Return to meetings list Management Committee

February 12th, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Minutes | Regular Meeting



MINUTES OF February 12, 2020

10:30 a.m.




City of Brawley                        Rosanna Bayon Moore

                                    City of Calipatria                      Rom Medina

City of Calexico                       David Dale

                                    City of El Centro                     Marcela Piedra

City of Holtville                       Nick Wells

City of Imperial                        Alexis Brown

County of Imperial                    Tony Rouhotas


STAFF PRESENT: David Aguirre, Virginia Mendoza, Cristi Lerma

OTHERS PRESENT:  David Salgado: SCAG; Jose Ornelas, Beth Landrum, Vanessa De La Rosa: Caltrans; Liz Zarate: City of El Centro



The following minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission Management Committee and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, February 12, 2020 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL


Chair Piedra  called the Committee meeting to order at 10:37 a.m. Roll call was taken at 11:09 a.m. and a quorum was present.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS


A.                 There were none.




There were none.


IV.              CONSENT ITEMS


A motion was made by Wells seconded by Medina to approve the consent calendar as presented, Motion carried unanimously.


A.                 Approved Management Committee Minutes for January 8, 2020

B.                  Received and Filed:

1.                   ICTC SSTAC Draft Minutes for January 9, 2020


V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

            Mr. Aguirre had the following updates:

-          Regarding the Federal Triennial Review, policy changes are all procedural and will be updated internally.

Ms. Mendoza had the following updates:

-          SR-78/Glamis Multiuse Grade Separated Crossing Feasibility Study had a public outreach event on January 18, 2019 in Glamis during Glamis clean-up day. Several stakeholders including the American Sand Association have provided input on the project. The goal of the project is to determine where the grade separated crossing will be located, funding and who will be the lead agency. Ms. Mendoza also stated that currently the consultant is reviewing surveys, they received 4,021.

-          The 2020 Border Master Plan will be an item for discussion at the next IMBA meeting on March 12, 2020 at the ICTC Offices.

-          The consultant is conducting data collection from project stakeholders for the Regional Climate Action Plan.

-          Caltrans Local Assistance will be at the ICTC offices doing one-on-ones with local agencies, and for a Federal Aid Training.

-          A report with additional updates can be found on page 11 of the agenda.


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

            Mr. Salgado had the following updates:

-          Adoption of the Final Connect SOCAL Plan is planned for April with ratification at the General Assembly in May.

-          Registration is now open for the SCAG General Assembly. It is scheduled for May6-8, 2020. Please select your delegates and alternates.

-          ATP Cycle 5 guidelines have been released with $440 million available. Mr. Salgado is willing to assist with any questions. Ms. Mendoza stated that Cory Wilkinson from SCAG is willing to come to Imperial County to hold a workshop in March and will coincide with the final draft guidelines approval. SCAG’s regional share is a potential $900K. Also, bundled projects will be more successful.

-          Mr. Rouhotas inquired about the Aerial Imagery Project. He stated that he had originally asked SCAG for the funds dedicated to Imperial County to be given to the region to use as needed.


C.                  Caltrans Department of Transportation – District 11

                        Ms. Landrum had the following updates:

-          The contract for I-8/Imperial Interchange Project has been awarded to Granite Construction. Construction is scheduled to begin in April. Construction Management will be done by Kleinfelder. Closures will begin end of April or early May. Outreach will also begin soon. A web page dedicated to this project will be on the Caltrans site at

-          Caltrans has a new air quality liaison for project conformity and emission studies.


D.                 Committee Member Reports

-          There were no updates.


VI.               ACTION CALENDAR


A.        Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) resolution for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020/2021 – 2025/2026 Federal Transportation Improvement Program

            It was requested that ICTC Management Committee forward this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.         Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution that certifies funding has been identified for the projects in the FFY 2020/2021 - 2025/2026 FTIP and affirms our commitment to implement all projects in the program.


A motion was made by Bayon Moore seconded by Brown. Motion carried unanimously.




            A.        Presentation on the Caltrans District 11 Active Transportation Plan Development


Ms. De La Rosa gave a presentation regarding the Active Transportation Plan development in District 11. The project overview is to have a state bicycle and pedestrian plan implemented throughout all of California by 2040. District 11 priorities are to identify location-based needs on the Caltrans right-of-way, and develop a methodology for analyzing performance measures. The deliverables of the plan will include the following:

-          A geospatial active transportation tool

-          A prioritized list of location-based needs

-          An existing condition reports

-          And a final plan


Public engagement opportunities will include a map-based survey, public outreach and a CAT Working Group. The role of the working group will be to share perspective, technical skills and community-based knowledge; participate in identifying and prioritizing bike and ped improvements provide feedback; and, inform and update networks and community groups.


Ms. De La Rosa give a more in-depth presentation at the ICTC TAC meeting later in February. A draft plan is expected by the end of 2021.


            B.         Staff Update to the Unmet Transit Needs Outreach


                        Mr. Aguirre had the following update:


The UTN Hearing is scheduled for March 4th, 2020 at 3 p.m. at the County of Imperial Board Chambers, 940 W. Main St. in El Centro. Several other outreach opportunities were also scheduled specifically in the North-end of Imperial County. This will allow more opportunity for transit users that are not able to attend the hearing to submit their comments for the record. Other outreach opportunities are as follows:

-                      January 27, 2020 – Calipatria North-end Advisory Meeting, 6 p.m.

-                      February 3, 2020 – Westshores Council Meeting, 6 p.m.

-                      February 24, 2020 – Brawley Council Chambers, 3 p.m.

-                      February 24, 2020 – Bombay Beach North-end Advisory Meeting, 6 p.m.




The next meeting of the Management Committee is scheduled for March 11, 2020 at the City of Brawley, Brawley, Ca.


IX.               ADJOURNMENT


A.                 Meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.