October 24th, 2018 at 6:00 PM

Minutes | Regular Meeting


MINUTES FOR October 24, 2018

6:00 p.m.



                                                            City of Brawley                        George Nava

                                                            City of Calipatria                      Maria Nava-Froelich

                                                            City of Calexico                       Lewis Pacheco

                                                            City of Holtville                       Jim Predmore

                                                            City of El Centro                      Cheryl Viegas-Walker

                                                            City of Imperial                        Robert Amparano (Vice Chair)

                                                            County of Imperial                   Ryan Kelley

                                                            County of Imperial                   Luis Plancarte (Chairman)

                                                            Imperial Irrigation District         Erik Ortega



NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:        Caltrans District 11                   Ann Fox


STAFF PRESENT:     Mark Baza, Vicky Hernandez, Michelle Bastidas, Maricela Galarza, David Aguirre, Marlene Flores


OTHERS PRESENT:  Marcelo Peinado, Jesus Vargas: Caltrans, Helio Sanchez, Eric Estell: First Transit, David Salgado: SCAG, Mike Morales: Teamsters 542, Will Roller: Calexico Chronicle


The following action minutes are listed as they were acted upon by the Imperial County Transportation Commission and as listed on the agenda for the meeting held Wednesday, October 24, 2018 together with staff reports and related documents attached thereto and incorporated therein by reference.


I.                    CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 

Chair Plancarte called the Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.


II.                 EMERGENCY ITEMS

            There were none.



There were none.




A motion was made by Nava and seconded by Lewis to approve the consent colander as presented. Motion Carried unanimously.


A.                 Approved the ICTC Commission Draft Minutes for September 26, 2018.

B.         Received and filed the ICTC Management Committee Draft Minutes for October 10, 2018


V.                 REPORTS


A.                 ICTC Executive Director

Mr. Baza and staff had the following announcements:

-          Mr. Baza introduced the newest employee to ICTC, Marlene Flores, Transportation Planner.

-          In August 2017 following a year of coordination, Caltrans, the County of Imperial and ICTC met with CBP management and operation staff achieved consensus for as new conceptual alternative prepared by Caltrans. Staff presented the board with a fund request for $1.3 million from the 5% Regional Highway Set-Aside from the Measure D allocations. The request was approved. Staff met with Caltrans and CBP on December 20, 2017 at ICTC to finalize agreements and discuss next steps. A meeting was held February 13, 2018 with CBP, Caltrans, County of Imperial and ICTC at the ICTC offices. Currently design in underway by the consultant. A draft of 35% plans were completed and submitted for review on October 12, 2018. Stakeholders are scheduled to meet on November 14, 2018 at the ICTC Office to review comments received from stakeholders. 

-          ICTC staff developed a Request for Proposals (RFP) that was released on September 1, 2017 to complete an update to the 2011 Short Range Plan (SRTP). This is a planning document that identifiers transit services sand capital improvements over the next three to five-year period, with expected available resources. The consultant team is currently reviewing and analyzing data and preparing a list of proposed service improvements to evaluate and prioritize recommendations for service changes and additions. A public comment period on the draft document is being scheduled.

-          ICTC has engaged in several discussions with the City of Brawley Staff regarding potential relocation of the existing bus stops along Rio Vista Avenue/SR78 and at Pioneers Memorial Hospital. Caltrans is currently completing improvements to SR 78 and will be providing on street concrete bus pads with an approximate value of $80,000.

-          A new Intermodal Transportation Center in the City of Calexico has been part of ICTC’s long range transit planning. The new Calexico ITC will serve as a regional mobility hub that will accommodate bus bays of Imperial Valley Transit in addition to the City of Calexico’s private transit operators; taxi’s and farm labor buses. ICTC received a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality federal program fund to complete the environmental and design plans of the new Calexico ITC. The kickoff meeting is scheduled for November. 


B.                  Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

                        Mr. David Salgado had the following announcements:

-          Walk to School event was a success. Ms. Viegas-Walker and Mr. Plancarte participated in the event.

-          On October 4, 2019 the SCAG Regional Council took a number of actions pertaining to the SCAG Executive Director Position. The first action taken approved the resignation of Hasan Ikhrata. The board also took action to appoint Darin Chidsey, former Chief Operating Officer, as the Interim Executive Director effective Monday October 8th. To assist with the transition Hasan Ikhrata will serve as Special Advisor to the Interim Executive Director through November 30th.

-          9th Annual Southern California Economic Summit will be held Thursday, December 6th at the L.A. Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

-          SCAG is entering the 3rd year of the Go-Human Marketing and Advertising Safety and Encouragement Campaign which has been implemented throughout the6 county SCAG region.

-          The Southern California Association of Governments is accepting application for the 2018 Sustainable Communities Program.


C.                  California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

                        Ms. Fox provided Caltrans updates.

-          A few updates from previous meetings included:

-          Segment 4 of the CRCP project is divided into two sections located near El Centro from west of I-8 /SR-111 separation to just west Anderholt Road overcrossing and from east of the Highline Canal Bridge west of the I-8/SR-98 separation.

-          Segment 5 of the CRCP project is located near Winterhaven from west of Olgilby Road overcrossing to the west of the I-8/SR-I86 separation. It is now done and has cleaned up.  

-          The SR-86/Heber Pedestrian improvements will construct sidewalks and a bus shelter. Construction on Phase 1 & 2 is complete.

-          An All-American Canal Bridge/SR-186, the BOR has requested that Caltrans investigate constructing a separate structure over the All-American Canal. Caltrans has agreed to do a Feasible Study to look at options

Mr. Pacheco stated that 98 & CN Perry and 2 other parts have been overlooked. Mrs. Fox stated will have maintenance crew take a look at it.

-          Ms. Nava-Froelich asked Caltrans if they can install bus shelters on the East side of Calipatria. Mrs. Stated she would look into it.

-          Mr. Kelley asked for a continuing plan that Caltrans is doing. We did not receive a courtesy notice. We are running on multiple closures and still have concerns. Mrs. Fox stated that they didn’t have anything will look into and get back to the omission. Mr. Pinedo stated for Caltrans that they will put together a short term and a long term they will meet next week and will be putting a plan together. We will come back with team and present what we know.  


D.                 Commission Member Reports 

-          Mr. Predmore held a Walk to School event and had a great turnout. They had Superhero Day and REACH came out.

-          Mrs. Nava-Froelich stated they had the groundbreaking for the Circle K, they will now have a gas station. They will have Health Fair in March., they had 122 families registered.  She will be attending the League of Cities.

-          Mrs. Viegas-Walker stated will be attending League of Cities. Kudos to David Salgado for the Walk–to-School event.

-          Mr. Amparano stated the Imperial Market Days was a great turnout. Ben Hulse and T & L Wagner participated in the Walk to School event. The Transit Center was flooded but is now back on track. The bridge off BLM on Interstate 8 and Buttercup has graffiti on it, if we can get help to remove it.  

-          Mr. Kelley stated that Tuesday, October 17, 2018 the Phase 2 at Desert Shores SB-1 to finish the job has been approved.

-          Mr. Nava announced the Cattle Call events coming up in Brawley. Announced that everyone will receive an invitation to the new business he will be opening in Brawley, called Nava Capitol Investments & National Commercial Properties.

-          Mr. Pacheco thanked Mr. Baza in helping him out with agenda. Cesar Chavez is looking good. The Octoberfest had a lot of Brewery from all over the valley. Reminded that Calexico has a Christmas parade everyone is invited, the date is December 8, 2018.

-          Mr. Plancarte stated that Heber will get repairs done to their older streets that were built back in 1967-1971, in the older part of Heber East-South side. Also announced that he attended the Mobility 21.


VI.              ACTION CALENDER


A.                 Public Hearing: IVT MedTrans; Non-Emergency Transportation to Medical Facilities in              

                        San Diego Fare Price Increase


A Public Hearing was opened regarding a fare increase on the IVT MedTrans service. Mr. Aguirre presented the item. He stated that advertisement of the Public Hearing was made in the Imperial Valley Press for the month of October. Mr. Plancarte asked if there was ample time given for notice, with Mr. Aguirre responding yes there was. Mr. Baza also stated that flyers were placed on IVT buses notifying bus riders of the public hearing.


                        Mr. Plancarte opened the meeting for public comments.

·                     Public comment was made by William Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong stated that he had denture problems and other problems and concerns. He had several questions regarding a safety department and authority. Mr. Baza suggested that Mr. Armstrong contact Mr. Aguirre to discuss his issues further.

·                     Public comment was made by Ray Davis. Mr. Davis had positive things to say about Helio Sanchez and IVT MedTrans staff. He stated that they are very helpful when he goes to pay his fare.


Mrs. Nava-Froelich asked what the fare was before. Mr. Aguirre stated that cost of fares had not been looked at since 1994.

Mrs. Viegas-Walker asked how often people are using the service to San Diego. Mr. Aguirre stated that everyone is different, some have weekly doctor’s appointment and others have monthly. Mr. Baza stated that a second bus allows flexibility, on average first bus has 10 clients the second bus has 5 clients.


Further discussion was had. Mr. Baza introduced Helio Sanchez from IVT Med Trans. Mr. Sanchez explained that category A & B Passengers for the most part go 1 time a week or 3 times a month. Category B passengers go visit patients at hospitals rehabilitation centers.


                        Mr. Aguirre stated that 10% of the fare box is needed.

Mr. Nava asked if there is an evaluation period. There will be a 6-month evaluation. Mr. Aguirre stated that services are evaluated at their third year.


Mr. Sanchez stated that the 2nd bus clients are very grateful with service; the clients would not have             the transportation back home otherwise. If the client is delayed, he/she has an opportunity to take the 2nd bus home.


The Management Committee met on October 10, 2018 and forwarded this item to the Commission for review and approval after public comment, if any:


1.       Conduct the public hearing on October 24, 2018 6:00PM for the purpose of attaining public comment on the proposed fare price increase for the IVT MedTrans.

2.       Revise the annual farebox ratio goal to 10%

3.       Approve the fare price increase effective January 1, 2019 at:

a.       Category A $ 22.50 (patient - roundtrip)

b.       Category B $ 45.00 (public - roundtrip)

c.       Personal Care Attendants $10.50 (roundtrip)


Mrs. Nava-Froelich asked if we can propose a smaller amount. Mr. Baza asked that the Commission give us an opportunity to see if this new fare works.


A motion was made by Kelley and seconded by Viegas-Walker, Ms. Nava-Froelich opposed Motion Carried.





B.                  Resolution to support the creation of the Imperial Valley Council of Governments (IVCOG)


Mr. Baza stated that IVCOG will oversee 2 programs: Imperial Valley Resource Management Agency (IVRMA) and Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) with the city of El Centro and County Public Works continuing to administer the programs.


Mrs. Viegas-Walker stated that she thought we were moving in expanding ICTC and inquired what ICTC’s role would be in this?


            Mr. Baza stated ICTC was created by legislation.


Ms. Viegas-Walker stated that her understanding was that IVCOG would be the main program and ICTC, IVRMA and SAFE would fall under IVCOG.


            Mr. Baza stated to start small and create something functional.


Mrs. Nava-Froelich stated ICTC and IVCOG would be separate. ICTC would be transportation and IVCOG would be all others.  


Mr. Baza stated there is room for flexibility and the proposal today will not cost any additional funds. The goal was to finish by end of 2018.


            Mr. Plancarte asked if we sign today, will you Mr. Baza come back with ideas.


            A motion was made by Kelley.


Mrs. Piedra asked for clarification regarding the IVCOG as every individual city will take it to their attorney and to their council.


            Mr. Kelley withdrew his original motion to approve the resolution.


            Mr. Plancarte suggested a sub-committee.

            Mr. Kelley directed staff to meet with Legislative staff to revise.


                        Motion was not carried.  


Mr. Kelley made a motion to direct staff to meet with Legislative staff to revise the legislative language that limits ICTC to transportation issues, seconded by Viegas-Walker. Motion Carried.






Mr. Aguirre announced the meeting was held at IVC and was very informational. Photos were attached. Mrs. Viegas-Walker suggested that next year it can be held at ECRMC Imperial Valley Mall location.




A.                 The next meeting of the Imperial County Transportation Commission will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., at the County of Imperial Board Chambers, at 940 W. Main Street, El Centro, CA.




            A.        Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. (Nava-Froelich/Predmore), Motion Carried.