April 4th, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting




April 4, 2019



            Lily Falomir                             City of Calexico

            Victor Garcia                            City of Brawley

            Abraham Campos                     City of El Centro (Phone Call)

            Othon Mora                              City of Imperial  

            Veronica Atondo                       County of Imperial

            Kariza Preciado                         City of Holtville

            Joel Hamby                              City of Westmorland




            Virginia Mendoza                     ICTC

            Marlene Flores                          ICTC

            Joseph Chua                             Caltrans

            Ben Guerrero                            Caltrans

            Kevin Hovey                            Caltrans

            Beth Landrum                           Caltrans

            Deb Ledesma                            Caltrans

            Adolfo Garcia                           County of Imperial

            Jesus Villegas                           City of Imperial

            Jeorge Galvan                           The Holt Group



1.       The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.  There were no public comments made.


2.       A motion was made to adopt the minutes for February 28, 2019 (Atondo/Preciado) Motion Carried.


3.       2018 Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Programming FFY 2019/2020 to 2021/2022 Project Selection Recommendation

The Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) directed staff to conduct a competitive call for projects for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) starting December 17, 2018 and ending March 1, 2019.  Approximately $5.2 million may be available over a three-year period beginning in federal fiscal year 2019/2020 and ending in FFY 2021/2022.


On March 28, 2019 members of the ICTC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met to review the scoring and ranking of the 9 projects totaling a fund request $4.7 million.  With the use of the CMAQ Guidelines and scoring and ranking of all projects, TAC members were able to agree upon a recommended list of projects. Below are the recommended projects by agency, project title, and priority. The recommendation of projects would utilize the programming capacity of each proposed federal fiscal year

A motion was made by Preciado and seconded by Galvan to forward the following recommendation to Management and Commission:


1.         Approve the 2018 CMAQ Programming Project List for FFY 2019/2020 to FFY 2021/2022; and 

2.         Direct staff to program projects in the next available Federal Transportation Improvement Program Formal Amendment.


Motion Carried


4.       2018 Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Programming FY 2019/2020 to FY 2021/2022 Project Selection Recommendation

The Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) directed staff to conduct a competitive call for projects for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) starting December 17, 2018 and ending March 1, 2019.  Approximately $7.6 million may be available over a three-year period beginning in federal fiscal year 2019/2020 and ending in FFY 2021/2022.


On March 28, 2019 members of the ICTC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met to review the scoring and ranking of the 9 projects totaling a fund request $12.5 million.  With the use of the STBG Guidelines and scoring and ranking of all projects, TAC members were able to agree upon a recommended list of projects. Below are the recommended projects by agency, project title, and priority. The recommendation of projects would utilize the programming capacity of each proposed federal fiscal year.


A motion was made by Atondo and seconded by Garcia to forward the following recommendation to Management and Commission:


1.         Approve the 2018 STBG Programming Project List for FFY 2019/2020 to FFY 2021/2022; and 

2.         Direct staff to program projects in the next available Federal Transportation Improvement Program Formal Amendment.


Motion Carried


Ms. Mendoza provided a programming sample to all TAC members. The excel sheet provides agencies comment/notes on how to fill out the form and submit with their CMAQ and STBG projects for programming.

Revisions on the project resolution need to be submitted no later than April 24th.

5.       Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Training

Debora Ledesma-Ribera, DBE Coordinator from Caltrans provided a training on Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goal Methodology Update.


6.       ICTC Updates / Announcements

(Presented by ICTC Staff)


a.       Transit Planning Updates

-          Article 3- The County of Imperial submitted a project. More information will be followed by Mr. Aguirre.

-          Assembly Bill 335- A quick update was provided. A draft legislation is starting to go through committees in Sacramento. If this legislation is successful it will be effective in January 2020.

b.       Transportation Planning Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          Imperial Valley Economic Summit and General Assembly Ms. Mendoza reminded all TAC members of the Imperial Valley Economic Summit and General Assembly on May 30, 2019.

-           Calexico West Port of Entry Traffic Circulation Plan. Ms. Mendoza provided information on the Traffic Circulation Plan for the Calexico West Port of Entry. The Technical working group met in March 5, 2019 to discuss the Draft Plan and a Public Workshop is scheduled for April 18, 2019 in Calexico as an informational workshop.

c.       FFY 2019-20 Programmed Project Updates (By Virginia Mendoza):

-          Update on State and Federal funding obligations. A complete list of programmed projects was provided on an attachment to the agenda. Each agency provided an update on the current status of each project.

d.       SB 1 2018 Local Partnership Program (LPP) (by Virginia Mendoza):

-          We are working with CTC for a May 2019 allocation vote. If there is any updates to the application ICTC will contact each agency.

-          SB1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). Ms. Mendoza has been in contact with each agency in regards to the RMRA. Ms. Mendoza provided a list of projects funded by SB1 for FY 2018-2019 and projected annual revenues for FY 2019/2020. She reminded everyone the deadline to submit is May 1st, 2019.  

e.       LTA Updates (Virginia Mendoza):

-          2018 LTA Bond. City of Holtville will be processing their first request.

-          Just a quick reminder to submit as soon as your project is finished. The City of Calexico and City of Brawley they have a balance on their respective LTA bond projects for the 2012 LTA Bond.

7.       SCAG Updates / Announcements:

-          2019 Regional Conference & General Assembly is on May 1-3 in Palm Desert, CA.

8.       Cities and County Planning / Public Works Updates:

-          Local agencies gave an update on their local projects in progress.


9.       Caltrans Updates / Announcements

-     Caltrans provided project updates on:

Inactive Projects- As of March 14, 2019, the inactive and future inactive list was

updated. A complete list of Inactive projects can be found on the Department of Transportation website.

2016 Repurposed Projects- Funding obligations for projects with2016 Earmark Repurposing funds must be completed by September 30, 2019.

Federal Fiscal Year 18/19 Request for Authorization/Obligation- They received only one.

Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies- Quick reminder that Local Technical Assistance Program provides local governments with training, information, technology and direct assistance. Upcoming courses are listed in the website.


Mrs. Landrum mentioned that the next External Teambuilding Meeting is on April 25th, 2019.


10.   General Discussion / New Business

-          Ms. Mendoza reminded committee members that the ICTC/Caltrans External Teambuilding meeting would be replacing the TAC meeting for the month of April.


11.   Meeting adjourned at 11:21 a.m.