide (TAG) and Transportation Impact Study Guide (TISG). The concept of level of service has been used for many years; with SB 743 the new proposed metric for evaluating transportation impacts under CEQA will be Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), which will impact rural areas. Mr. Armstrong stated that workshops will be held later this year and participation is encouraged. He also stated that a project website is available to keep up with the progress at www.catranstag-public.pbworks.com.


9.       General Discussion / New Business

-          Mr. Medina stated that he will be rotating in construction and he will be introducing his replacement at the next meeting.


10.   Meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m.  (Arellano/Hamby) The next TAC meeting will be on March 23, 2016.