Return to meetings list Management Committee

January 8th, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



 MINUTES OF January 8, 2019

10:30 a.m.




City of Brawley                        Rosanna Bayon Moore

                                    City of Calipatria                      Rom Medina

City of Calexico                       David Dale

                                    City of El Centro                     Marcela Piedra

City of Holtville                       Nick Wells

City of Imperial                        Dennis Morita

County of Imperial                    Esperanza Colio-Warren


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, David Aguirre, Cristi Lerma

OTHERS PRESENT:  David Salgado: SCAG; Jose Ornelas: Caltrans; Liz Zarate: City of El Centro; Alexis Brown: City of Imperial



The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, January 8, 2020 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL


Chair Wells called the Committee meeting to order at 10:35 a.m. Roll call was taken at 11:09 a.m. and a quorum was present.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS


A.                 There were none.




There were none.


IV.              CONSENT ITEMS


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Piedra to approve the consent calendar as presented, Motion carried unanimously.


A.                 Approved Management Committee Minutes for December 11, 2019

B.                  Received and Filed:

1.                   ICTC SSTAC Draft Minutes for December 4, 2019


V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

            Mr. Baza had the following updates:

-          Mr. Baza gave a brief update regarding the SR-78/Glamis Multiuse Grade Separated Crossing Feasibility Study. He stated the project is fully underway and a public outreach event is being held on January 18, 2019 in Glamis during Glamis clean-up day. He stated that the goal of the project is to determine where the grade separated crossing will be located, funding and who will be the lead agency.

-          The public outreach plan is being finalized between the City of El Centro, Caltrans and ICTC for the I-8 / Imperial Avenue Interchange reconstruction. A media outreach is scheduled for January 13, 2020 at the Caltrans yard in El Centro, and an open house is also scheduled for January 15, 2020 at the El Centro Regional Medical Center. Closures for this project will be approximately for 18 months.

-          A report with additional updates can be found on page 18 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

            Mr. Salgado had the following updates:

-          CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 2020 SCAG SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS: Recognizing Excellence in Sustainable Planning throughout Southern California: The Guidelines have been released. The deadline for submittal is February 6th, 2020 at 5:00pm.

-          The DRAFT Connect SOCAL Plan is out for public review until the end of January.

-          The SCAG General Assembly is scheduled for May6-8, 2020. Please save the date and select your delegates and alternates.

-          SCAG has dedicated $250k for the GIS Imagery project. Staff will be working with the County and IID.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

-          Mr. Ornelas provided the following updates stated that the full report was on page 36 of the agenda. There were no questions of the group.


D.                 Committee Member Reports

-          Mr. Wells announced that the League of Cities dinner was being hosted in Holtville on January 9, 2020.


VI.               ACTION CALENDAR


A.        Rotation of Chair and Vice-Chair Positions


            Ms. Piedra (City of El Centro) was nominated for the Chair position. A motion was made by Wells seconded by Colio-Warren. Motion carried unanimously.


            Ms. Bayon Moore (City of Brawley) was nominated for the Vice-Chair position. A motion was made by Medina seconded by Dale. Motion carried unanimously.


B.         Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2020-21


                        Mr. Aguirre stated the following:

Section 99401.5 of the Public Utilities Code states that: "The Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) shall hold at least one public hearing pursuant to 99238.5, for the purpose of soliciting comments on the Unmet Transit Needs that may exist within the jurisdiction."


Unmet Transit Needs that are determined to be “Reasonable to Meet” by ICTC may be established by providing transit services directly, by contracting for new transit services, or the expansion of existing services. In addition, consultant studies are also conducted when practical to evaluate options or complete evaluations.


In the recent past, these Public Hearings have been held in the January - March time frame at the El Centro Chambers, at approximately 3:00 PM. ICTC is required to select the Hearing Panel from the elected official members of the Commission.  It has been customary to appoint five members with two alternates. Typically, two members from the County are selected, with three City representatives.  The alternates are also from the Cities.


The Panel meets twice, once for the actual hearing and then reconvenes approximately one month later to review testimony and adopt the “Findings” or actions to be implemented in the subsequent fiscal year.  The date of the second meeting is determined by the panel members during the preliminary meeting. ICTC staff issue the public notices and coordinates administrative arrangements, which includes bilingual translation.


                        Last year the appointed panel members were:


                        George Nava                Councilmember, City of Brawley

                        Lewis Pacheco              Councilmember, City of Calexico

                        Robert Amparano          Councilmember, City of Imperial

                        Luis Plancarte               Supervisor #2, County of Imperial

                        Ryan Kelley                 Supervisor #4, County of Imperial

                        Larry Ritchie                Councilmember, City of Westmorland, Alternate #1

                        James Predmore            Councilmember, City of Holtville, Alternate #2


A Thursday afternoon or evening hearing is recommended, as there are typically no regularly scheduled City Council Board meetings; and the public is generally able to attend.


It was requested that ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.         Appoint the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing Panel: two members from the County, three City representatives with two City alternates.

2.         Select a Public Hearing date, and set the time of the hearing.

3.         Direct staff to conduct the administrative arrangements.


A motion was made by Medina seconded by Wells. Motion carried unanimously.




The next meeting of the Management Committee is scheduled for February 12, 2020 at the County of Imperial, County Administration Building at 940 W. Main St., Conference Room C/D in El Centro, CA.




A.                 Meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.